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Groaning is all I heard from the front of the cart with Happy. "Natsu for the love all that is good in this world shut up!" I yelled as we hit a bump in the road and the groaning got louder. "That one before now wasn't Natsu. That was Lucy." Erza said as she stuck her head next to my head. "Why am I included in this strategy?!!" She groaned as I had happy take over while I went to the back. "I think it's a pain to but do you see me complaining." Gray said as he looked out the back of the cart. "Makarov must have a lot of faith in you along with the rest of us." Erza said as she looked at each of us.

I grabbed some food out of my bag and started to eat as we kept hitting bumps. "Natsu so help me. If you throw up on me I'll rip your head off." I said as Natsu leaned against me and almost threw up. "He won't he's out cold." Gray said as he kicked Natsu's foot only to get a small groan out of him. "We should be to the meeting place soon." Happy said as he turned into the cart. "Nathan, what else is in your bag?" Lucy asked as she looked over at my full bag. "I have explosives, some extra ammo, food for a few days, and a change of clothes." I said as I kicked the side of the bag and noticed Lucy and Gray flinch when I did that.

"I can see the building!" Happy yelled as we all looked out the front and saw the building. "This place looks really weird." I said looking at the big hearts on the outside of the building. "Yeah, I don't how I feel about this place." Lucy said as she walked into the building. "This is a villa owned by Master Bob of Blue Pegasus." Erza said as Gray made a face about the guy's name. "What's so wrong with Master Bob?" I asked Erza as we walked into the building and saw darkness. I flipped my flashlight on as we walked further into the building. "Their's nothing wrong with him. He just gives Gray the creeps." Erza said as a single light turned on and we could see three people standing in the middle of the room.

I brought my rifle to my shoulder and aimed at the three as everyone else just watched them. "Ladies and Gentlemen of Fairy Tail. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. We are the delegates of Blue Pegasus the tri-men team." Two of the guys said as the third clung to the shadows. "Hundred night Hibiki. Holy night Eve. Empty night Ren." All three of them said in turn. "They're cool. Unlike you guys." Lucy said as she looked at them then at Natsu and Gray, I watched the three as they walked over to Erza. "You are every bit as beautiful as the rumors say you are." Hibiki said as he and the others took Erza and Lucy's hands and led them to a couch. The three of them just kept flirting with Lucy and Erza. "I don't like them." I said as Natsu started to go back to normal and Gray put clothes on.

"My friends I think that is quite enough of this." We all heard a new voice come from up on the second floor. "Who's sickeningly sweet voice is that?" Lucy asked as she looked up the stairs. "Ichiya?" Erza said as she looked up nervously. "I have longed to see you, my honey." This Ichiya guy said as he slid down the railing towards us. "My Honey!" Lucy and Happy both shouted as they watched him land not so gracefully on the floor. "I have heard all about you people... Erza-san, Lucy-san, and others." Ichiya said as he looked at Lucy and Erza and just pointed at us. Now, this guy is just pissing me off.

"Hey, insufferable bastards from Blue Pegasus could we trouble you to keep your hands off our friends." Gray said as he glared at the four men. They returned the look as we both sized each other up. "You men can run along home." Ichiya said as he pointed at us while his lackey's bowed towards us. "Are you guys just trying to pick a fight?" Gray asked as Eve and Ren both got ready for a fight. And just like in any normal Natsu fashion he started to light his fists on fire. "Enough already, all of you!" Erza yelled as Ichiya come up behind her and started to smell her. The next thing any of us saw was Ichiya flying towards the open door. Wait when did we reopen the door?

A guy with a long coat caught Ichiya by his face and then froze him. "Interesting way of greeting people you have there. Would you be the people sent from Fairy Tail?" The guy asked as we saw his face. "Leon?! 'Gray?!'" Gray and Leon both asked as they saw each other. Leon then threw Ichiya at us while his lackeys got ready to fight Leon and then the carpet started to come to life. And another person we've fought before came in and started using the carpet against Lucy. "Well if we're going to fight can we just get it over with cause this is just getting ridicules." I said as the third person came into the building. "Enough!! We're here to join sides and defeat the Oracion Seis. We don't have time to fight among ourselves." We all stopped and looked at the huge bald guy as he walked over next to Leon.

As I was looking at him a few of the other people in the room all started to murmur about him. "Erza who is this guy?" I asked as she looked at me like I was crazy. "He's one of the ten wizard saints. He is on the same level as Master Makarov." she said as I then thought about the crazy stuff I've seen Master do and my face must have paled cause Lucy asked if I was okay. "Six Fairies and Four Pegasi, I see. Our Guild only sent three which should have been enough." I snapped out of whatever I was thinking as the pink-headed chick opened her mouth and started to talk smack. But before anyone could respond Jura said we were still waiting for one more team. "Yes, but from what I hear they are sending only one." Ichiya said as he wiped ice off his head.

"One mage those assholes are only going to send one person to help on this dangerous mission!" Again the pink haired chick complained. "Don't tell me it's going to be a stupidly powerful person!" Lucy said when I heard someone running in behind us but they don't seem to be that big judging by the footfall. "AAHHH!! Ow ow ow." Everyone turned around when a girl with blue hair fell into the building. "I'm sorry for being so late. My name is Wendy and I'm from Cait Shelter. "A child? 'A little girl?' Wendy?" Everyone said as I looked at Wendy. "Now that we're all here let's get started." Jura said as he looked towards the Blue Pegasus group. "Hold up a second." Gray said as Jura looked at him like he was confused why Gray was questioning his actions.

"With a job, this big and they send a single child. What was Cait Shelter thinking?" The pink haired girl said as she looked at Wendy. "Alone? Hardly you tawdry woman. 'Carla! You followed me?!'" Wendy said as a talking cat appeared behind her. I watched Wendy as she explained that she wasn't a fighter but she used support magic. "Sorry, we were all just taken back that you were alone. I'm sure nobody meant to insult you right Sherry?" Erza said as she talked to Wendy, I turned my head and saw the three guys from Blue Pegasus started to do the same thing they did with Lucy and Erza. "You three better stay away from Wendy." I yelled as they stopped in their spots as I glared at them and tapped the pistol on my hip.

I stood in the room while Erza, Jura, and Ichiya talked about something in a hushed tone while Natsu was talking to Gray telling him to remember something for him. "Excuse me? Do you remember me?" I looked down at Wendy as she looked up at me. "Yeah, I remember. Sorry again for bumping into you in Magnolia." I said as she smiled and said it was nothing to worry about. "Now that we're all here let's get down with the strategy." I said as we all gathered in a circle. "North of our current location lies the wards woods. Located there is a strong magic that was locked away long ago and its name is Nirvana." Ichiya explained as he did some strange poses. "Have you guys ever heard of it?" I asked Erza and Lucy. "Never heard of it." Lucy said as Erza shook her head. "Well, this should be fun then." I said as Hibiki started to show who we are going to be up against.

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