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I never knew my best friend had such great style.
Todays the day- the date day with Carter. Nervous would be an understatement of how I'm feeling right now...
Carter said he's going to pick me up at eight and told me to dress warm. I think I might actually like Carter..... He's amazingly sweet and definitely a true gentleman.

I check the time and see it half past six, time to get ready....


☆Carter's POV☆

I arrive at her house and notice how modern but vintage the house looks, very elegant but in a old school type of way.
My nerves are as high as the students from my last high school dance. Calm down Carter she's probably just as nervous.....

I open the car door and make my way towards the door with a huge bunch of pink roses.The colour of her cheeks whenever I'm around. I chuckle to myself at how cute she is.

I ring the doorbell and smooth down my dark wash jeans and baby blue button-up shirt, just as I was about to ring the doorbell a second time, she opened it, I was so shocked at how stunning she looked I didn't hear what she said.

"Carter!" She snaps her perfect fingers in front of my face, pulling me out of my daze.

"Oh yes, sorry Buttercup," I scratch the back of my head, "You look absolutely gorgeous." I say in awe as I take in her perfectly sculpted outfit, her legs look amazing in the light blue denim jeans and her white 'Detroit' top adds to the elegant black open-toe boots on her light pink painted toenails. I look back at her bright blue eyes and red tinted cheeks and smile at my beautiful date.

She looks down and blushes while giggling that adorable little giggle.

"Uh, these are for you..." I blush slightly and hand her the bunch of pink roses. She quickly takes them inside and comes back wearing an adorable grin.

"Oh Carter those flowers are absolutely stunning!" She looks up at me and wraps her arms around me (which I gladly reciprocated) while mumbling 'thank you' into my shirt.

We pull away from the hug and I can't help but notice a young group of girls walk past the house, giggling and laughing at Aimee as they do so.
The one makes eye contact with me and sends me a flirtatious smirk. They start walking up the driveway of Aimee's house, staring her down like she was some type of scum on the bottom of their shoes.

"Hey fatass," the first one begins, "You look a little bigger today, oh sorry I mean a little better today." The one who I assume is the leader, gives Aimee a vicious smirk and then turns to look at me with a large, fake smile.

"Did she pay you to take her on a date babe? Cause I would love to do you next." She purrs and strokes her talon-like hands down my bicep. I shrug her off and wrap my arm around Aimee's waist, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Aimee takes in a sharp breath and I see the unshed tears in her beautiful blue eyes.

"You know what I'd like to do next?" I ask with mock innocence, "I'd like to kick your ass but you know atleast my mom taught me manners." I end with a bright and innocent grin. The leader glares at me before dramatically swinging her too-many-times-bleached hair over her shoulder and strutting away, with her two puppy dogs following close behind, mimicking almost every action she does.

I look at Aimee to see a small smile on her thick lips, she looks down and blows out a long breath.

"She's your brother's fuck toy," she starts, "And my main bully, shes always had something against me and I can't seem to escape her wrath." She finishes in a eye roll.

"She's my brother's fuck toy!" I practically scream.
Come on what the fuck is wrong with him, she has no curves, boobs or even a slightly nice personality.

Aimee just nods her head and makes her way to my car, damn..... she is absolutely gorgeous tonight.

"Come on Carter, take me on this date already!" She shouts while holding her nose, imitating the girls nasily voices from earlier.

"I'm coming!" I reply in a high pitch girly voice, while starting the car and zooming off to my planned destination.


☆Aimee POV☆

Carter is taking me to a restaurant about thirty minutes out of town, apparently it's outside, which resulted in him telling me to dress warm.

The drive there was conversation filled, not a flick of awkwardness or silence, Carter is definitely someone who I feel comfortable around. Once we had arrived I was awe struck! The restaurant is stunning, it's shaped like a castle with a parking area bigger than my house. The entrance into the restaurant is elegantly decorated with fairy lights and scented candles. I might take some of those candles home....
The reception desk is lit up by little candles and gives off a warm and fuzzy vibe. We make our way to the desk.

"Hi welcome to Jareds, how can I help you? " the receptionist smiles. Carter puts his hand on my back and replies.

"Reservation for C. Minette, private non-smoking area." Carter repeats.
The receptionist ticks away at her keyboard for a while before calling a young woman to seat us.

"This is Macy, she will be your waitress for tonight, kindly follow her to your designated seats." The young waitress does a once over of Carter and beams as she looks at his sculpted arm, her smile soon falls and is replaced with a sneer as she takes in his hand on my lower back.

"Follow me." She states in a tight voice, turning on her heel, dramatic bitch, making her way to where we will be seated for the evening.

Carter grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers, he looks down at me giving a cute grin that makes me forget all about the Miss Priss that is going to serve us for tonight.
Walking hand in hand on our first date couldn't make me happier.

Hey lovies 💕
Sorry for that late update- it is kinda short and sort of a filler but the next chapter is definitely going to be worth the wait 😏

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Till next time xxx

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