07 || It's Clint Barton's Fault Bucky Hates Christmas Music

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Loud Christmas music is certainly not the way that Bucky was wanting to be awoken at six in the morning. Who the fuck is even up at six anyway? Especially in this weather. It's way too cold to be up at six in the morning.

Looking over at Steve who's still fast asleep next to him, he groans in frustration, before he's getting out of bed to find the source of the loud and horrible Christmas music.

He decides to take the stairs instead of the elevator to find the source of the loud music. Partly because he doesn't really trust going in one by himself because of all the new high tech in them. He's not even sure how Steve manages to handle it all. Then again, Steve did have more time to get used to all of this before him.

The only things that Bucky has managed to get used to so far, is the fridge, the microwave (barely), the TV (again, barely) and Netflix (once again, barely). He feels ashamed about that, but within time, he's sure to have gotten used to almost every new piece of technology in this day and age. Because a lot of new things these days, Bucky has found to be very useful, even if he still needs help to work them...

As he walks towards the main living room that they all share a couple floors below his and Steve's floor, Bucky notices the music begins to grow louder, and he's just about ready to destroy whatever device is playing that horrible music. He wouldn't go as far as hurting whoever is playing the music though. Well, just maybe if it's Sam who's playing it. He wouldn't put it past the bird to play that music just to annoy the hell out of him. Though, he has a feeling that it's probably Clint.

If it's Natasha playing the music though, he'll most definitely be high tailing it out of the room. He doesn't want to get on Natasha's bad side. But he rather doubts it would be Natasha, as he'd think she'd play creepy as fuck Russian nursery rhymes, or anything creepy in general.

Opening the doors into the main living room of the tower, he spots Clint sitting on the couch with a mug of coffee while Christmas music is playing loudly from the speakers. He had a very strong feeling that it would be Clint that's playing the music, so seeing Clint sitting there on the couch was no surprise to him.

Slowly, he walks into the room, and around the back of the couch behind Clint. Once he gives Clint a talking to, he may have to refrain from burning every Christmas themed thing in here, along with the speakers playing that dreadful music.

Leaning over the side of the couch, Bucky stares down at Clint, clearing his throat to get his attention. Though, it doesn't really do any good. Trying again louder this time, Clint spins around on the couch in surprise, before yelling in fright and falling off.

"Jeez, Barnes." Clint huffs, clutching at his chest, grabbing the remote to the speakers off the table and turning the music off. "What are you trying to do, fucking scare me to death?"

Bucky shrugs. "Maybe." He says, coming round to the front of the couch and sitting down right in front of Clint. "Now, what I came down here for, is to tell you to turn that shit down, or not play it at all." He says, staring down at Clint. "It's six in the morning, I'm very cold, and I'm trying to fucking sleep, and I really don't want to be woken up to loud as fuck Christmas music, you hear me?"

Clint nods quickly, jumping up off the floor, but knocking his mug of coffee off the table as he does so. "Ah, shit." He mutters, staring down at his spilt coffee on the carpet floor. "My coffee." He pouts, before looking up at Bucky. "Look what you made me do, man."

"Not my fault." Bucky shrugs, getting up off the couch, and heading over towards the kitchen area. "Now, don't fucking play that Christmas music again, and especially at that volume." He looks over his shoulder at Clint, to see him looking down at his spilt coffee once more.

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