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"Jasper?" The squeak in my voice unnoticed by this horrible human being stood infront of me.

"Uh yeah..." He scratches the back of his head
"Hi, uh listen about earlier I'd like-"

"I don't care about your apology," I stop him.
"Now if you'll excuse me." I say with a sudden burst of confidence, waiting for him to move out the way.

He looked as though he was about to say something when I glared at him, he looked down and quietly moved out the entrance way.

The house itself is immaculately modern and clean, a huge open plan kitchen invites you in as soon as you step into the home. A dining room table awaits me as I walk further towards the ladies voices.
"-she needs to lose weight Dianne, my daughter is way too overweight." I over hear my mother's hurtful words.
I take a step back and bump into a large chest.

"Careful there beautiful." I jump away and whip my head around to see who that voice belongs to.
My eyes meet a warm pair of hazel eyes and I instantly blush.

"Names Carter Minette, the fuck boys brother." He charms me with his stunning smile and pink cheeks. I let out a light laugh, surprised at how warm he makes me feel.

"Aimee Hall," I reply "I never knew Jasper had a brother, let alone a nice one." I say sheepishly, not looking up.

Breathe Aimee, breathe...

"Uh I heard what your mom said about you over there, are you okay ?" He says softly, a small smile gracing his face.

"Oh uh yeah that... I'm fine she says it a lot so I think I'm used to it." I sigh with a little sadness.

"She calls you fat a lot?" He murmurs with a frown.

"But I'm okay though, don't worry about me." I smile brightly at him. His eyes quickly roam my body, and my chest tightens.
Don't look at me.... Oh gosh he probably thinks I'm fat and oh my-

"Aimee!" My thoughts are interrupted by a rude protesting mother.
"Get here now!" She bellows from the dining area.

I smile at Carter and walk towards my mom.
"Yes mom?" I question with a raised brow.

"Meet Dianne, my work colleague and of course mother of these two exercise maniacs." The way she said exercise I knew she was getting to something.

"Uhm hi, nice to meet you Dianníe." I smile tentatively at her. She showed her me pearly whites with a bright warm smile. Just like Carter's.... I blush just thinking of him.

Dianne ushers me to the table and calls Jasper and Carter to come and eat. Both boys take a seat; Carter opposite me and Jasper next to me.
I roll my eyes. Did HE have to sit next to me??

"Oh Aimee what happened to your arm?" Carter asks concerned.
Jasper starts choking on his water next to me.
Good... teach him to help me next time.

"It was just an accident, a few stitches and a sprain." I give him a small smile while Jasper let's out a sigh of relief.

Dinner goes on and what can I say? This is food is absolutely amazing! Dianne can sure cook. I finally start to enjoy myself and realise that Carter is 19 years old and is at first year varsity, studying medicine.
Mhmm... a doctor for a husband.
I shake my head at the ridiculous idea.

"So Aimee," my mother starts; "The reason I brought you here tonight is because you need to lose some weight and the ever so kind Jasper has offered to shred your fat ass." My mother slurs, clearly she's had too much wine.
She doesn't mean that does she...?

The look of horror and hurt on my face was enough to show how I felt.
My mother laughs at my reaction.
Laughs?? Are you fucking kidding me!

I shoot out my chair and head for the door, to hurt and embarrassed to watch their sympathetic stares. I sit myself on the stairs of the front porch with my head in my hands and silent tears flowing down my cheeks.

I hear the front door open and close quietly and a presence radiating heat sits beside me.
I look up and turn to my left to see those eyes again. The beautiful chocolate brown eyes that left me stranded for his one fuck stand just this morning.

I want to break our stare-down but I can't, his eyes are soft, filled with concern and regret.
He breaks eye contact first and clears his throat. Well I guess he has nothing to say...

I'm about to leave when he grabs my arm and pulls me back to sit down gently.

"Here me out please?" He breathes.
I don't answer but i stay put, so he takes that as his cue and he begins to speak.

"What your mom said in there wasn't right, hell she's drunk and doesn't mean what she said, but I'd just like to clear the air that when I agreed to helping Ms. Halls daughter I had no idea that... that it'd be the girl who my crazy fuck toy would hit with her car..." He rushed out pulling on slightly curly locks.

"You need understand that if I had helped you earlier, Casey would not have taken it lightly and-"

"You wouldn't of had your fuck for the day?" I say harshly.

He sighs, " No, she probably would've driven over me and you." He attempts a joke.
"Aimee, you aren't a fat ass but if you would like my help with some easy exercises and a slight diet change, I'd be happy to help you." He says softly slowly meeting my gaze.

Wow... Mister bad boy actually has a nice side.
Should I? Oh what the hell! My subconscious shouts, the way he's looking at you girl I think you should at least consider it.



"Yes, silly." I laugh at his shocked expression.
"I'd really appreciate it if you would help me, with senior year next year i think it's a good idea." Maybe it will get mom off my back...

"That's awesome!" He beams
"Give me your phone number and we can sort something out soon, you know a schedule that works for both of us?" He babbles while I enter my phone number into his phone.

"Uhm one more thing though Aimee.."

"Yes Jasper?"

"I'm sorry... about your hand..." He whispers, not meeting my eye.

"It's all good don't worry about it." I cast a smile at him.

He smiles back, "Lets get inside before your mother and my mother start telling embarrassing stories." I giggle softly and follow him back to the dangerous dinner table.


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