Bad Choices taste

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Erza watched as Nathan slowly got back to his feet when she heard a whine coming from behind her team. She turned around and saw Tango standing with his back ridged as he looked down into the arena, then she felt a magic pressure she never felt before. "Nathan?" She asked and as if on cue he lifted his head, all the camera's showed his face. Gasps and some scream echoed around the arena as Nathan looked towards Alexis. "How are you not dead?" Alexis asked as she looked at Nathan's cut up face and some puncture holes in his body from his grenade and rocks.

He didn't say anything as he slowly moved towards Alexis, after a few shaky steps he was running. She didn't have time to do anything as he brought his fist into her face, then Nathan kicked her into a wall. "Was he always this strong?" Juvia asked as she looked around her team area and saw everyone just in shock except Laxus who was actually interested in the fight. "Guys, does something seem off about Nathan?" Gray asked as Nathan blocked an attack from Alexis.

"Jellal did you feel it?" Meredy asked as she watched Nathan let Alexis hit him in the chest with a fire attack. "Yes, but it couldn't be him. He was trapped on Tenrou when we first felt it." He said as Nathan and Alexis went back and forth leaving bruises on each others faces. Alexis made her staff appear and used it to break away from Nathan. "Your good but I think it's going to be my win." She said as she shakily got to her feet. "Not a chance in hell." Nathan said as he made a rifle appear in his hand. "Mr. Yajima, have you ever seen a weapon like that?" Chapati Lola asked as Yajima looked at the weapon as Nathan put a bayonet on the barrel. "From my understanding, the weapon in his hands is a rifle. So maybe he is going to use his magic." He said as the two then went back to fighting.

Alexis used her staff and made rocks go flying at Nathan but he shot the rocks breaking them into smaller ones. "Enough of this!" Alexis yelled as she ran towards Nathan, she was about to hit him again till he brought the rifle up and blocked it and just looked at her. "I always loved fighting like this." He said just as he was about to push her away only for the Pumpkin to make a comeback. "And that's it! The time is up, both teams get five points." He said as the two turned their heads and looked at him.

The two separated as their weapons disappeared and they both started to laugh. "Has it really been thirty minutes?" Alexis asked as she held her side. "Yeah, seriously it feels like we've been fighting for like ten." Nathan said as he looked around the arena and saw the destruction they caused. "Yes, it has, now if you would go back to your area's so we can continue that would be great." The Pumpkin said as the two took a step towards each other. "You are a worthy opponent." Alexis said as she put her left hand out. "You to. I hate to ask but could you switch arms? I'm a hundred percent sure you broke damned near every bone in this arm." Nathan said as he lifted his right hand. "I would but you broke that arm for me." She said as they both looked at each other and laughed even harder.

Nathan's POV

As I was walking back to my team my eyes started to get really heavy. "Good job Nathan!" Juvia yelled as I got to where a couple of them were waiting. "Thanks but I think I might need a doctor." I said as Gajeel laughed while I cracked a smile but then everything felt like it slowed down as I turned to go towards the medical area, the last thing I remember was hearing Juvia and Jellal yelling my name. "You were totally awesome Elfman!" I slowly opened my eyes and saw Elfman laying in a bed a few spaces down. "Can you guys stop. It sounds like your mourning the dead." He said as Natsu started to laugh at him as Lisanna said his only redeeming feature was his strength.

"You guys are so loud." I said as I tried to stand up only for Porlyusica to push me back onto the bed. "You need to lay back down after losing all that blood. You're just lucky that your team was there to help you get to me." She said as Erza walked over to me with an angry look on her face. I thought she was going to yell or smack me but she just sat on the edge of the bed and just looked towards the door. "Please say something." I said after we both sat there for a few minutes while the others were talking.

She just kept looking at the others. So I sat up and put my head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry everything I did was reckless." I said as she finally stood up and smacked me, the room went dead quiet as everyone looked at us. "Reckless doesn't begin to describe what you did!" She yelled as I laid back in the bed and took all of her anger while I held my face. "Besides the fact you let her beat the shit out of you! You blew yourself up!" I just looked at her as tears slowly came out of her eyes as Lucy pushed the others out of the room, I got up and put my arms around her.

She tried to fight it but after a few punches she just hugged back and I heard her hiccuping into my chest. "I-I w-was so w-worried about you." She said as I used my good hand to pet her head. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking about what Natsu said earlier and I want our Guild to be number one again for them. I just got lost with the adrenaline pumping and the roar of the crowd." I said as she slowly calmed down. "You should probably lay back down before you keel over." Erza said as she wiped her eyes, I was about to say I was fine till she poked my ribs and sent a spike of pain.

After Erza left Porlyusica started to mix a few things together. "Drink this." She said handing me a blueish green fluid that smelled like gummy bears. "What happens when I drink it?" I asked as I swirled the liquid around, I looked up at her as she just gave me her usual scowl. "If 'bad choices and regrets' had a taste this would be it." I said after I finished whatever this thing was. I was about to ask what it was going to do to me when I felt something moving in my arm. "Your bones should be back to normal in about half an hour." I just looked down at my arm and saw the bones slowly moving back into place.

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