Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

Lauren's POV

When Camila left I ate my lunch alone in front of an empty tray.

But I managed to come across her after last period. She was walking with her head bowed, like always, in the direction of Miss Lovato's room. Why was she going to Miss Lovato's room if that's her last period? I shrugged it off and jogged towards her.


She turned and looked genuinely surprised to see me.

I finally reached her and my confidence had strangely disappeared.

"Why did you leave at lunch? I wanted to ask you something." My voice came out almost timid.

This girl, this girl I barely knew was triggering so many emotions that were so unlike me. Also some that I'd never felt before, but they didn't feel very salient.

Camila blinked, " still want to talk to me?"

Insecurity filled her eyes and I found it funny how we were both nervous because of each other.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to go paint sets with me, in the auditorium. I know it might not sound fun, but if we skipped Mrs. Lovato's class we could get food after, like at the diner...if you wanted to,"

"That's really okay."

I leaned in, not too close to her ear, but enough so it was a low whisper, "I would really enjoy your company, Camila."

She shivered.

"Okay," was all she said.


I stood in front of a thick piece of cardboard that was shaped as a tree. Camila stood beside me, also with a paintbrush. A guy named Quentin had just explained to us that we were to paint this and many more trees. I was becoming very skeptical as to why there were so many damn trees in this play. Quentin's steps echoed throughout the empty auditorium as he left us, claiming he had a very important student body meeting to attend to.

I grabbed the green paint pale for the both of us and we began to paint our tree side by side. If I had a dollar for every time I stole a glance at the girl beside me, I would be set for life.

Finally, she caught me staring at her enticing lips. As she quirked an eyebrow, I brought my paintbrush up to her lips and brushed a blob of forest green paint over them. She parted her colored lips in surprised and I immediately recoiled my hand.

"Oops," I said in between uncontrollable laughs.

My laughter stopped abruptly when cold, wet droplets of paint sprayed against my neck and sweater. I let out a little squeak of surprise that was drowned out by Camila's loud laughter.

Her brush came up again to paint a green line across my nose. I whined but immediately got ready to paint her face. Camila caught my arms so I couldn't touch the bristles to her cheek. It was then when we finally realized how close we were. She gazed at my face with an expression that I couldn't decipher.

"The green brings out your eyes." she mumbled and I tried to control the warmth that automatically spread my whole being.

"Yeah?" I breathed, too deep in infatuation for my brain to think up a more intelligent reply. There was this weird tension that I couldn't put my finger on in that moment.


My pocket vibrated in interjection. Camila let my arms drop and I reached into my back pocket to get my phone.

"Hello?" I grunted, trying not to get paint on my phone.

"Lauren," Luis' voice appeared over the line, "where are you. You aren't in Miss Lovato's room and I wanna go get McDonalds."

"I'm doing my community service."

"Okay, but when will you be done."

"I have to do this for a few hours," I sighed and glanced up at Camila who had turned back to the half painted tree and was painting the trunk. I smiled adoringly as she rubbed at her nose, which had green smeared on the tip.

After a pause I heard, "Are you alone?"

"No I'm with Camila," I smiled at the brown eyes that looked up.

"What the fuck," Luis groaned and I frowned.

"So you'd rather spend time with the mute than with your own boyfriend," I frowned deeper when I heard him call Camila that, "Why didn't you invite me cause, you know, we're in a freaking relationship."

It dawned on me that I really didn't even think to invite him. He was my boyfriend after all.

I sighed in defeat, "Right, sorry baby. I guess you should come to the auditorium at 5:30 and we can go get frozen yogurt or something."

The conversation ended shortly after that. Tucking my phone back into my pocket, we returned to painting in silence.


"I'm sorry that we can't go get food."

It was 5:10 and we sat on the edge of the large stage, admiring our freshly painted trees.

I saw her nod in the corner of my eye.

"You could join Luis and I." Even though I knew it was a bad idea, I couldn't help but ask.

She was quick to shake her head no. Her silence worried me.

I turned directly at her and sat.

"Tell me about yourself."


"Please say something- anything. I'm getting really tired of hearing my own voice," I nudged her, "I would much rather hear yours."

Camila finally looked up and I saw her eyes glistening with un-shed tears. I started to panic with thoughts that I said something wrong.

"No, no please don't cry." I took her hand in mine.

She quickly looked away and wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

"S-sorry. It's just...nobody has ever said that to me," her watery eyes met mine, "No one has ever been so sweet."

"No one?"

She sniffed and looked down at our hands.

"My, uh, dad and mom wouldn't exactly agree with your statement," said Camila softly.

I was about to ask her to further explain what she meant when Quentin came trudging down the left aisle.

"Hey, you guys are done. I'll sign your slip and you can leave." He announced as he came towards us.

I jumped at the sound of his booming voice since Camila and I had been speaking in hushed whispers for so long. I was mad that the lanky boy had interrupted such an important conversation, but I guess there was nothing I could do.

The next thing I knew Camila had given a quick wave and disappeared, leaving me alone to an awaiting boyfriend.

A/N: I was able to write this right away since I got sick. I hope this turned out okay because this fever is making me a little hazy.

Unfortunately, it might be a while before the next update since I need to study and take my PSATs. I know how hard it is to wait for a fanfic to update so I'll try my best to do it as soon as I can. Btw isn't Luis such a cockblock?

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