02 || The Winter Soldier And Skiing Don't Mix Well...

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"Fuck this!" Bucky declares, struggling to get back up after falling over into the snow for what feels like the millionth time now. "I can't do this shit!" He says.

He ignores the others as they start laughing at him, after skiing down towards where he had fallen over onto the snow. He glares at them all as he gets up, throwing the ski equipment to the snow, before trudging back on through the snow to get back towards their cabin.

Skiing and the Winter Soldier don't mix, and Bucky never wants to have to do that ever again. He doesn't understand why they couldn't just go somewhere away from the snow, not go straight to where the snow is.

He has to wonder who exactly put this stupid idea into Steve's head. He's thinking Tony. Tony or Natasha. Or maybe even the both of them.

"Bucky, wait up!" Steve calls out.

Bucky doesn't turn to look at him, just continues on walking, and trying not to fall face first into the snow. For someone called the Winter Soldier, he certainly isn't one to enjoy winter. Especially the snow.

"Come on, Bucky, wait up!" Steve calls, catching up to him. "Are you okay?"

This makes him stop, and turn to glare at Steve, as he pulls his arm free from Steve's hold. "No, Rogers. I'm not okay." He starts. "I can't ski, I hate snow, and I don't want to be here right now!" He yells. "It's way to fucking cold here, and I'm going back to our cabin to get warm before I freeze."

His outburst causes Steve to back away from him, and Bucky instantly finds himself feeling apologetic. He didn't mean to yell at him, but Steve knows very well that he hates the snow, so why choose to go here of all places for a couple days?

"Steve, I'm sorry." He sighs, looking down at his shoes and shaking his head. "I just... The cold affects me more now after having gone in and out of cryo during the time Hydra had me."

He looks up as Steve moves closer to him and wraps his arms around him. "It's okay, Buck." He sighs. "I'm sorry. I should've known that something like this might've happened." He says. "All I was trying to do, is something nice, and for us all to just have fun. I guess I just didn't take into consideration how much the cold may affect you."

Bucky shakes his head, finally looking up at Steve as he stands there in his hold shivering. He knows that Steve meant well with this whole weekend away with the rest of the Avengers. He understands that Steve doesn't know the full extent of how much the cold affects him.

Hell, he barely knows the full extent himself. All he knows is that he feels the cold way more than everyone else, and sometimes - especially on very cold days - it fucks up his prosthetic arm. Metal and cold do not mix, and his metal prosthetic is more often than not cold to the touch in this weather. And Bucky absolutely hates it.

"It's okay, Stevie." He sighs. "The cold weather just fucks me up more than anyone else because of being in cryofreeze on and off for about seventy years. I think half the time when Hydra sent me out on missions, my body was barely finished defrosting."

He doesn't like to think about his time under Hydra's control, but he still remembers almost every little detail of what they made him do, and he clearly remembers every single person that they made him kill. Honestly, he's believes that Hydra had programmed him to remember every person he's ever hurt or killed. It wouldn't surprise him if they did. It really wouldn't.

"I promise that next year we'll go somewhere warm for Christmas." Steve assures him. "Just the two of us. We can go to New Zealand. Have Christmas in summer for once."

Bucky smiles at that. He likes the idea of that, and he's going to make damn sure that Steve keeps to his word of them travelling to a different country for Christmas next year, and New Zealand sounds like a beautiful place to go. Not to mention Bucky has developed a love for the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit movies (along with the books), and he's dying to go visit the country where the movies are filmed.

"If we don't somehow end up dying before Christmas next year." Bucky huffs. "We better still be alive by then."

Steve nods. "I'm sure we'll be somewhat fine until then." He says, not really believing himself.

A lot can happen between now and next Christmas after all. Either one of them could find them self dead before then. Bucky wouldn't be surprised if he's the one to end up dead or locked up before next Christmas.

"You wanna head back to our cabin, or go back to the others and give skiing another go?" Steve asks.

Bucky has to think it over for a bit. Should he go and give skiing another shot and try and put up with the cold and snow, or should he go back to their cabin and get warm? He's not really wanting to disappoint Steve by not trying, and having fun - god knows when the last time he had fun was - but he also doesn't want to freeze anymore than he already has.

"I think I'd like to give skiing one more shot." He decides, making up his mind on what he's wanting to do.

He might as well have some fun after all, even if it's not something that he's very comfortable with, and thinks he's a failure at. In his defence though, he never did anything like this growing up, so this is something new for him, and he had kind of made a list of new things that he wants to tryout. Though, skiing wasn't one of them.

And with falling down in the snow for, he's not even sure of how many times, Bucky finds himself enjoying himself and having fun. But also knowing one thing for sure... That the Winter Soldier and skiing definitely do not mix very well at all...

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