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I can explain our seating area as stunning. The tablecloths are a cream color and it has a light gold intricate design on it. The chairs are so comfortable my ass feels like royalty...
Carter looks at me and smiles while we wait for the dramatic waitress to return.

"I just have to say that I can't believe I've snatched a date with someone as beautiful as you buttercup." Carter whispers, his smile so bright it's all I see. I'm about to reply when Macy returns with two different menu's. She sets one in front of me and one in front of Carter, shooting Carter a big smile as she begins to speak.
"Our special today is a large steak with a side of any starch or vegetable and sauce of your choice," she turns to me, " And for you we have the low-carb salad special that comes with a sugar free smoothie." My eyes widen at her rude antics. She grins brightly at me, clearly enjoying my embarrassment, turning to Carter she flinches.
I lift my head up to look at him and notice that he's glaring at her, his chair scrapes on the floor making a loud noise in such a quiet area.

"Come on Buttercup we are leaving," he looks at me and his harsh stare softens.
"I'm sure Michelle here can handle our drinks bill." He states and takes my hand into his large one and starts to lead me away.

"It's Macy." I hear her mumble  as we make our way to the exit. Ha he didn't even bother to remember her name.

Carter storms past the receptionist who looks taken back by his actions, I mouth sorry and follow him to the car. He already has the car running and the passenger door is open, he notices me approaching and a small smile graces his handsome face. I blush while getting into the car and thank him, he closes my door a little too hard and runs around the back of the Maserati, quickly climbing into the drivers seat. I cringe when he slams his door and reverses out of the parking lot so fast I feel light headed.

"Carter please slow down!" I squeeze my eyes shut, promising myself I won't throw up in this gem of a car. Carter doesn't hear me and continues to drive fast, making my heart beat faster and cause myself to go into panic mode.

"Carter!" My piercing scream seems to shatter whatever trance he was in, as the car screeches to a halt, he looks at my wide eyes and pale face, he seems disorientated and angry.
His face softens and his eyes become warm again, a slight sadness flashes through his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Buttercup, I just can't handle when people treat you like that I-it makes me so mad because you so beautiful a-and I just can't deal with how that cow back there treated you!" He ends his rant with a louder tone than he began with, sighing, he takes my hand in his and kisses it softly, looking up at me through his long eyelashes, making my fear and panic disappear replacing it with a seriously bad blush on my cheeks and warm feeling in my heart. I look at him, but really look at him, he looks a lot older than usual, thanks to the slight stubble on his face and his short dark hair, it gives him a real sophisticated look.

"Do you really mean that Carter..." he looks at me as though I've grown two heads while replying,

"Of course I mean it Buttercup, you mean so much to me." A slight blush takes over his cheeks and he lets out a little laugh. Looking at me with that look, the look that makes my insides all mush, he starts to lean his face closer to mine. My breathing increases as I realize Carter is going to take my first kiss, should I let him?
Looking into his eyes once more, I see how much sincerity and adoration clouds over his eyes. This man is going to be the death of me...

I close my eyes and not a second later do his lips fall upon mine. It's soft and gentle but has an underlying desire, consuming me and before I know what I'm doing, I climb over the center console and straddle him, placing my arms around his neck. The kiss grows more adamant and a surge of pleasure runs through me when he sucks on my lower lip, a small moan escapes my lips as he peppers kisses all the way from my lips to my neck, I use this time to catch my breath.

Feeling the need to have his lips on mine again I grab his face between my hands and kiss him, hoping I do it correctly, I start to nibble on his lower lip, pulling it between my teeth, hoping to give back to him the pleasure I felt when he did it to me.
A small grunt makes its way out his mouth as he pulls me closer to his body, his hands roaming my body. The kiss slows down and I pull away, closing my eyes and savoring the last few minutes.
Carter rest his forehead against mine and I hear his breathing matches mine - short and fast.

I pull away and look at him, smiling when I notice his eyes are already on me.
I let out a slight giggle of embarrassment and slowly make my way off of him and back to my chair. While on my quest to be sitting in the passenger seat as fast as possible, my head hits the ceiling of car and I let out a cry of pain.

"Ow holy shit!" I whisper while rubbing the sore spot on my head. I hear a soft chuckle come from next to me and I immediately blush, I'm such a clumsy bi-
My thoughts were cut short when Carters hand covers the one on my head and starts to rub the spot in a way that I never knew was possible.

"T-thank was you." I stutter as his hand traces my cheek and soon starts the car, Carter looks at me and gives me a breathtaking smile, his eyes turning to look at me every now and then while he drives.

"How's your head?" He asks while turning down the radio that was currently playing Woman by Harry Styles. He gazes at me quickly before turning his attention back the road.

"My heads fine thanks, remind me to never do  that again." I reply laughing slightly, he looks at me and smiles seductively.

"Oh Buttercup I can assure you we are going to be doing that more often than you think." My eyes go wide and my cheeks flush an unhealthy shade of red, he winks and turns his attention back to the road, smirking all they way.

The radio starts to play For you by Rita Ora and Liam Payne, I love this song, the first part of the song begins and I softly sing, looking out the window I can't help but think how Carter would go for a girl like me, I'm not complaining but it feels so weird finally having someone other than Chaddie to go out with.

"You sing beautifully." Carter says softly as he looks at me with a small smile and warm eyes, I smile back and mouth thank you.

After some comfortable silence I notice we aren't going home, my mind races as to where we could be going.
"Carter where are we going?" He looks at me and laughs at my stressed expression. What if he tries to murder me in a ditch and wha-
Carter burst out laughing, laughing so loud that his eyes crinkle and shine with amusement.

"If I wanted to kill you I wouldn't have kissed you Buttercup." He says with small smile, shaking his head.
"And if you must know where we are going, I'm taking you to a place where a gorgeous girl like you deserves to go everyday of her life." He looks at me with a serious expression before turning down a candle lit road.

Hey there *inserts awkward person waving*
Anyway I'd like to apologize for not updating sooner 💔💔
I worked hard on this chapter and hope you guys liked it 😏
What do you guys think of Carters reaction to Macy? Was he too mean or did he do the right thing ...?
And Macy what are your views on her?
Let me know in the comments❤️
Please don't be afraid to express your views 💕
Oh and before I forget, if any of you are interested in making covers, please don't be afraid !!! Send them to me 😬
Don't forget to vote lovies !!💫💕💕

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