Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

Lauren's POV

"Are you okay, Laur?"

I glared venomously at the people who were whispering and looking at me. You'd think that they would run out of things to whisper about me and Camila by now. Obviously not because a girl near us wearing way too much lip gloss said in a loud whisper, "Isn't that the girl who's friends with the weird non-speaking girl?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Can we sit in the courtyard today?" I grunted towards Harry.

Dinah sped up and kept looking over her shoulder, no doubt noticing the blatant stares from her peers.

"Did you kill someone when we were gone, Lauren?" Dinah asked seriously.

"No," I mumbled.

"Then what happened because with the way some of these people are looking at you, you could have stripped in the lunch hall or something."

My feet led me to an open lunch table under the shade of a large tree. Plopping down, I grumbled out my response, "It's not even close to a scandal. All I did was befriend Camila...if we're still friends."

The rest sat down in the other spaces.

Ally pops a fruit snack into her mouth before saying, "Camila who?"

A look of realization spread across Harry and Normani's faces.

"Is there any chance your talking about Camila Cabello?" Harry raised his eyebrows.

Normani, Ally, and Dinah stopped eating and watched for her answer. So they all knew Camila, what a surprise. I fidgeted uncomfortably.


"Ha that's funny, love," Harry chuckled, unbelieving.

"It's true. We had conversations. They weren't a lot, but I think we were getting there." No point in not telling them.

"Hold on, back up," Normani held up her hands as a gesture to stop all conversation, "Camila talked and I missed it?"

"No, well, yes, but she only talked to me."

"When was this," Dinah looked awed.

"Uhm- " I started, but Ally stopped me.

"I think you should start from the beginning."

So I told them about how I met Camila, was persistent with her, and about when she finally started speaking. I think they were confused.

"She just spoke- like, out of the blue," Normani more stated than asked. I nodded.

"No offense, Lo, but why did she talk to you?" asked Harry.

I shrugged because I, in fact, did not know the answer. I could guess, but it was hard to guess what that girl was thinking most of the time I was with her, almost impossible actually.

The silence was deafening after that.

"Wow, that's unreal," Dinah said, "So can we meet her? Will she talk to us too?"

"I don't know. I think I might have scared her off."

"Scared who off?" Luis slid in beside me and swung an arm over my shoulder.

"Camila. Lauren thinks she might have done something to make Camila distance herself from her." Ally provided, assuming he knew who we were talking about.

His eyes skittered around the table before landing on mine.  I kinked an eyebrow at his expression.

"So what? I wouldn't worry about it, babe. The girl must be messed up in the head," Luis shrugged.

"I'm going to go find Louis," Harry muttered before grabbing his lunch and leaving the table.

I gave Harry a sad smile and wave. I knew he wasn't really fond of Luis. It made me sad how most of my friends weren't really keen on my boyfriend. Alexa was the only one who actually liked our relationship, but only because she was best friends with both of us.

"Anyway, I brought your chem homework that you forgot at my house the other day." He handed me my chemistry notebook.

"Oh my gosh, thank god," I took the book graciously, "Thanks so much, babe," I gave him a quick peck on the lips and stuffed the homework in my backpack.

"So what's up with you guys?" Luis asked the three abnormally quiet girls across from us.

Ally spoke up, "Honestly, the most exciting thing that's happening is Lauren and Camila."

I rolled my eyes playfully, but I felt uncomfortable talking about this with Luis here.

"Yeah! Oh my jesus, we should call them Camren. Like, Camila and Lauren put together is Camren," Dinah bounced up and down excitedly.

"Dinah," I snapped more harshly than I expected to.

"God, sorry. It's just that it's adorable how you two talk secretly," Dinah went back to peeling the cover off her muffin.

I glance to my left, but Luis doesn't seem surprised about Dinah's confession. I guess he already figured out that Camila had conferred with me.

"Is she nice?" Ally wondered.

"Yes, but," I scrunched my eyebrows in frustration, "you guys, can we stop talking about her. I don't think she'll ever talk to me again and I don't know why."

"I say you try to figure it out," Normani stated.

"But how," I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

I felt defeated. For the past ten days I had tried to get anything out of her. How do you fix something with someone if that someone won't speak to you?

"Have you talked to her outside of class? Maybe you should work on your approach."


I thought more about the idea.

"Yeah, maybe I should pull her aside after class," I said.

"Do you hear yourself? Why are you stressing over it? It's just some girl," Luis piped up. It was quite rude.

We all had almost forgotten that he was still sitting there, listening to the conversation.

I didn't know how to respond. All I knew was that Camila wasn't just some girl and I was stressing over her. Big time.

"Wait," Dinah suddenly said.

She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Is Camila the girl crush in your after period? Is that why?"

My face started to heat up and I knew I was blushing.

"I-I uh, I don't, " I stuttered.

The Polynesian raised her hand, "No need to hurt yourself. That's enough of an answer for me."

Normani and Ally looked at Dinah expectantly, but she waved them off as an "I'll tell you later".

I smiled down at the table, willing my blush to go away. I guess I had a crush on Camila. It's stupid because I bet everyone would have a crush on Camila if they just took the time and effort to meet her. I knew she had still been holding back when we were together, and I was hoping that with time she would let down her shy exterior. In a turn of events, she had completely cut me off. It was a horrible feeling, being cut off.

One day, I hope for Camila to be carefree when she's with me. Carefree and vibrant, and talking in freaking paragraphs about her philosophical thoughts. One day I was going to be the person who cared enough to experience the real Camila.

A/N: Yes, I added Harry Styles. Yes, I went there. He is relevant to the later chapters so I didn't just, like, stick him in there or whatever.

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