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The sound of my shoes hitting the tar, the burning sensation in my thighs and my heavy breathing is how I spend my weekly afternoons.
Trying to shed the hideous sculpture I call my body.

Power by Little mix and Stormzy plays in my earphones as I try to continue this torture that helps, and I quote "makes me look decent and not fat anymore" all thanks to my mom.
She's only trying to help so i can't be mad when she says I'm chubby or fat.

I round the corner of my street and see my house in the distance.
Just a few more Aimee , you can do it!
Go! Go! G-
"Owww!" I groan and open my eyes to see the bitch herself and her rich ass car.

"Sorry I didn't see you there, I mean I don't know how I didn't see you I mean you almost as big as Jasper's house!" She cackles with a sly grin.

I was about to stand up when an agonizing pain shoots through my arm. I hear the sound of a car door opening and prepare myself for the spawn of Satan to step on me but all thoughts fade when a soft hand touches my cheek and I open my eyes once again.

Brown. Chocolate brown. I realise that it's just Jasper Minette, the Jasper Minette! The extremely hot notorious bad boy. I flinch away from his touch and the pain shoots through my arm again, only this time much worse.

"Jasper babe get back in the car." Casey's irritating voice calls out. I finally find the strength to stand up and notice Jasper looking at me weirdly. Feeling self-conscious I look at the floor and start to walk away towards my house holding my arm in a way that it doesn't hurt as much.

"Wait!" I hear him call out.
I turn around to see Jasper walking slowly towards me, as if I'm some mentally ill child.

"Yes?" I state, wondering what type of snide remark was going to come out his mouth or the evil witches mouth.
He stops abruptly and turns around without a word. The snide remark never came and the two idiots drove away with the filthy, girly brat laughing all the way.

Wait... Isn't the evil witch of the west dating my best friend not Jasper
Oh no she didn't that stupid litt-
My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of my cellphone.

"Hey Chaddie." I sigh, slightly wincing in pain  when my arm moved a certain way.
I hear cursing and shuffling on the other end.

"Oh thank fuck you answered Aimsie, I saw everything, I'm on my way now just stand still please!" He frantically shouts over the phone, still cursing, I see him a few metres away and hang up.

I guess those are the perks of having your neighbour as your best friend....

His huge arms immediately encircle my round frame and I suck in a deep breath when he squeezes my arm too tightly.
I pull back and notice there's blood on his shirt, he must've noticed my wide eyes as he quickly turns me around so he can see my elbow.

"Ow you idiot stop touching it!" I use my other arm to smack him hard.

"Shit Aimsie, your elbow it's bleeding, I need to get you to the emergency center." He says more to himself than me.

"Well let's go then." I mumble, pissed at the stupid whore who hit me lightly with her car.
At least it was lightly....


Two hours and thirty minutes later I emerge from the emergency room with a cast and some very strong painkillers.

I walk into the waiting room to find my best friend with his face in his hands.
I tap his back and give him a small smile.
"Doc says it's a just sprain but I got two stitches." I show him my bright yellow cast.

"Oh Aimsie this is all my fault, if i hadn't broken up with Casey she wouldn't have hit you and-"

"You broke up with Casey!" I interrupt him with a shocked look.
Does he want me to die!
"Why Chad! Now she's going to kill me!" I yell at him while walking to his car.

"Aimsie I know she's the your main bully, why didn't you tell me ?" Chad asks with a sad look in his eyes.

All of sudden I feel bad and I look at my folded hands while he drives.
"I-I didn't want to ruin your relationship with her." I whisper with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Aimsie hey don't cry beautiful, its okay I understand, just next time tell me things okay?" He asks and I nod.


"Mom I'm home!" I shout when I enter the front door. Chad took me home after a little ice cream therapy, at this point I didn't care how much weight I gained, cause no matter what I do the fat never seems to disappear.
Cause you are a worthless, candy-eating fat ass.
My mind replays the hurtful words I hear everyday.

"Honey, are you listening?" My mom looks at me expectantly.

"Huh? Uhm no sorry mom please repeat that." I reply, snapping out of my daze.

"I said that we're going over to a new friend of mine in an hour's time so please go get ready." She instructs.

"Mom, you know how much I hate meeting new people, can I just stay at home?" I try to bargain even though I know I won't win.

"No go get dressed time is running out." She states sternly.
I huff and make my way to the staircase.

"Oh and Aimee?"

"Yes mom?"

"Wear something different, I don't want you looking fat tonight." She says a little harsher than intended.

"Oh uhm, sure mom..." I trail off and turn around so she doesn't see the hurt in my eyes.
Even your mother thinks you fat, that says something doesn't it?

I close my bedroom door and make my way to my bathroom, turning on the shower and covering my mirror with my towel so I don't have to see myself.
I wash my hair and scrub myself with my vanilla body wash.

After showering I sort through my wardrobe to find something more appealing to wear for tonight.
Not that.
Not that.
Not that.
I look fat in that.
No not-
I look at the long off the shoulder black dress and smile a bit.
This should do.

I put the dress on and I'm stunned by the person looking back at me.
I look okay for once.
I slip on black flats and put my hair into a sleek ponytail and I add a bit of make up just to make myself the least bit appealing.
I put on some clear lip gloss and smack my lips together.
Well its not perfect but it's better than I usually look.

I open my bedroom door and make my way downstairs, I see mom fixing her make up.
She looks up and smiles, but her smile soon fades as her eyes take in my bright yellow cast.

"Oh honey what happened!" She frowns as she looks at my cast.

"Uh just a little accident, you know how clumsy I am sometimes." I say forcing a laugh.

She just stares at me and shakes her head, a small smile making way onto her face.
"Well let's get going young lady." She smiles while clapping her hands together.

The car ride was silent as I didn't really have anything to say.
We pull up at an absolutely beautiful moderate size house, my mom types a code into the entrance system and the gate opens, leading us to huge open-plan front porch.

"Wow..." i whisper in awe while looking at my smirking mom.
She gets out the car and I do the same, we make our way to the front door, taking in the beautiful garden roses and trimmed lawn.

Mom rings the doorbell and we wait for the door to be opened.
The door opens soon after and the voice seems to recognize my mom.
"Evening Ms. Hall, please come inside." Mom smiles and walks into the house.
I prepare to say hello when my eyes meet a very familiar pair of chocolate brown eyes.


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