Fight and Flight

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As yawer opened his eyes everything seemed blurred and out of focus but slowly as things came into focus he saw an unknown surrounding and his mind was blank. He began to sit and suddenly a blinding pain shot through the back of his head it was then that he remembered the incidents of how he was hit on the back of his head by the rod. As he tried to touch the back of his head to inspect the damage he noticed that his hands were cuffed in iron shackles. Then he noticed his surroundings, he was lying on something as hard as a stone platform and his hands and legs were shackled to the ground with metallic chains. The walls of the room seemed ancient but were quite clean and there was no door or window in view. He also felt very weak and exhausted and his throat was dry. Now that he was fully focused he could feel vibrations in his entire body but unusually the ground was still it only meant that the vibrations were coming from the shackles through the metallic chains. But this was quite unusual as he had never experienced anything like this before. The vibrations seemed to make him exhausted. Suddenly he heard sound of footsteps coming from far away. Now the sound was coming nearer and nearer, he thought that more than one person is coming. Yawer closed his eyes acting like that he was still asleep, than he heard the sound of door opening but where was door? He opened his eyes little to peak and see the door. He saw that there was door fixed into the wall levelly and it was painted with the same colour as of the wall. Then two men came inside both were armed with revolvers. They have tray of food with them. Yawer closed his eyes again began acting asleep. "huh! he is still sleeping." He heard one of them saying. "Yeah, but how do we make him eat?" said another one to his partner. "Let's check him." said first man. Then one of them came forward and shook Yawer's arm violently but Yawer didn't show any sign of being conscious. The man turned and said to his partner that they should loose Yawer's chain and try to bring him back to consciousness probably by slapping him repeatedly. The second man said "I wonder why the boss had asked us to be careful with this man? From the looks of it seems that he is such a weakling that he could not come back to consciousness even after a day." "Probably the boss was trying to scare us to check how strong we are" other said. "land show him what we are made of." They move forward to loose chain and when they reached then one of them took out some sort of device which contains a small screen. He starts operating device carefully and after few minutes he added "Ok , now I have stopped the electrical waves , we can proceed now." His partner took out a key to unlock Yawer to make him eat food as instructed by his boss.

"Ha Ha, poor weakling couldn't even last a single day." said the other one mocking Captain Yawer.

"And to think that people say this man is dangerous is just insulting."

Yawer was listening quietly and was boiling with anger. But he was waiting for the right time to spring into action as he couldn't waste this moment. His chain was unlocked and there were no more vibrations. Then just as one of them was about to slap him on the face. Yawer's eyes popped open and he gave them a toothy smile "Hello gentlemen now we will see who is a weakling". They recoiled back in shock without wasting any chance his right foot came up to hit the man standing near him making the man double up in pain on this unexpected attack. By the time they could compose themselves, Yawer with the speed of light flew up from platform and was standing on the floor. Both men took out their revolvers from holsters but before they could point it at him, yawer jumped from his place and gave one flying kick making revolvers slip away from their hands, then one of them punched Yawer when he was trying to get to the fallen weapon but next moment he was covering his nose which was bleeding by Yawer's sudden back turn punch. Yawer grabs hold of the revolver quickly and points it toward both of them and orders them "Both of you hands up! and On your knees." He then picks up the second revolver and point each one at them. "Now what do you think? Am I still the weaker or is it the two of you against me?" Yawer asked his first question but no one answered. "In case you two failed to recognize me and underestimated my capabilities, I am Captain Yawer". He continued trying to nurse his bruised ego at being underestimated. But the two fools before him looked just as clueless. Hopeless these fools are hopeless Yawer thought to himself. But now he needed some useful answers.

"Who is this boss of yours? And why did you people bring me here?" both men looked at each other without speaking a word and continued to remain silent.

"Tell me, are you both not listening?" Captain Yawer shouted at them, about to lose his temper.

"Sir we were just following orders." said one of them.

"Orders? By whom?" Captain Yawer asked again. "John, please don't do this. Have you forgotten your promise to Boss?" Interrupted other man between conversations.

"I can't tell you this. Our life depends on it." said John who was answering Yawer's questions.

"And what does your life depend on now that you are at the mercy of my bullet? Yawer threatened. "Answer me and you may live to see another day."

The men shifted uncomfortably clearly distressed.

"We have not seen The Boss. Our conversations with him are purely over phone on an untraceable number that changes every time. But the boss has eyes and ears everywhere. He could be listening at this moment as well." One of them replied in quite tone.

"Ok, can you tell me something else about your boss? I may even be able to protect you from him too if I could do some investigations." Yawer asked again trying to gain some confidence so that they may speak up about their boss.

"Nope, nothing at all." said the other man.

"Anything at all? Something odd you noticed about his voice or instructions?" yawer asked again to get something useful.

"His voice was electronically produced in all the direct orders we got from him over phone. But yes at other times we got orders through Frank but he is not our boss. He just passes the information. Today he called us to get out on the road when we were in our apartments. A white colour windowless van came and two men came out and put black strips on our eyes and took us here to take care of yours." The man spoke too much for Yawer but not beneficial talk. Yawer scratched his head stood up.

"Thanks for your unnecessary talk but I am bored and I don't want to leave any evidence so go to sleep boys." He said in a horrible tone. Both men eyes were saying that they were frightened by Yawer's sudden changed behaviour. Yawer pointed his machine pistol at them and loaded them looking he was going to shoot them and men closed their eyes, Yawer suddenly picked up a wooden rod and hit the second man. Next moment he was lying on the floor beside his partner John. John opened his eyes when he heard thuk noise and saw his partner lying on the floor and Yawer standing with a wooden rod in hand.

"I am not silencing you forever, John but my one last question." said Captain Yawer by handing him a piece of paper and a pen. "Write your full address and your partner's. Also write the names along with addresses of those whom you suspect are behind all this." He added.

"Okay sir." John reluctantly by taking the pen from Yawer's hand and began writing the names on the paper with shivering hands. After two minutes he finished. Yawer gave him a sardonic glance but he was not looking at him. John was busy in bringing his partner back to consciousness. Yawer looked at his wrist watch it was 2 pm. Yawer asked John to show him any vehicle in this building, they left the room and went to garage where two vehicles were parked. He pointed to one new sedan, Yawer came forward and looked inside it the key was in ignition, and he checked the engine thoroughly.

"Okay is there any wireless set inside the car?" he asked John. He nodded and showed him a 09 transmitter inside the car. "Hey buddy! call police and fake up a story of robbery and be sure my name should not come up otherwise I'll be riding on your neck." Yawer warned john.

He sat inside the car, leaving an astonished John behind.


To be continued and very much sorry for too much late update.

Death Behind The Hills [Action] (To Be Updated Soon)Where stories live. Discover now