Being Followed

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"Hey cab!"Haroon called the cab passing nearby. It was quite a surprise to get a cab in a lonely place where people feared to go. There were lot of rumoured horror stories about these abandoned roads and houses. Many people said that some ghost families are still haunted the area. But it was all fake, reason for this was that in this area some strange activities have been spotted and strange things were happening. People there fled with their families thinking that some sort of ghost is chasing their lives. But Haroon was not afraid of these things, he knew that this place is used by unknown people for suspicious reasons.

"Yes sir, may I help you?" the cab driver asked him.

"City Hotel?" Haroon asked the cab driver. Driver nodded and opened the back door for him. Haroon stepped inside the cab fell on the seat and due to the comfort of seat after several hours of hard work his eyelids started dropping and within minutes he was fast asleep. Half an hour later he was awakened by taxi driver as he had arrived at his hotel. He paid the fair but taxi driver refused to take it. "No sir I've already been paid by the guy who sent me."

"Which guy?" Haroon enquired curiously.

"It's confidential sir. I can't say." Taxi driver said apologetically. He did not give any bad vibes to Haroon so he memorised the cab's number.

Haroon went straight to a book stall nearby and bought the daily newspaper.

Few moments later he was in his room enjoying the dinner. After finishing the dinner he called for room service to bring big pot of hot coffee. Coffee was his only favourite item of interest in food. He took out a piece of paper from Hotel's diary and wrote:

Mr detective Yawer

I have got some clues. I hope that you have something interesting to show but I'll be not present in hotel for few days. Do your investigation by yourself. Check that fake police inspector and enjoy the vacation.

A K Haroon

After writing he folded it and put it inside his pocket. At the same moment the door bell rang.

"Room service." Someone said from outside.

"Come in." He replied.

A hotel's housekeeper came inside with a pot of hot coffee and placed it on the table and cleaned the whole room.

"Anything else sir?" he asked politely.

"A little privacy will be wonderful." Haroon said giving him a handsome tip. Housekeeper went outside smiling and closed the door. Haroon took out the note from his pocket and placed it carefully in Yawer's lighter case knowing that he would definitely use it. He took out coffee from pot and began reading newspaper. His mind was still confused on the events happening around him since last night. He opened the window and looked outside, it was a very dark night, few lights were coming from the road of cars passing. He closed the window, and took out his long black coat, a new muffler and a black revolver with silencer from his suitcase and placed it in his holster. He brought his wrist watch close to his face and began setting frequency. After that he began calling "Hello Black Eagle calling over." And began repeating, after some time the transmitter call was attended by the next end. "Yes, B1 attending you sir over." Someone attended the call.

"Where are you at this time over?" Haroon asked B1, B1 was his in charge of Black force.

"Sir we're driving at City Street with B6 over." B1 said.

"Oh! Come straight to City Hotel I am coming over end all." Haroon ordered and quickly picked up his suitcase and put on a flat hat and came out of the room. He pushed the elevator button, after few seconds the elevator came up and he went inside. Few moments later he was giving his keys to the hotel reception and telling counter clerk that he was going to his business meeting and may not return soon so he has locked his room but his friend will come and stay as he wish. After coming out of hotel he sat on the bench reading a magazine. Five minutes later a brown sedan car stopped on the road and one man came out looking at the benches, Haroon raised his hat and the man nodded opened the door of car for him. Haroon sat inside the car, and it moved away.

"Sir, why have you left the hotel so urgently?" B1 asked who was sitting next to the driver (i.e. B6).

"I have been spied by unknown people." Haroon replied. Haroon told them about strange incidents happening to him since last night. "My sixth sense tells me that I have been watched by someone in that abandoned place. In hotel the housekeeper kept a very small voice recorder in my room under my pillow but it is now in my briefcase." Added Haroon.

"So sir where would you like to go now?" B1 asked again. But Haroon was not listening to him.

"What! That car is continuously following us." Suddenly Haroon yelled by seeing front mirror.

"Which car sir?" B6 asked.

"That white mini van." Haroon replied.

"Oh! Shall we dodge them?" B6 asked again.

"Nope I don't have more clues, lets not lose this one. Move your car cautiously to that abandoned field in the west of the city where we can tackle them and then bring them to Black compound in our car." Haroon ordered firmly. B6 turned his car to west at the next turn leaving the city limits while keeping a sharp eye on white mini van.

To be continued.......very soon......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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