06 || "I ain't getting my picture taken with Santa, Rogers"

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"Do I have to go with you?" Bucky asks, pausing his movie to look up at Steve. "Cause I really don't want to have to go out into the snow."

Steve had just came into their small-ish living room on their floor, telling Bucky that the two of them need to go out Christmas shopping. But, Bucky isn't too keen to do so. Instead, he just wants to stay at home stretched out on the couch under a pile of blankets watching a movie.

"Yes." Steve nods. "You do. We need to go out and get gifts for the others." He says. "I don't want to leave it till the last minute. I've done that before, and you have no idea how packed the shops are on Christmas Eve."

Bucky groans in frustration. "Can't we just get everything online?" He asks.

He really doesn't want to go out, a doesn't see why they can't just get everything online. It's a lot easier, and saves them leaving the tower and all. Bucky has already bought Steve's gift online, with help from Sam of course, as he doesn't want a repeat of buying way too many of one thing.

All he has to do now, is wait for Steve's gift to arrive. He's not sure when exactly that'll be though. Hopefully soon. Though, he'll have to wrap it then hide it somewhere where Steve won't be able to find it.

He still does need to get gifts for the others though. But he was hoping that he and Steve could get them gifts from the both of them, and get them all online. Mainly because he doesn't want to leave the tower, and because he's found that the internet is very helpful, and the fact that you can buy stuff online and it gets delivered straight to you? That's honestly something that amazes Bucky to no end.

If it weren't for certain things, Bucky would say that he absolutely loves the future. But, he still misses the days back when he and Steve were growing up. Though, he can't say that he misses when Steve was very sick and near death. He also can't say that he completely misses all the shit that Steve got up to...

"We could. But I want to go out to the store and get everything instead." Steve says.

"Even my gift?" Bucky asks.

Steve shakes his head. "No. I've already got your gift." He says. "And no, I'm not giving you any hints on what it is." He adds, before Bucky even got the chance to ask.

The fact that Steve even thought for a second that Bucky would want a hint on what his gift is... He's absolutely right. Bucky was hoping for a hint of what it could possibly be. He doesn't really like surprises after all, and he'd much rather Steve tell him straight up what it is that he had gotten him. Though he does hope it is one of the things that he's been dropping hints to Steve that he really wants.

He knows it won't be a cat or a dog though. As much as he would've liked one of those, he knows that it probably won't be the safest to get one. Though a dog that's trained to help with trauma or PTSD or whatever would be nice, and Bucky feels as though a dog trained in that area might be a good thing for him. He thinks there's dogs that are like that anyway, he kind of remembers reading something about that online. Maybe once he and Steve retire from this whole world saving with the Avengers they can just adopt a bunch of cats and dogs.

"Not gonna lie, I would've liked a little hint on whatever the hell it is you got me, Stevie." He says. "So for that, I'm not giving you any hints on what I've gotten for you."

Steve laughs a little at that. "I don't want to know until Christmas, Buck." He assures him. "Now, just get up off the couch, and we can go out to the mall and buy gifts for the others."

"But I don't want to go, Steve!" Bucky whines. "I don't even know what the fuck the others even like, as I barely even interact with them." He says. "All I really do, is just sit up here on our floor, and read or watch a bunch of movies and TV shows."

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