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We all sat in relative silence as Hibiki went back to typing. "I understand why Nathan stayed behind but what about you Lucy?" He asked as I pulled another IV bag out of my Rucksack and hooked Erza up. "I couldn't leave Erza like this. Besides I'm not all that strong compared to the rest of you." Lucy said as Hibiki cracked a smile. "That's not what I've heard. I heard that you beat a Vulcan and defeated Phantom lord almost entirely by yourself." He said as Lucy groaned at some of the far stretches of the truth.

I checked my watch then looked up into the sky. Come on guys hurry up we don't know how long Erza can holed-out. "Do we have a way to communicate with the others?" I asked as I checked the blood vessels on Erza's arm as they turned a strange purple color. "Not yet give me another minute. Natsu can you hear me?" Hibiki said as he typed a couple more buttons then tried to contact Natsu. "Well if you do get ahold of him patch me in." I said as I got up from my spot and walked over to Hibiki. "Well then just stand here and don't move." He said as he put two fingers to my temple and I felt a surge come through my head and down into my feet. "Where are you guys!?!" I heard Natsu yell in my head as Hibiki and I both cringed at his voice.

As Hibiki typed into his computer to get Natsu our location I walked back to Lucy and Erza. "Natsu do you have Wendy with you?" I asked as I checked Erza's slow pulse. "Yeah but she's unconscious right now." He said as I threw the used ice pack away and grabbed another one. "One problem at a time. Erza needs help now." I said as Lucy looked at me with a questioning look. "You know more then you're telling us don't you?" Hibiki asked as I stood up and brushed the dirt off my pants. "Yes. By the spreading and color of her veins, I have a rough estimate of how long she has and it's not very good." I said as Erza groaned loudly at us.

Please God don't do this to me. I started to pray because theirs not much else I can do. "We're here!" Natsu yelled as he came through the woods with Wendy and the cats over his shoulder. "Thank goodness." Lucy said as Natsu set down Wendy and started to shake her trying to wake her up. "Calm down Natsu. Let me try something before you hurt the poor girl." I said as I pulled a bottle of smelling salts from my Ruck and put the bottle under her nose. As soon as I did that her face contorted in disgust. "Seems like its working. What is that stuff anyway?" Natsu asked as he took the bottle and took a whiff and started to gag. "Come on Wendy we need your help." I said as her eyes opened. "I'm sorry I..." Wendy started as she pushed away from us and backed into a tree. "Whatever happened I don't care just please help her." I said as I pointed to Erza as more of her veins turned purple.

Wendy started to heal her as Natsu explained that he saw Jellal. "Well we can deal with him later. Right now we have a bigger mission at hand." I said as Erza's veins turned back to normal. "Guys whats with the dark light?" I asked as a pillar of light shot up into the sky. "Could it be Nirvana?" Wendy asked as Natsu turned from his happy go lucky self to angry Natsu. "It's Jellal. I'm going to take him out." He yelled as he ran off into the woods. "Your going to need help. Wait for me!" I yelled as I reached for my gear and saw Erza was gone. "It's all my fault. Its because I saved Jellal." Wendy said as she started to freak out. Before anyone else got a word out Hibiki knocked her out. "What do you think your doing?" Carla asked as I pulled my gun on him and almost shot him when he started to check her. "I'm sorry guys. But theirs something I didn't tell you about if Nirvana was activated." Hibiki said as he picked Wendy up and started to run after Natsu. "Well we have time. Explain!" I yelled as I felt my blood boil. The others stopped as I brought my rifle up to my shoulder.

The others looked at me while my muscles tightened around my rifle. "To simply put it. If you're on the verge of the light or dark side, then a person who normally would be on the light side turns to dark." Hibiki said as he looked at me with concern. "So anyone who has negative thoughts could be at risk? What about Natsu?" Lucy asked as she looked in the direction he ran then at me. "I don't know but he's angry for someone else so his thoughts may not be completely negative." He said as they both looked at me. "Don't worry about me. Dark/Light nothings going to change me." I said as I started to walk in the direction we were going.

After a while, we caught up with Natsu. He was on a raft and Gray was about to stab him. Lucy summoned her horse spirit while I aimed with my rifle. "What do you think you're doing Gray?!" Lucy yelled as the ice in his hand disappeared. "It's moving. Please make it stop." Natsu groaned as Lucy and I just facepalmed. "I'll get him just cover me." I said slinging my rifle across my chest. "This is going to suck later." I groaned as I walked into the river, I was about to get Natsu when Gray froze me. "What the hell man!" I yelled as I floated down the river. As I started to get out of sight I saw Gray turn into Lucy.

As I was floating I hit a tree and have been stuck here for a few minutes now. "Nathan? What happened to you?" I looked up and saw Gray as he limped towards me. "Long, very confusing story. Short version a copy of you did this." I said as Gray pulled me out of the river and he started to break the ice. He looked at me confused as my right arm was freed. "Like I said confusing." I said lobbing off a couple chunks of ice. "Whatever you say." Gray said as he freed my other arm when we saw Natsu and Lucy fly past us on the raft. Gray looked at me then out into the river. "Go I'll be fine. Besides they'll need the help." I said as I kept chopping at the ice.

As Gray ran off I looked into the sky and saw the pillar was closer now. "Well, once I'm out. I guess checking out to see if it can be blown up would be a good idea." I said going back to my legs. By the time I was out it was almost dark out. I started to walk as the pillar got bigger and a cloud of dust filled the air. "Jellal...... Why are you here?" I heard Erza as I entered the dust cloud. I kept following Erza and Jellal's voices. As I cleared the dust I saw Jellal and felt my blood pressure spike, so I took cover behind a pile of rubble. "Gun make M-249." I whispered as my original rifle disappeared and the machine gun appeared in its place.

I set up my gun as Erza and Jellal talked. 'Come on Erza move out of the way!' I thought as I tried to get a beet on Jellal. "That's all I remember. Could you tell me who I am? Do you know who I am? I can't remember anything?!" He asked as Erza looked stunned and I tried to decide if he's telling the truth. "Jellal.." Erza started to say something when she stepped closer to him and he fired magic at her. "Jellal!" I yelled as I jumped from cover and pulled my pistol out at him as Erza stood still with a cloud of dust around her head. "Who are you?" Jellal asked as I put my gun away and ran at him. "I'm the guy who's going to beat you to a bloody pulp!" I yelled when Erza grabbed my arm. "Let me talk to him." She said as I looked at the blood on her face.

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