AN (Nov,25,17)

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Hello everyone, you have probably been wondering where I have been at and why I haven't been updating any of my stories. Well, this is why, and this may be an emotional rollercoaster for some because it is for me and the last thing I want to do is bring any memories up for anyone else. About a week or so ago I lost my father from cancer. That is probably all that needs to be said, right? I don't know, but anyway, he had been fighting it off and on for nearly eight years and had won but this one was worse. 

So as you could imagine that put a damper on the whole writing thing and all. But I will be back at it soon and I promise that you will get updates. on another note, I have other things in the works that stary from Assassins Creed to another video game that is one of my personal favorites. I will give you a hint: TES. That's all you're getting. 

I also wanted you all to know that if you have someone that you care about that is battling cancer or that has passed from Cancer, you are not alone. Even if it was years ago but it still pains you to think of it and to remember them, you are not alone. This world is cruel and doesn't let up for anyone, but just remember that you are never alone, no one is ever alone. It may feel that way at times and trust me I've been through that too and you may feel like the world is crashing down around you but you have to look for that light in the darkness. Once you do find that light, grasp it as if your life depends on it; sometimes it does and never let it go. 

I want to tell you the lesson that I learned in going through the loss of my father. Some of you may not give a shit and others may take something from this and then again some may be like me and skip this because it reminds them of things they would rather forget, I don't know that is for you to decide. If anyone takes anything from what I'm saying let it be this: Spend as much time with your parents as you can because you never know when you may lose one. If you are mad at one of your parents for any reason call them a tell them you are sorry and that you love them, even if you think you are right and they are wrong because if one of them dies tomorrow that guilt will become a part of you until the day you die.  

Honestly, that goes for anyone. A friend, family member, anyone anger and hate can not lead your life. I had to learn it the hard way. I loved my father just as any kid would but there were days that I hated being around him and some days that I would avoid him altogether but now I see that I was the ass hole not him and I have to live with that for the rest of my life. I would give anything just to spend one last day with him. 

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