Taehyung x Yerin (Part 1)

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Yerin took a deep breath before entering her school.

"Ugh school suck..."She mutter under her breath as she walked towards her locker.

"Cant agree more..."Her bestfriend Eunbi said walking next to her.

"Especially when there is someone you hate entering the same school as you..."Yerin said and took our her Maths Textbook from her locker.

After she can even close her locker,her locker door was slam shut infront of her making Sinb and her surprised.

"Omo Omo Omo.."Sinb said her hand on her chest."Yah where's your manner?!"Sinb shout at the boy who smirk at them.

"Just ignore him Eunbi,he's just a waste of time..."Yerin said and drag Eunbi to go to thheur classroom.

Suddenly the boy grab Yerin's wrist making her stop and wimp in pain.

"Yah!Kim Taehyung,let me go!"Yerin shout at Taehyung who's holding her wrist forcefully

"Taehyung what are you doing?!"Eunbi yelled looking at the boy harassing her bestfriend.

"what?Im  just doing whats right.We should treat Yerin like this.She belongs to live in a world where everyone will beat her up and look down at her''Taehyung shout at Eunbi attracting other students attention to the three of them.

Yerin was in a verge of crying but she held back her tears.Eunbi and Yerin looked at each other for a while,Yerin gave Eunbi a signal through her eyes and nod at her leaving her and Taehyung in the middle of the crowd.

Yerin told Eunbi to call a teacher.

"Look even your friend left you.How pathetic"Taehyung said mocking Yerin and push her against the locker door making a big thud and most important hurting Yerin's back.

"Why are you doing this?"Yerin asked desperate wanting an answer

"Its because I hate you!I really hate you!I don't know why and I don't even need a reason to hate a girl like you''

"I think its because your ugly and stupid and careless,dumb,acting like your cute but actually not,pretending that your famous.''

''you also think that your a good singer and an actor but actually your not even the type of person who's good at it''

Taehyung shout at Yerin who's now crying soundly

"Yah!Kim Taehyung that's enough"Jin yelled and been hold back by his girlfriend Sowon.

"Don't involve yourself sunbaenim''Taehyung said,glaring at Jin

"Oh so your crying now?pft hahahaha your pathetic,What now?Are you gonna go and search for your mommy and asked her to comfort you?Well yeah slut you can ask that after school!"

"Oh wait,you don't even have a mother nor a father.Your an orphan living by yourself,you support yourself while others got support from their parents"Taehyung blabber making Yerin stopped crying and ball her fist.

she hates when people talked dirty about her parents.

"I wonder how your parents look like,I bet your mom is ugly that's why your ugly too,ooh ooh and your dad I think he's -"Without any further Taehyung can talked a slap was hit on his left cheeks making the students gasp but they said Taehyung deserve it.

"You can talk dirty about me but don't involve my parents,why are you such a pussy talking by your mouth insulting a person who doesn't had a parents.Just because you have them right now it doesn't mean you can insult an orphan like me.Watch your mouth Kim Taehyung,god might take your parents anytime"Yerin said angrily and ran away from the scene leaving Taehyung and the students shocked hearing the words Yerin said.

"Your such a loser V!"the students shout around him making him uncomfortable and uneasy 

the students kept on giving Taehyung dirty stare and words but he didn't hear any of it properly.

the crowd goes silence as the discipline teacher appear infront of them and said

''Kim Taehyung principle office now!!''Mrs Shin said with Eunbi beside her.-


"Do you even know what your talking about?"

Mrs Shin shout at Taehyung and he just shake his head at her.

"You just insult Yerin!and not to mention her parents!"Principle Yoo said standing next to Mrs Shin.

Out of the sudden Eunbi and Yuju barge into the room saying

"Miss we cant find Yerin!Some says they saw her running out from the school!"The girls said in unison leaving Taehyung shocked.


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