The Beast falls

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'Thank you, Hibiki for the map.' I thought as I walked through the old ruins. I bet in it's prime this place was nice. "Another one of you fairies. Fortune smiles upon me." I turned around and saw Cobra and he looked like he was dropped from the sky. "That's because your friend all but blew me out of the sky and my eardrums out of my head!" Cobra yelled at me as I thought about him falling out of the sky. "How did you know what I was thinking?" I asked as I put my hands on my rifle. "It's part of my magic I can hear everything your thinking." Cobra said with a smirk like he was going to win if we fought. "Alright. Well, I'm going to think of something's from my past and then you tell me if you think you can win." I said thinking of some of my less than stellar moments and watched as his smirk fell from his face.

As I got done with the third thought I started to think of blowing up Nirvana's leg. "Well, I can still hear your thoughts. I can hear your fear." He said cracking a smile. "You sure that's me your hearing?" I asked as I stepped towards him cracking my knuckles. Cobra looked at me as he gulped and made magic appear in his hands along with claws. "Come on I can still fig-" He started till I kicked him in the stomach. "I have more important things to do. And fighting you ain't one of em'." I said as he coughed while I turned to where I needed to go. 'Here is some medical supplies. Your goin' to need to stop the bleeding.' I could feel Cobra's eyes burning into my head as I thought of what he needed to do as I dropped some medical supplies.

I walked in a dark tunnel till I could see a bright light, when I walked into the room I saw a large lacrima. "Fuck this thing is big!" I yelled setting down my bag and rummaging through it. "Don't tell me I lost the explosives?! I mean I did get thrown like ten times today." I yelled as I brushed my hand against the C-4. I pulled the seven blocks out and started to set them up at the base of the lacrima. "I'm all set on this leg just waiting on you guys." I said as the timer ticked away in my head. I felt the ground shaking as the timer got to zero. "Well, hopefully you guys are about to blow this up too." I said getting to a safer distance. "FIRE IN THE HOLE! FIRE IN THE HOLE!" I yelled as I pushed the button causing the room to explode into a fireball.

After the debris cleared out of the air the lacrima was gone. 'Looks like we stopped Nirvana. Now what?' I thought as the area around me started to crumble. Once I got back up to the entrance of the tunnel I was standing on the edge of Nirvana. "Well hopefully with all the crap I've been through today the chute still works!" I yelled as the ground beneath me fell away. I didn't waste any time pulling my chute and only saw a few tears in the fabric as I slowly floated to the ground, the floating took a while but hey I got to see Nirvana crumble under its own weight. Once I touched the ground I heard the voices of Jura asking where Natsu was.

I followed the voices and found everyone. "So who are we missing?" I asked as the ground under Lucy exploded. "Don't worry I found our comrades." Hot Eye said as he held Jellal and Natsu. "So we cool now right? Like if I turn my back to you your not going to stab me?" I asked as I took Jellal out of Hot Eyes grip. "No, after Nirvana switched me I'm not going back to the way I was. Oh yeah." Hey said with a smile. I watched as Wendy jumped Natsu and started to cry tears of joy for saving her Guild. As we sat around I saw Erza giving Jellal some dirty looks. "You know you cant kill people by glaring at them." I said nudging Erza as Jura congratulated us on our job well done. "It's not that. Its just he still doesn't remember anything." Erza said as she looked at Jellal more like an injured animal than an enemy.

Erza and I sat off to the side as Wendy told them about how she knew Jellal. "So after Nirvana was activated what happened to you?" Erza asked as she looked at me and touched the side of my face. "Well I got thrown and rolled after it initially was activated, then I got hit upside the head. After that, I woke up and Hibiki told me where to meet them so I ran about seven miles back to Christina. When I got there I did the best I could to the engine and got it running then I helped Eve with the bomb." I said as I looked at her as she examined my face. "Okay, but how did you get on Nirvana? Didn't you jump ship with the others?" Erza asked as I looked to the sky. "Just promise you won't get mad." I said with a half-cracked smile.

Erza looked at me for a second. "No, I'm not going to promise that." She said as she looked me dead in the eyes. "That's fair. Well, I took control of Cristina and kept her airborne till the others could jump off and then I kind of crashed her into Nirvana." I said leaving out the part about Cobra. She just shook her head at me as she laid her head on my shoulder. "What are you doing?" We both looked up and saw Ichiya pressed up against a force field. "I was trying to go and use the bathroom." He said as words appeared around us all. I looked over at Natsu and Wendy and saw them both look towards a clearing then we saw a bunch of men with crosses on their chest. "It's the council." I said standing up and looking at the soldiers.

We watched them circle around us as someone with glasses stepped forward. They came to collect the Oracion Seis members. "Well, then you can have them. See Richard is going willingly." I said as Hoteye aka Richard stepped forward and was placed under arrest. "Now for Jellal." One of the knights said as they pointed a spear at Jellal. "But he doesn't remember any of his crimes!" Wendy yelled as she looked at the knights for sympathy. "Don't bother. They won't defy orders especially since they are newly re-formed." I said looking at commander Lahar. "With what you've done I am almost certain that your sentence will be life in prison or death." Lahar said as we all watched Jellal get taken.

Before any of us could really do anything Natsu punched one of the knights in the face. "Your not going to take him! He's one of us and he's coming back with us!" He yelled as everyone froze in their spots. A few of the knights tried to stop Natsu till Gray interfered and froze them. "Natsu's right he helped us defeat Nirvana and these assholes aren't showing a bit of gratitude." Gray said as he grabbed another knight and threw him into a group. Soon just about everyone joined in on the fight trying to free Jellal. Except for Erza, Wendy and I but that was short lived when they just grabbed Wendy for standing their. "Hey ass clown." I said as the knight looked up just in time to catch my boot to his face. "Arrest them. Arrest them all!" Lahar said as a knight used a spear and stabbed me in the side. "Gahhh! Okay that's how you want to play it! Fine!" I yelled taking the spear out and pounding the man into the dirt. "Enough! I apologize for the disturbance. You may take Jellal away." Erza said as we all stopped and looked at her.

I looked at Erza as she looked at all of us. "Thank you miss Scarlet." Lahar said as we stood down. I sat down and tried to stop the bleeding as the knights disappeared into the woods. "Here let me help you." I looked up as Wendy knelled next to me and started to heal my wound. "Where did Erza go off to?" I looked over to Natsu as he looked up into the sky. So as I was healed enough I went to try and find Erza, it didn't take that long but I just sat next to her. "It was Jellal who gave me my last name." She said as I looked at her from the corner of my eye. "He said that he wouldn't forget that name because it was the color of my hair." She said with a small smile as tears ran down her face. I wrapped my arm around her as she let her emotions flow out.

After a while she went quiet as the sun slowly rose. "Let's get back to the others." I said as we got up and walked back to where we left the others. "Nathan, do you really think we should tell the rest of the team about us?" Erza asked as we stood outside of the camp. "It's up to you. Whatever you decide I'll go with it." I said just before I kissed her cheek and then walked into the camp. "Now that were all here lets head to Cait Shelter and get fixed up." Jura said while Wendy led the way.

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