03 || Hot Coffee By The Fire

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Later on during the day once all the Avengers had enough of skiing, they all went back into their cabin - a rather large one to fit them all into - and Bucky was quick to make his way over to the fireplace and start a fire after getting changed into sweatpants and an oversized sweater. He had thought it would be a good idea to get a sweater that was a few sizes too big for him, much to Steve's protests.

The heat emitting from the fire warmed him up just enough to stop his constant shivering, but he still felt a little cold. Except, he doesn't want to get up off the floor to get a blanket.

"Steve!" He calls out. "Can you get me a blanket?" He asks. "I'm still cold."

From where Steve sat at the table in the kitchen area of the cabin talking with Tony, he looks over to see Bucky calling out to him from where he sat by the fire.

"Peter?" Steve looks over to where Peter and his friend Ned (who Peter had practically begged Tony to let him invite with them on their skiing trip), sitting together on the floor by one of the couches finishing up the homework they were given to complete over the Christmas break.

"Yeah, Steve?" Peter asks, looking up towards Steve.

"Can you go get a blanket for Bucky?" He asks. "And while you're at it, you might as well grab the book out of his bag that he brought with him."

Peter's eyes widen at that, before he's looking over towards Bucky sitting by the fire. Even though they've been on the same team for awhile now, Bucky still frightens Peter a little, and Peter usually does whatever he can do to stay away from the guy most of the time.

"M-me?" Peter squeaks.

Steve nods. "Yes. Please? He won't hurt you." He assures him.

Peter goes to protest, but the look that Tony sends his way shuts him up. "Come on." He says, pulling Ned up off the floor with him.

As soon as both Peter and Ned make their way over to Bucky with a blanket and his book, Insomnia by Stephen King, Bucky looks a little surprised to see that Steve had gotten that spider kid, Peter and his friend to get him a blanket instead of himself getting it. He glances over to Steve, who was still sitting a the table in the kitchen area talking with Tony. Bucky supposes that's why Steve got Peter to get him a blanket instead.

"Uh, Steve asked us to get these for you." Peter says nervously, setting the blanket down in front of Bucky, while Ned sets the book down on top of it before backing away slowly.

"Thank you." Bucky nods, smiling a little at them, as he grabs the blanket and wraps it around himself. He then looks back up at both Peter and Ned, and frowns a little as he notices that they look afraid of him. "I'm not going to hurt you, you know." He says, looking down at his lap.

He knows very well that there's still people who are afraid of him, and with good reason too. He was one of the most dangerous assassins, and worked under Hydra. Though he didn't really have much choice to do so, as Hydra had control of his mind, and made him do things that he regrets.

"We know, it's just well, you're just kinda scary." Peter says. "And the whole Hydra thing..." He trails off.

Bucky nods. He can understand how they'd feel that way, he'd probably think the same thing if he were them, or just some plain old civilian.

Maybe if he was just some old civilian, things would be so much easier. Then again, he wouldn't be with Steve...

"I know." He nods, looking up at them. "But all of why Hydra put inside me is all gone." He says. "Well, according to T'Challa and his scientists anyway." He adds. "So you needn't worry about me going full Winter Soldier mode and doing anyone harm."

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