04 || Bucky Can Finally Get Back To Binge Watching His Show

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"Home, sweet home." Is the first thing that Bucky says, as he and Steve get off the elevator onto their floor in Avengers tower.

They had only just come back from their skiing trip with the rest of the Avengers, and Bucky sure is glad to be back home. And now he can binge watch more of his show, and just hide away on his and Steve's floor and try and get out of meetings with the others which he really has no desire to attend.

"Bucky, are you really just going to sit there and watch more LOST again?" Steve asks, glancing over to find Bucky already stretched out on the couch, TV remote in hand as he goes through Netflix to put on LOST.

"You bet I am, Stevie." He says. "Can you go out and get me some food?" He asks, glancing over the side of the couch towards Steve.

Steve stops what he's doing to stare at Bucky. He knew that Bucky would ask him to go get food for him. Once Bucky is hooked on something, it's difficult to get him off it to go do things, and this TV show, LOST, is no different. And, he's already watched it three times now... This being the fourth time around.

"Fine." Steve sighs. "What do you want?" He asks.

Bucky shrugs. "Do we have any chocolate or chips in the pantry?" He asks.

"I'll go have a look." Steve says, before returning back a few minutes later with a large bag of chips and a large block of chocolate. "They're the last ones that are in the pantry, so unless you've got some stashed away in your secret hiding spot, we'll have to go out to the store to get more." He says.

Bucky nods, taking them from Steve. "Wait, how do you know about my secret hiding spot?" He asks.

Steve shrugs, not answering the question as he sits down on the couch next to Bucky. It's not really much of a surprise that Bucky has a secret hiding spot where he hides stuff away from Steve and the others.

Though, all that's really hidden in there, is food, which really isn't that surprising. Steve has noted that ever since Bucky got out of cryofreeze after T'Challa and the Wakandan scientists had removed whatever programming Hydra had put inside him, Bucky has developed a major sweet tooth. After Bucky had heard about all the great new food options - especially regarding chocolate and sweets - he had tried every different type that he could get his hands on, and he now has a stash of them somewhere on their floor of the tower.

The only problem is, that Bucky can only go out to the store to stock up during the day, as he's not allowed out of the tower by himself during the night. That was the condition he was granted in court instead of being sent straight to the underwater prison facility, which neither of them can actually remember the actual name of. So, even if he was technically cleared of all charges for the crimes he had committed under Hydra's control that he was forced to do, there's still rules he has to go by, as he's still considered a danger to society.

Bucky is with Steve most of the time anyway, so there's not really much if a way he can violate the rules set in place for him by the government. He barely even leaves the tower for missions, as he's never put on any unless Steve is on them too, or it's an all hands on deck situation.

Because of the rules that he has to follow, Bucky feels as though he and Steve won't be able to travel to New Zealand for Christmas next year. It was already a mission for him to be allowed to go on that skiing trip with the rest of the Avengers, so he can't imagine how difficult it will be for him to be allowed to leave the country for Christmas next year. If they're not dead before then...

"What episode is this?" Steve asks, as Bucky moves around on the couch so his head is resting on Steve's lap.

"The one where Hurley finds the van full of old Dharma beer out in the jungle." He says, shoving a handful of potato chips in his mouth.

Steve just nods, sitting back on the couch to watch the show with Bucky. He's not going to deny that he enjoys the show too. Just, maybe not as much as Bucky does...

"You know." Steve starts, running his fingers through Bucky's hair. "You don't have to keep rewatching the same show over and over again."

"I don't though." Bucky says, turning around a little to look up at Steve. "I just recently finished all of Sons of Anarchy a couple weeks ago."

"And now you're back on LOST, and are already about halfway through the third season." Steve states.

"Well, there isn't really much I can do when I'm stuck here most of the time since I can't go out on missions unless it's with you, or it's an all hands on deck situation." He reminds him. "And I can't leave the tower at night unless I'm accompanied by someone, and I can't really leave the tower that much during the day either."

"You can leave the tower during the day by yourself though, Buck." Steve reminds him.

That causes Bucky to narrow his eyes a little. That was in the privileges he was given? He can leave the tower during the day by himself? He doesn't quite remember that part, though he still has trouble remembering certain things.

"Wait, so I can stop getting you or Sam to accompany me whenever I go outside of the tower for the day?" He asks, to which Steve nods. "Well that's a relief." Bucky sighs. "No longer have to take the bird with me any more then."

Both Bucky and Sam Wilson still have a like-hate relation with each other. Their moods with each other always range from wanting to kill one another, to being almost like best of friends. It almost seems to amuse the others, or at least Steve. But both Bucky and Sam wouldn't have their friendship any other way. Which would come as a shock to most people, but their friendship works on a like-hate basis, and that's all that matters to them. But really, all they do, is play jokes on each other, it's not like their at each other's throats twenty four seven. If that were the case, then they wouldn't even be allowed in the same room as each other, let alone living together in the same tower.

"You know you'll still get Sam or I to go outside with you during the day anyway, seeing as you still barely know how to use credit cards." Steve points out.

"Well sorry for being all old fashioned and preferring to use cash." Bucky says. "Just because you had the time to learn how to use them, doesn't mean I had the time to learn to use them. And besides, don't you remember what happened when I tried to order something online?"

Steve nods. "Yes, but all you had to do with that, was type in the numbers on the back of the card. It's not that difficult to use them online. You got that part right." He says. "What you fucked up on, was ordering way too many copies of the same book." He reminds him. "We've still got two boxes full of the exact same book in the hallway closet. And no, we can't just gift a copy of the same book to the others."

"To be fair though, Steve. You shouldn't have left me unsupervised with your laptop and your credit card." Bucky says, knowing very well that he's guilty of ordering thirty copies of the exact same book.

He's not even sure how he even managed to do that in the first place, but now there's twenty eight copies of Watership Down sitting in two boxes in their hallway closet. Twenty eight, because one is sitting on their shared bookshelf in their living room, and because Bucky had given one to Wanda, seeing as she was the one who had recommended the book to him.

"Or you could've asked me or someone else in the tower to help you order yourself a copy." Steve says.

"Well at least I know for next time, aye?" He says. "Now shut up so I can watch LOST."

They don't say any more after that, and just sit back together on the couch watching LOST. Though, halfway through the next episode, Bucky had gotten Steve to get up and put the fire on and get him a blanket because it was too cold... Then of course he had to get up again to make Bucky a coffee...

But Steve does as Bucky asks without arguing, because at the end of the day, all Steve wants is for Bucky to be as comfortable and as happy as he can possibly be. It's now Steve's turn to look after Bucky, just as Bucky had done with him all those many years ago - that to them both was really only maybe like five or six years ago - back in Brooklyn.

And Steve won't ever stop caring for and loving Bucky. Even when he's dead and gone....

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