The Mysterious Corpse

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"Such shameless people ! I can't believe how can people steal from a mosque." said Captain Yawer angrily.
Apparently Yawer's shoes were stolen when he came out of the masjid after zuhr  and he had to walk all the way from Mosque to hotel in socks while the kids on street made fun and laughed at him,some commenting out loudly that "look at that dressed up Mister without shoes, he seems crazy."Which in turn drew other people's attention to him providing him with sarcastic grins.If there was something he hated the most was people mocking him or kid making fun of him.
And so past for the past one hour Detective Haroon had to tolerate his grumpy mood and listen to his non stop lamenting, all the while Haroon was lost in reading his book which was making Yawer more angry for not getting any response.
Suddenly Haroon slapped his book shut and looked at yawer.
"Are you even listening what I am saying?" Yawer demanded.
"Oh ! Now come on shut up man ,we are on vacation let's go out and chill.I didn't come all the way from Azaria to Fortrich to hear your blabbering of lost shoes" said Detective Haroon who had enough of yawer's tantrums for the day.
"I am not in the to go anywhere" said Yawer stubbornly.

The next second a pillow came flying across the room and hit yawer in Square on the face.He glared angrily at Haroon but next moment a laugh escaped his lips and stomach rumbled
which made him realize that he had skipped lunch.
So,he decided to tag along with Haroon after all this whole idea of vacation was,so that they could have some time away from their busy schedule at their headquarters,where they don't any scope of fun and relaxation,though his was Detective Haroon's assistant in solving mysteries gave him a lot of action and adventure but sometimes they got tired of the endless chase,which brought them to hilly city of Fortrich to look at beautiful scenery the city offered & relax.What concerned him though was the fact that crimes and mysteries had their way to follow them wherever they went so has praying desperately that let this trip be just fun and relaxation & nothing else.They use elevator to reach ground floor.They went out of the hotel to get Cab.
"Cab" Haroon stopped the cab passing nearby."We want to go Fortrich's finest restaurant" he told the cab man.
The cab man dropped them to "Melrose continental restaurant ".
Which offered best non veg dishes at reasonable rates.
They entered the restaurant dressed up in their warm coats as the nights tend to be chilly in Fortrich. Yawer was wearing a woolen black coat,a hat like Sherlock Holmes and a borrowed pair of Haroon's shoes,a waiter came in hurrying to take their coats and show them an empty table in the corner of the restaurant.Since it was past lunch time so the restaurant was less crowded.The waiter came and gave menu to Yawer and he ordered a long list of food items.
"Two full meatloaf,two salisbury steaks,Beef stroganoff,Gyros and strawberry juices and also that soda" Yawer ordered hurriedly the waiter several famous dishes of fortrich and he expected that Haroon will pay for all this and also peaked at Haroon's face who was not looking to be teased by captain yawer.

The waiter after less than half an hour began to bring trolley of food.He started putting dishes on their table.

"Whoa ! what a delicious food,I can
smell it by my sharpest nose" said yawer hungrily and his stomach gave him a loud rumble.

While stuffing his mouth with various dishes yawer noticed that Haroon was not eating anything at all.
Oh! he thought the great detective is as usual observing everything and taking in all details.It was habitual for Haroon to be alert at all times whether on duty or off duty.
Ignoring Haroon completely Yawer continued on stuffing more food in his mouth as well as on heaping his plate again and again.

Finally he could not control it anymore & asked Haroon "are you not going to eat anything?" .

"No, I already had a lunch at hotel in afternoon" replied Haroon with a sardonic smile.

Suddenly Yawer lost all interest in eating because he realized from Haroon' comment & sardonic smile that he himself had to pay for all the food he ordered.That would mean a huge amount of money for all these dishes placed in front of him.
So he tried to coax Haroon into eating some food so that he could shift the bill into his share.
"Ah! This steak is just blissful! Don't u wanna try some Mr Haroon?"
"No thanks,I am not paying your bill" Haroon replied curtly and yawer was disappointed but to no avail.
Finally they left the restaurant Haroon was in a cheerful mood and yawer several thousands rupees poor grumbling under his breath,the weather was quite pleasant so they decided to stroll around the hills.

Suddenly a crowd gathered and some people were shouting" CALL THE COPS". The Detective inside Haroon immediately came to attention just as Yawer dreaded that this is the "END OF HOLIDAYS". They hurried to the front of the crowd and saw a man sprawled on the rocky ground.The odd angles of his feet that he was dead.

"Call the cops" Haroon ordered Yawer.
"Please step back and don't panic" said Haroon in a loud voice.Several man shouted "who are you ? are you a policeman?".
"I am colonel Haroon of "CIB"(Central Intelligence Bureau) announced Haroon on a cries of the crowd.He walked to the corpse to inspect it closely.Then he called yawer.

"Yeah,I informed the Fortrich police department" Yawer replied coming to a halt near the corpse as well.
"Aren't those your 'SHOES' on his feet Yawer?" colonel Haroon asked in undertone,pointing at the corpse.


To be continued..........................

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