Chapter Fourteen

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When the night was coming down and Harry was spent to his core, Colette found herself wondering about him more and more, it wasn't fascination rather attraction, like a moth to a flame and she was scared shed burn and fall to ash if she pushed on. With it was too much, it was suffocating her by each second that passed on and after her small encounter with Shawna and her sapphic pull on Colette, she didn't know if facing her would be a good idea and maybe it isn't. She didn't need any ties with any of the girls, she knew that, feelings made everything worse. She thought about Harry, his green eyes that held so much suspense that kept targeting her when she looked at him, like it challenged her, test me, test me his eyes screamed, see where that gets you. It was pure evil, ripe from the vine that was his body. He is evil, disgusting, she couldn't stand the sight of him, it made her sick.

After kissing Shawna, having her soft lips on Colette's sore, bruised ones was a moment she couldn't quite describe without feeling sick and gross, she liked how it felt when Shawna smiled at her after she pulled her lips away and Colette couldn't wait to get another kiss as soft as the first and just as delicate. But she could let that go, there were other people out there but if she didn't get out, she would only see those same four faces forever and that was a reality she didn't want to face quite yet, she was hopeful that the good guys would win and the bad guys, the villains, he would lose

Digging through the dresser, she found a photo album, it had brown lace and a dark orange background, curiosity filled her up and she opened it and the first picture looked very old, in it there was a young boy and a woman standing outside, in front of the house. The woman with off setting blonde hair, bleached it looked like, she looked at the woman and despite her magnificent beauty; she intimidated Colette, making her skin aflame, she looked scarily beautiful and Colette didn't want to know about her anymore than her face.

The boy was small and skinny, his dark hair was messy and his brown sweater with stains and holes all over it made her smile, she found herself thinking she could be friends with him, he was attractive beyond belief, in a funny looking way. His green eyes were almost pale enough to pass off as blue. Colette flipped the page and there he was again just older, broader, taller and far more handsome than before. His stained clothes were exchanged with a red dress shirt and tighter jeans, brackets decorated his stunning smile.

The woman was the other side of the page and she was older, wrinkles sprawled across her pale skin. Age spots and even her clothing was looking much more retro than the last picture. Colette seen the writings on the side, messy handwriting spelled out 'not my mother, never gonna be,' and by the looks of the pictures themselves, this album held some age.

The word mother alone made her head turn upside down in agitation. How was her mother faring, did she cry, was she being weak? Did she still go about her everyday life without those pains, most of all, did she care? Colette started crying, remembering how her mother had hurt her one too many times. Tearing her up with words sharp as razors under her skin, the blood was always pride and the words held meaning that was always brushed off by her mother, not wanting to admit that sometimes, she was wrong. But that was Colette and her selfishness, she thought the world was against her and maybe it was but what mattered was she was alive and wasting away in a house that isn't her own. With people she could have gone her entire life without knowing.

There was a time where her mother had to spend her day off looking for Colette who had skipped class, with a boy who was older than her, living on his own. Her mother found her at the guys house, her daughters neck was covered in sloppy hickeys and lots of them, like someone splattered paint on her like an art experiment but it wasn't that type of experiment. Colette's mother was angry beyond words, making Colette leave the house of the boy who she was with and dragging her daughter by the hair to their vehicle, she started crying but bit them back when she knew she had to stand up to her mother, when her mother got in, they sat in the car, silence very potent and the air was so stiff, Colette was scared to choke on air. The sound of breathing and mumbling under her breath, that was very evident but other than that, Colette was scared.

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