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Yawer was shocked, his mouth was wide opened and he felts his throat dry but suddenly he was alarmed by the sirens of Fortrich police. He saw Haroon inspecting the corpse and quickly picking something from corpse as he was in a hurry. He also picked some invaluable items and also took some photographs of the corpse. The great Detective was in his full action.

"Any interesting clues?" asked Yawer excitedly.

"Yeah, many." Replied Haroon curiously examining the corpse. He picked up shoes from the corpse and removed some sort of paper which was somewhat dark yellowish in colour as if an old paper, there was a winning smile on colonel's face. He folded it and kept it in a plastic bag and put inside his black overcoat.

"What was that?" asked yawer who was still confused at Haroon's activities.

"You will know soon, my friend" said colonel Haroon gently. The police cars came to stop nearby; a police constable came running to Haroon and ordered "Mister get away from here! Let the police do their work" but Haroon was not listening.

"Hey you both get away! And you mister, are you not listening? Get away before I put you behind the bars". Haroon smiled at him and he passed his card to policeman.

Colonel A.K Haroon

[Joint Investigation Detective]

[Central Intelligence Bureau]

Authorized by Central Government

The constable immediately gave a salute.

"Sorry sir! I was not able to recognize you." He said apologetically.

"Don't worry about that, you can proceed now" said Haroon.

As conversation was going on one more officer joined in. His uniform had 3 stars and several badges, which indicated he was a senior officer.

"May I ask your name gentlemen?" the inspector asked suspecting both of them. "Sure why not, I am Haroon and he is my friend Yawer." Replied Haroon gently.

"But you have to come with us to the police station."


"Because I suspect you and your friend and if you delay I will use my power, I am inspector Frank of Fortrich police do you understand my dear friend Mr Haroon." The inspector spoke in harsh tone in order to scare Haroon.

"What is this tone of yours mister? I demand some respect from you when you speak to my boss........" Yawer started to say angrily.

"Oh no dear sir! We're here at your service. If you wish we will accompany you to the police station." Haroon cut yawer sharply and replied to the officer gently.

"And yeah we are tourist here just like every other person in this crowd" he added.

Well that was definitely fishy. Why didn't Haroon want the officer to know who he was? Yawer thought to himself. But then again what was not strange with The Famous Detective A K Haroon. Yawer shrugged indifferently.

"Come on let's go Deerpal." Ordered inspector to one of the constable who had come along with him.

"But sir, what about the corpse we can't leave it alone, can we?" asked the fat constable who saluted earlier.

"You don't have to worry about that we already have an important clue as well as the potential killer." Replied inspector smiling meanly at Yawer, Yawer also smiled back at him easily. "Forensics is arriving. Aaron and Mortian you two will stay here and these two sahibs will accompany me to police station." He added smiling sardonically at them. Captain Yawer feels something wrong in his tone dal me kuch toh kala hai. He was not looking as kind or as gentle; maybe he was someone else entirely who was here to interrupt them from investigating any clue. He was fully aware that anything could happen him and his friend Haroon. Thinking of his friend, he turned his head but there was no sign of detective except his muffler.


To be continued......

Death Behind The Hills [Action] (To Be Updated Soon)Where stories live. Discover now