Chapter Twenty

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Chapter 20

“Hi it’s Lauren. I can’t answer the phone right now, but my answering machine can so leave a message after the beep.”


"Hey Lauren…oh god I don’t know how to come out with it. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me since Sofia. You’ve made me feel so incredibly special over the past months and I can’t even…wrap my head around it. I’m not really sure I’ve wrapped my head around what I’m about to tell you also. But the truth is that you shouldn't sadden yourself over what I will tell because I am just a girl. A girl that’s easy to forget and easy to replace so please don’t be sad. I don’t want to make you sad. Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself. Anyway, what I’ve called to tell you is that I’m moving. My family is moving to another state…it’s my mother. I didn’t want to fight her on it because I’m a coward. We could text if you want, but we probably shouldn’t. Actually…” there was a long pause, “maybe you shouldn’t call or text me. 

My mom’s sending me to some sort of place. I’m scared, Lauren. She thinks something’s wrong with me but there isn’t, is there?” pause, "I’ll never forget you. I never could, no one could. Why did you even choose me? You’re like the sun and I’m a rock from the asteroid belt. Is that even scientificly correct? I don't know; I remember watching a Sesame Street episode on in- but anyway. You’re the iPhone 6 and I’m the iPod shuffle. You’re a unicorn and I’m a freaking goldfish. You get my point right? Seriously you’re so beautiful it sometimes hurts to look at you." Camila’s heavenly voice laughed. “My point is that you- you shouldn’t take shit from anyone. Don’t waste your time on stupid relationships or guys that don’t love you, Laur. I know you already know this, but I’m just reminding you. You need a deep person to keep up with you because you’re the smartest person I know. I wish I could explore your mind, but hey, maybe we’ll meet again in the future. I’ll hang on to that hope. Ugh, I’m sorry. I’m saying such weird stuff since it’s almost one in the morning. I’m sorry for just blurting out whatever comes to mind, but it took like three hours to muster up the courage to call you. This is the worst lov- nevermind. Too late now I guess. I wasn’t planning for my message being this long. You didn’t pick up so I had to improvise which I apparently suck at so…That’s it…It’s been nice talking to you. Bye.” There was a sharp intake of breath before the line cut off completely.


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