Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

A/N: I can honestly say I fangirled while writing some of this.

Lauren's POV

By now I must have been irritating her. I was being persistent, even for me. For two weeks I had been coming to this class after school and sitting in this seat next to her. I had talked, joked, faked a trip (to make her laugh, but I failed...miserably), and asked questions. Obviously she would have said something by now if she was interested.

I moved to get out of my seat but before I could-


I froze. That voice. So soft I could have nearly missed it. It had a somewhat husky quality to it, but it still managed to sound like silk.

I turned ever so slowly. I wouldn't have been sure it came from Camila if she hadn't had leaned forward and put her soft hand on top of mine. My breath became short as I was overcome with everything. Her hand softly gripping mine and her tender brown eyes staring undividedly at me. Both pleading for me not to leave.

She had leaned so close I could see every perfection and imperfection of her face, but I would hardly call the blemishes imperfect. As cliche as it sounds, the blemishes and all helped make up her beauty. I'm glad she hadn't put on any makeup today.

"Don't move," she whispers in that silky tone.

"Okay," I say softly, still astonished.

She lifted her hand and I wanted to grab it back, but, of course, I didn't.

Camila inhaled and spoke, "I'm sorry."

I sat with my lips parted in shock like an idiot, waiting for her to continue.

She still spoke in a hushed tone, like she wanted only me to hear and no one else.

"Let-let me properly introduce myself," she spoke with a stutter and was fidgeting like crazy, "I'm Camila, as you know. Um, I'm seventeen and I love pizza. Oh and I thought your jokes were really rad."

As she talked, I noticed several things that I hadn't noticed when she was replying with one word sentences. Like how her jaw moved in a peculiar way in between sentences. It was sort of endearing. Also, that she became more comfortable with every word she spoke to me.

"Yeah, I've seen you eating pizza a lot and also it's on your binder."

I pointed to her doodle-ridden binder cover.

She followed my finger and blushed and said an, "Oh yeah."

"Well that's cool. You like Ed Sheeran, too?" I was still looking at the cover. I didn't want to overstep any boundaries that there may be, though.

"Love him," was all she said before a pause, "I really am sorry know...not talking."

My eyes widened, "No really, it's fine. Here," I held out my hand and she took it, "I'm Lauren, as you know. I'm also seventeen and I like sushi. There, now we properly know each other and can move on."

I grinned and she beamed back at me. I felt in a daze for the remainder of the class and when the bell rang, a wave of disappointment washed over me. Packing up my stuff, I glanced up at her.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Camila," I gave her my best smile and she returned it with a smile that could beat mine and everyone else's any day.

"Bye, Lauren."

It was the first time I heard my name leave her lips. Lauren, such a common name that I had never particularly liked, sounded so much more beautiful- important being said by her.

"Yeah," I breathed out before leaving and heading down the hall to my car.

Now that I was walking alone down the empty hallway, it finally hit me that the Camila Cabello had started talking to me. The Camila Cabello that had never talked to anyone. Why did she talk to me?

"Chica! There you are!"

Dinah stood next to her locker. Her loud voice carried from across the whole hall.

"Hi Dinah. What are you doing here? Oh wait, your not going to TP the school again are you? You got in a lot of trouble last time, Dinah. I don't-"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not here to TP the school. I just got done with dance and I came to haul ass out of this hellhole. We're meeting up to get some burgers," Dinah grinned and grabbed my free hand.

As I got dragged out of school, I looked back in hopes of seeing Camila walking out of class. Unfortunately, all I saw was the back of Austin Mahone's head. The boy sporting baggy basketball shorts was handing out a million flyers saying to vote for him for some event. Waiting outside of after periods and taking advantage of the large amount of people, just to tell them to vote for you is exactly what that boy would do. His actions are often described as 'thirsty' among some people. Other girls swoon over his unintelligent wordplay and man whore ways.

I watched in horror as Austin walked up to a certain brown eyed girl that I hadn't spotted before and seemingly started to talk to her. She lifted her head that had before been bowed, but before I could proceed to watch from a distance, Dinah lead me out the door and out of view.

