Game Begins !

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Haroon couldn't exactly figure out whom that strange guy was and why he was hanging near the corpse? That's why he followed him and reached this strange place. To top it all he had lost the guy too. He thought that maybe more of his guys should be here and he could get some clue to the case.

Obviously it was no accident but rather a well planned murder, this he was sure of. But the deceased had Yawer's shoes on which clearly meant that he wanted to send some clue or information to him, also it meant deceased knew him as well. Till now he was not sure what all these incidents meant. But he was here to find out and he could not rest until he got to the depth of the whole story.

He was not worried about Yawer. He knew that Yawer could handle himself very well in such types of situations and probably he would find some clues as well. He had left his muffler intentionally so that only Yawer will notice that he is fine because it was their code. But both Yawer and inspector Frank couldn't notice him. He had got the special training for this technique by secret service's best agent Master Ali Imran who is mastered in several fighting styles like judo, kung fu and jujitsu. He trained Haroon when he was new in secret service. Only three people knew this sudden disappearance technique which is called chaotaal.

As far as he could see this place was deserted for miles. There were few broken down very old buildings and shacks as if an earthquake had rattled the place at some point of time and no one thought of populating this place again. It seemed completely forgotten and isolated.

Well I have to start from somewhere he thought moving towards the first abandoned house on his right. But to no avail there was nothing in the abandoned houses except some old stuff, rats and cockroaches. He thought that, if there is nothing here then why that strange guy intentionally made him follow to this place. He went out from abandoned houses and examined the place carefully with his Hawkeyes; he noticed that there was an old wooden battered shack which he couldn't see because it was built between two big trees that covered it from plane sight. The old shack's only door was visible from this angle. Haroon went straight to the house but not from the front door, he went inside from backdoor because he was always took precautions that were drilled into him since his training days. But there was nothing out of ordinary in the shack. He knocked on the old walls but they seemed solid, he knocked the wooden floor but nothing came except dust. He was about to leave house through the front door when he stepped on a part of the old floor, that creaked which made him curious. He knocked on the area around it on the floor to confirm about the basement inside and to his excitement he could make out a hallow space of about 4 square feet. Now it was confirmed that there was indeed a basement and this place was the door to get into it. Since there seemed to be no entry door or handle to the basement so he decides to break old wooden floor, but his efforts at breaking and opening doesn't even move or crack the floorboard in slightest.

Hmm... there must be some other way to open the floor he says to himself. He starts knocking the walls frantically in search of some sort of button leading to underground passage. He noticed an old bulb on the wall, he was surprised to see that everything in the house was in dust but this bulb though old was not covered in the dust like everything else in this room.

Haroon took a ladder which was in the corner of the room and climbed to examine the bulb. He removed it from its switch and found the button exactly as he thought. He pressed it gently and suddenly the floorboard started moving with silent hissing. There was a dark passage inside basement leading to underground floor. He climbed down from the ladder and took out his torch. He went down the stairs leading to the basement below. He thought that there must be some switch and moved his torch around and saw the switch right there in the wall, he press it and suddenly underground basement lighted up brilliantly. It was a small room with a chair and table and cupboard dealing with large amount of dust deposited on them. The strange thing was that the cupboard was not looking old and there were also some fresh footsteps which were obviously of men. Haroon opened cupboard but he found nothing except the old clothes and old dry fruits.

A thought suddenly strikes his mind and he shifts the cupboard, with a winning smile on his lips he found the object of his interest. There was a Newly Fixed Locker in the wall behind the safe. He took it out but couldn't open it. There was a password fixed in it. Haroon tried several random tricks to open it but failed. He went upstairs and found a record book inside the drawer. He hastily turned pages and was surprised to see familiar names. The only astonishing fact was that the names were written in reverse alphabetical order. As he turned to the last page his mouth was hanging open with shock because his name was written within a circle.


He knew that some of these guys knew him and they needed his help but in what perspective and why were they not revealing themselves to him? Until now he was just joining the dots. Maybe the locker held some answers or clue.

He rushed again downstairs and types his own name in reverse on the keypad. The locker opened up with a pop sound. The locker was empty except for a piece of A6 paper similar to the one he found from the corpse. There were some alphabets and numbers written on it too but just like before they were undecipherable.


"Hmm game begins now!" said Haroon to himself.

To be continued....

Next part is very intersting part. Please leave comments or feedbacks to help me to provide more.

                                          Thanks you

Death Behind The Hills [Action] (To Be Updated Soon)Where stories live. Discover now