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In a run-down section of some town in the country of Escor their was a single person running and gunning, the person stopped as they came to an intersection. They took a moment to check their equipment and then themselves. "Alright still got a good portion of my ammo. The only bad part is the fractured bones." They laughed as they felt one of the fractured bones. "Command, this is Wolfpack requesting assistance?" Wolfpack requested into his radio.

Undisclosed location

Two people in the radio room listened as one of their own called in asking for help. "Shut it down. Our job is done here." The commander said as they walked out of the room. "But sir if we leave then Wolfpack will-" The person who cared about his friend started to say only to be shot in the head. "They are a loose end just like you." The commander said as they left the room, shortly after the room was destroyed.


With no response, Wolfpack tried to make contact only to receive more silence. "Think Briggs, think! The only reason to not get a reply would be......... if they were going to leave you out to dry... So much for no man left behind." Briggs said to himself as he heard voices looking for him. He then ran into the group only to be shot as he turned around heading the way he came from. This went on for nearly an hour until he came to a big set of double doors. "Guess this will make a good place to make a stand." Briggs said as he pushed the doors open, he was enveloped in a blinding light.

Unknown location

When Briggs opened his eyes he was looking up into a darkening sky and trees. He slowly sat up and checked for his equipment then himself for any new injuries, being satisfied that his only injuries were from before he woke up. "I can't stay here those fuckers could be right behind me." He said out loud as he wrapped some leaves around his wound and tied it with rope.

As Briggs limped through these strange woods he came to a building and when he looked at it he saw a symbol resembling a skull with a snake coming out of its eye's and mouth. Briggs was about to bypass the building only to be surrounded by people with the symbol on their bodies. "Who dares steps foot onto the Serpent skulls ground!" One of the people surrounding Briggs demanded as they looked at him standing with his weapons holstered or slung over his back. Briggs was about to fight back when a chain appeared out of thin air and surrounded him. "What is this?" Briggs asked as he was restrained and brought into the strange building.

As Briggs was forced into the lower parts of the building he saw many strange things. He saw people attacking each other with magic, he thought that the blood loss was making him see things. Once Briggs was taken into the lowest part of the building the men that captured him tied him to a chair and started to torture him. "What guild are you from? How many of you are here?" The one interrogating him asked as one of the others looked at the stuff they took from him.

When Briggs didn't answer they all started to take turns beating him till they got bored. "You two stay here with the prisoner." Briggs looked with his uninjured eye as he was left in the room with two guards. He watched as one guard left and the other guard slowly started to fall asleep and he took the opportunity in their relaxed state to move one of his boots as close to his hands as he could. Once he could reach into the boot he pulled out a small knife and started to cut the ropes confining him. Once he was freed he quietly walked over to his equipment, as he put his body armor and weapons back onto himself when he saw the guard waking up. Briggs walked over to the guard and slit their throat, he then found the other guard and tied them up and put a rag in his mouth. "Can't have you yelling that I escaped." He said as he knocked them out.

Outside the guild hall

A group of five were seen walking in the same woods that Briggs had walked in the day before. "Erza do you know the name of the guild were supposed to be finding?" Lucy asked as they walked on an old dirt path. She was about to respond when she saw a darker patch of dirt, when she looked closely at it she saw a few strange things one was a strange pattern of clothing, then she saw the strange color and lastly a strange form of a footprint. "It would seem someone was hurt here recently." Erza said as she followed the prints with her eyes. "Maybe its one of the members of Serpent skulls." Gray said as they followed the trail and eventually leading to the guild hall.

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