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great i have to write the aftermath now yikes!


"Fuck, we have to call 911!" Dustin screeched.

"Are what are we going to tell the police, huh dipshit? A killer clown tried to murder us? I don't fucking think so!" Steve yelled at the boy who looked like he was about to pee himself.

"You've gotta think ahead," Steve said as he used his pointer finger to gesture to his head.

"Do you have any better ideas?" Dustin set his hands on his hips.

Getting no response he continued, "Well, then this is what we're going to have to do. If they die, it's on you, Harrington!"

"Fine," Steve sighed, grumbling as he crossed his arms.

"Also, what are we going to do about Dart?" Eleven chimed in to the bickering pair.

"Oh, uhm," Dustin started only to be cut off by Steve.

"It's not like we can send him to a vet, seeing as he isn't a real animal," Steve shrugged ignoring Dustin's gasp.

"How dare you talk about him like that? He certainly saved our asses, including yours!" Dustin yelled.

Steve raised his hands in surrender and then offered, "Isn't Eddie's sister a veterinarian or some shit? Maybe she could help." [he has a sis in this story ok i just made it up ok ok]

"Good idea, Harrington! You finally used that small brain of yours for good use!" Dustin smiled with a show of his new teeth.

"Shut the fuck up," Steve hissed.

"Well, you call her, and I'll call you-know-who," Dustin whispered looking suspiciously around the room. This earned a roll of eyes from Steve.

Dustin reached to the house phone and pressed the three buttons his mother had always warned him of.

"911, what's your emergency?"


As the sirens became louder, the three friends were trying to come up with a story. They couldn't explain how Stan had finger marks around his neck, how Eddie had been stabbed, or how Bev had a broken rib.

"What are we going to tell them?" Steve whispered to Eleven.

"We have to say that we found them like this," she whispered back. Steve furrowed his brows pressing her to continue.

"And then we have them pretend they don't remember what happened. The police can't do anything if the poor kids don't have any memory of the event or any witnesses," Eleven said softly.

Steve snapped his fingers, a slight twinkle in his eyes, "You are phenomenal, El!"

Eleven rolled her eyes, "Yeah I know, don't cream your pants, Harrington." (im laughing as im writing this)

"Can't promise," he winked at her. (its not flirting this is his personality chilllllll; ik some of you aren't even thinking it but some might so it's just a disclaimer)

"Now, tell Dustin this because we know he's going to screw this up," Steve laughed lightly.

"I was already planning on it."

The ambulance finally arrived and the four injured were taken. They watched as they drove away, everything seeming to be in slow motion.

Inside the ambulance, an EMT was struggling to keep one of the losers conscious.

"She's crashing!" she shouted as the beeping of her machine was heard.

"She's not breathing, Nancy!" (i tried coming up with a random dude but then i was like why not,,, it is a stranger things crossover)

"Jonathan, do something!" Nancy yelled as her fellow employee started giving the girl CPR.

He put his hands on top of the other and started repeatedly pressing on her chest, then opening her mouth to give her air.

Her body was jolting up as Jonathan was doing this, the sound of her body hitting the stretcher echoing throughout the vehicle.

"Come on, kid. Hang on, you're too young for this," Jonathan murmured while trying to revive her.

"Stay alive, please," he muttered, pressing her chest one last time. There was still no response.

It was quiet as Jonathan took a step back from her body, Nancy wrapping her arm around his for comfort.

He stared at her arm tangled in his. It was definitely unfamiliar.

A gasp for breath was heard and the two snapped their heads to the girl.

Bev's breaths came out shallow while she groggily opened her eyes.

Meanwhile, in the other ambulances, things were going much smoother. Since the injuries Stan and Richie sustained weren't as serious as Eddie's or Bev's, they were in exceedingly better conditions.

Stan and Richie were conscious and they both felt a bit numb. It was something they had never felt before. It was like they weren't fully grasping that this had actually happened.

Eddie was losing blood at a dangerous rate. His wound was bleeding profusely as Pennywise had really done a number on him. At this pace, he would definitely need surgery. He was losing too much blood far too fast.

As the vehicles reached the hospital with all four losers in tow, they rushed them in, the doctors all hurrying to their sides.

Eddie was rushed into surgery as Stan, Bev, and Richie were all being kept under close surveillance.

Everything felt so different now, like their lives had completely changed, which they certainly had.

And suddenly, for once in their lives, they didn't know if they were going to make it.

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