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☆Aimee POV☆

"Aimee Hall get down here right now !" I hear my mother's loud cry of anger. I check the time on my phone , 6:58, oh gosh I've overslept!
I climb out of bed and speed walk to the bathroom. I turn the shower on and wait for it to get warm, while looking in the mirror.

Fat rolls, big thighs and gross eyes.
A small tear rolls down my cheek as I quickly turn away and climb into the steaming shower.
Why am I crying? I'm so weak...
The tears continue to fall while I wash my horrendous body, a body that doesn't want to change no matter what I do.

I climb out the shower and dry myself off , now comes the hard part - clothes.
I live in over-sized hoodies, black leggings and my white converse.
The hoodies help hide my huge ugly ass and prevent people from seeing my huge excuse for a stomach and bunchy thighs.

Once I'm dressed I run a brush through my long blonde curls , at least my hair is nice.
I don't even bother to tie it up and run down the stairs towards the smell of pancakes and bacon.

"Mom this tastes amazing!" I try to say with a mouthful of pancake.
She chuckles and pats me on the back.

"Honey it's time for you to leave, your going to be late!" She reminds me for the hundredth time.
I roll my eyes and get my backpack and head out the door.

"Bye mom!" I scream walking down the driveway.
Bye dad... my subconscious whispers.
Dad's been gone for almost 7 years and I'd be lying if I said a piece of me didn't die with him.
Happy thoughts , happy thoughts I remind myself.

The bus arrives just as I get to the stop.
Great. Let the bullying begin....


I get off the bus with tear filled eyes and a heavy heart.
Why are they so mean...
I make my way to the entrance of the school when someone grabs my elbow and pulls me back , causing me to come in contact with their chest.

"Chad!" I screech when he lets me fall.
I hit my head and let out of cry of pain , Chad , my best friend let's out a very vibrant stream of laughter.

"Sorry Aimsie I couldn't resist." He giggles while offering me a hand. Yeah , he giggles... I deny his hand as I don't want to be embarrassed if he can't pick me up.
Chad just rolls his eyes at my dismissal of his hand and watches as I rise from the ground.

"You know Aimsie you aren't fat, how many times do i have to tell you." He sighs while glaring at me softly.

"Chad just leave it you know how I feel." I say sternly.
He just sighs and slings his arm around my shoulders as we walk in silence to our lockers.


"You know you look very pretty today." Chad says with a sweet smile. I blush even though he is my best friend I don't get compliments very often.

"Well someone's feeling happy today," I joke, "Thanks though Chaddie." I smile and flick his nose.
He grunts in pain as he rubs the tip of his nose.

Just as he was about to say something, she digs her talons into his bicep and spins him around , giving a huge smooch before smiling sickly at me.

"Hey baby." She purrs griping his bicep while batting her eyelids in whore-ish way.

Chad sighs and looks her dead in the eye;
"Casey , how many times do I have to tell you that I don't like it when you kiss at school, especially infront of Aimee?" He states a little annoyed.

"Sorry babe, I just missed you so much," she leans towards his ear,
"Especially after last night." She whispers loud enough for me to hear.

That's my cue....

"Okay well, see you at lunch Chaddie?" I smile forcefully. He looks at me and sighs while, gently untangling his crazy whore of a girlfriend's hands from his neck.

"Sure, usual spot?" He asks with a small smile.
"Always." I shout while walking to my first lesson.

I enter class five minutes before the time and take my usual seat in the middle row, unfortunately, my seat is next to Chads obnoxious girlfriend. Casey Newman. My main bully, but I can't tell Chad that, he'll break up with her instantly and I don't really want to have a death wish.

The click-clack of the devil's shoes brings my attention to the rich bitch next to me.
"Hey Fatty, why'd you run away this morning? Are you sad that your fat ass doesn't action like that ?" Her high pitch nasel voice bursts my ear drums.
I look at her and groan. Really Lord? Today of all days? Why her....

"For your information, Casey, I was actually on my way to call animal control cause a bitch like you shouldn't be on the loose." I retort with a hard glare.
She looked at me and growled. Ha! And she says I act un-lady-like.

Casey was about to say something when the teacher walked in.
Good. That should keep her quiet for a while that-
My thoughts are interrupted by a stinging pain in my foot. I look at my foot and see the heel of Satan directly on my big toe.

I turn to look at her to find that viscous smirk on her dark red lips.
I get out my seat and pick up my bag, making sure to hit her with one of my straps on the way out.
Ignoring the teachers protests I run to the bathroom and lock the stall.

Silent sobs rack through my body and tears stream down my pink tainted cheeks.
"I'm never good enough!" I whisper harshly while slowly getting up and unlocking the stall.

I look into the mirror and dispise the person looking back at me.
"Why are you so ugly!" I scream at the bathroom mirror.

"Why do I hate me so much..." I whisper, soft tears falling down my cheeks.
I hear footsteps and the bathroom door open.

"Aimsie, I know you in here!" Chad whispers loudly.
"You know I can get into trouble if I'm found in here so please come out." He says softly with a light chuckle.

I emerge from behind the door and sniff, still recovering from my outburst.
Chad looks at me and his eyes soften, he opens his arms and gestures for me to come closer.
I step into the hug and I'm immediately engulfed with warmth and big arms.

"How'd you find me...?"

"Easy silly, its lunch and you weren't by our spot so I figured something was wrong and took a guess at the bathroom." He looks down and smiles.

"What if I wasn't in the bathroom and some girl was getting changed?" I pull back and laugh lightly.

"Well then I'd have something to look at." His cheeky grin makes me laugh aloud.

"You are so gross Chaddie."

"And you love me." He retorts.

I roll my eyes and walk out the bathroom with my best friend, the only one who doesn't judge me.

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