"C'mon pero. You're going hella slow."

I wanted to see the interaction between Austin and Camila. Surely she wouldn't talk to him. He would have to try harder than a simple wink, I was sure of it. I nodded in affirmation and kept walking.

"Hey, Dinah."

"What's up, dawg?"

I picked up my pace so I could stride next to her.

"So, um, have you ever been, like, attracted to a girl." I asked hesitantly while speed walking to keep up.

"Yeah. Beyoncé."

"Yeah, but I mean, like," I sighed, "you know a girl and the more you get to know her, the more you become...attracted to her."

Dinah turned abruptly and narrowed her eyes skeptically at me.

"Are you trying to tell me something, Lauren."

Despite what people think, Dinah is actually a very good person to discuss things with. I usually enjoy our little talks about just life in general. She might not be the greatest with words but, like Normani and Ally, she is nonjudgmental and listens intently if it was important.

"Maybe. I don't know. I was just wondering," I finally settled on saying.

"My answer is no, I have never felt like that. Sounds like you've got a girl crush."

We reached the car and I got into the drivers seat while Dinah slumped into the passengers.

I thought the conversation was over as I started Dinah's dad's car, but Dinah suddenly said, "I kind of felt that way towards Siope. Not just his looks but his personality. The more time I spent with him, the more I started to notice how little things he did made me feel. Oh and how hilarious he is. And how attractive he is. That's just a bonus, though."

I stared at her. I started to worry.

"What?" She inquired before returning to her phone screen.

I had never felt that way toward Luis. Ever. However her words had almost described what I had been starting to feel towards Camila. That scared me so much that I shoved all of it to a deep place in my mind. I didn't get rid of it, I couldn't, but just...set it aside. For now.

I pulled up to the diner that the girls and I usually go to. The place isn't very formal and students infested the building. After school, students either went to Starbucks, the pharmacy, or this diner. Those were the main hangouts.

Dinah and I walked in and immediately headed towards "our table".

Normani and Ally were already there, both with their bead bowed over their phones.

"Hey, Mani and Ally." We slid into our booth.

"We ordered for you guys already," Normani said while shoving her phone in her back pocket.

"What did you order?"

Ally sighed in exasperation and pointed to me, "We got you your usual Caesar salad and diet coke. For Dinah, a double cheeseburger with no onions and an ice tea. Happy?"

Dinah frowned, "Hoi, you forgot the-"

"Oh and extra pickles."


We talked about school, celebrities, and music for a while before Normani snapped her fingers.

"Lauren, before I forget, I signed you up to help paint the sets for the school play. Now you don't have to do it. You're welcome."

"What?," I raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "Why the hell would you sign me up to paint clouds and grass on a piece of cardboard?"

"Remember? You owe community service because you chose that over detention. Helping with the set is community service, apparently. Problem solved, now where's my thank you."

Dammit. I forgot about how I flipped out last Tuesday. I couldn't hold it together when this douchebag started to talk crap about Normani. Seriously, was he blind? Anyway, I cussing him out then finally punched him when he...went too far. I still don't regret it. It was worth seeing him at school with a nasty black eye.

"So when is it?"

"You know how we're going to our dance trip?" I nodded, "That Monday, right after school in the auditorium."

"Just great."

"Aww is someone sad they can't go to see their crush." Dinah fake pouted and took her straw between her lips.

"Wait, what Lauren has a crush?" Ally and Normani leaned in in anticipation.

"You bet. A girl crush in her after period. No wonder she keeps going, eh Lo?" Dinah shoulders me, but I continued to frown at her.

"Who is it? Is she pretty?" Ally whispered not-so-quietly. Not that it mattered since the place was loud with chatter.

My mind went in overdrive to try to conceive a way to change the subject.

"The double cheeseburger, no onions," the waitress appeared with our food.

"That's me!" Dinah cheered.

"Oh look, there's food. Let's eat and not talk about any possible girl crush that I might have."

"This conversation isn't over." Normani warned simply and snatched a french fry from Dinah's plate.

Dinah gave her a look that showed that she was not impressed, but Normani just smiled at me knowingly.

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