The First Call

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Fuff! He was busy in smoking pipe sitting on chair close to his phone. The phone rings and he was ready to receive the call which was surely from his boss. He put on earphones.

"Is that Mr Reaper?" Voice raised on earphones.

"No, sorry wrong call" He replied.

"SHUT UP! Now tell me what happened?" his boss asked curtly.

"Sir, as you have told me to eliminate that person who had stolen our secret files, I straight went to marris road at his resident thinking that I will be getting that files back but he had already smelled our plan and escaped. I went to nearby flats but they refused to tell anything, so I bribed the watchman into telling me where he went, he said that the man went in a big black car and gave me the car number, therefore I tracked him down to the restaurant Melrose where the deceased saw me and ran out the back door."

"Cut to the point you fool! I don't have all day to listen to your bak bak." barked the boss.

"The point is sir that I killed him on the hill nearby and dropped his body to make it look like an accident."

"Did you make sure that he knew nothing about us?"

"Even if he knew anything we silenced him forever. But I am sure he had no evidence against us because i have searched his flat as well as his body and cloths and everything. He was just bluffing sir."

"But be sure Mr Jake if anything goes wrong I will track you down and cut you up into pieces and feed you to my dogs." Boss warned in a low voice which meant he was very serious.

"Yes sir. But sir there is one more thing that i noticed."


"Sir it seemed the famous detective Haroon is on vacation here and he was present at the accident scene with that partner of his Yawer."



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Death Behind The Hills [Action] (To Be Updated Soon)Where stories live. Discover now