Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

Camila's POV

My brain had lost all capability of forming any form of thought. I take that back; the only thought I could process was one that included Lauren and her plump lips molded into mine. Soft lips moved against mine at a painfully slow pace. Her fragrance overwhelmed my senses in the best way possible, her fingertips pushing possessively into my shoulders as she held me in place, as if she was afraid I would separate. Her fingertips delicately slipped across my collarbone, slowly down my shoulder and arm, the ghost touch leaving goosebumps in it's path. Ugh her hands. I freaking love her hands.

Finally, her hand reached mine and I laced them together. She placed the other on my cheek with tentative care. My heart was just about to burst before we finally parted. My brown eyes stared at her eyelids that were still closed blissfully. I couldn't help but admire her eyelashes pressed against her cheek and her pink lips lips that looked as if they had just been kissed.

All too suddenly, she jerked back and wide green eyes met mine.

"Umm...that-" she inhaled and continued to step away from me. "I'm sorry Camila. Oh my god, I'm sorry."

I wasn't sure what to say.

"I'm so sorry," Lauren kept repeating, "I don't know you well enough. I shouldn't be kissing you. You must think I'm so weird."

"You know me better than anyone," I thought in my head.

"And- and Luis. Fuck," her hands flew to her head.

An abundant amount of guilt spread throughout my conscious as I remembered her boyfriend and that's what kept my mouth shut. She must be regretting the kiss and that thought brought an unfathomable shot of pain to my chest.

"Lauren." My voice sounded timid, even to my own ears.

Her eyes snapped back to mine and she surged towards me, not letting me finish. She cupped my face in her hands, having me to her full attention while she pleaded for answers.

"What do I do Camila?"  


"Uh- well-" I sputtered, completely caught off guard. My thoughts had been that she would push me away after realizing what she had done. "Do you love him?"


"Actually never mind. That's a stupid question." I mumbled to myself. I didn't want her to hear my jumbled thoughts before I thought straight and filtered them.

"Why is that a stupid question?" she asked eagerly, latching onto every word. She acted as if I held the secrets to life and I would guide her down the right path. Both of which were not true.

"Because if you loved him then you wouldn't have kissed me," I blurted. Shit, I did it again.

Her form was frozen for the longest time. I refused to let out my breathe until she reacted.

"You're right. You're right. Dammit you're right. It's so obvious," she moaned. Lauren looked pained before her head ducked into my shoulder. Her warm breath could be felt against my neck as she swung her arms around me. She tended to do this; act as if I could provide her some sort of protection from the world if she hid herself in the crook of my neck. It made that warm feeling spread from my head to toes. So I pretended I could. I lead her to the couch and we sat for a while. Eventually, she brought us down into a laying position and went to the same place; her head tucked under mine. I smiled despite the heavy weight of my confusion and set my head on her hair.

She said I was right when I said that she must have not loved Luis. Does that mean she doesn't love him? It sounded like it but I wouldn't be sure until further conformation. She did kiss me and-

I stiffened and my eyes enlarged. Holy crap, she kissed me. Lauren kissed me, and she initiated it. It had been innocent enough, except for the overwhelming emotion I'd felt behind it, both ways. I remember how she'd held on to me as if I would pull away, which was utterly ridiculous. I never thought my first kiss would be that...amazing, mind blowing, addictive. Normally I pictured my first kiss as me being a fumbling fool while trying to keep my nerves down, but all I had felt was desire to connect with her on that level. The desire had not gone away and I had a feeling it never would.

"You know, you know me better than anyone, right? Because it's true," I whispered, referring to what she had said earlier. "And you'll only learn more."

"But I'm still scared, Lauren."

I felt Lauren lift her body enough to be able to see my face. Her clear, green eyes roamed my features until settling on my eyes, then lips.


"You don't just like me because- because-"

"No I don't. I like you because I saw a glimpse of your mind in English class and I want to know it better. I think you should express it more because people will definitely get attached to you. And you make me feel lighter than air when I'm with you, Camz. I want to know every single thing about you. I want to make you feel better when something happens with your family or anything really."

I'll never get used to anyone being this sweet and genuine to me. I'd never imagined anyone saying these words, not matter how many rom-coms or tear jerkers I watched. It almost felt as if I was in a dream and I was dreaming up this perfect girl, Lauren Jauregui.

"You are incredible. Remind me to ask you to have a long, philosophical conversation about the world with you some time." I couldn't help but stroke her waterfall hair that looked soft and silky. I blew my own hair out of my face but she tucked it behind my ear for me.

Moments later I experienced my second kiss. It was shorter but she ran her tongue over my bottom lip and bit it lightly to make me gasp.

"Sorry." Although she looked very much not sorry. She gave me a smile that could pass off as mischievous, "just wanted to try something out."

Ohmygod. I wanted more.

But of course, Lauren smirked and resumed to laying in my hold.

It felt like everything had changed all at once and so many things were uncertain, but all I could bring myself to do was bask in Lauren's presence. There, sprawled on the couch with our legs tangled and my arm draped across her stomach, we fell asleep.


The alcoholic beverage burned as it slipped down their throats. Luis took yet another long swig as did Darren across from him.

"It's been a good Christmas so far, dude, but I want to get drunk! Are there any parties going on?" Luis peered into the glass, which they had just started.

After all the traditional Christmas 'family time' was over, Luis immediately called up Darren and the two of them had gone through Luis' dad's alcohol cabinet and came out with hard liquor. It was alright, but it just wasn't doing it for them.

"Yeah bro. I think there's one at David's."

"Let's go."

"Hold up," Darren looked at him skeptically, "don't you want to go grab your girl?"

The Brazilian sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I guess."

"What do you mean you guess? Christmas sex man! Get her good and drunk and have your way with her."

A load of worries and troubles automatically came to mind as Luis thought of Lauren.

"I don't know what's with her lately." he decided on saying.

"What do ya mean?"

"I don't know," Luis grunted, "She has been more isolated than usual. You know freak Cabello?"

A sly grin crept on the dark haired boy. "You mean hot, mysterious Cabello? Yes."

"Dude," Luis deadpanned.

"Yeah you're right. She's a freak, but she's fucking attractive okay?"

"She is, but that isn't the point," Luis thought bitterly. It just fueled his anger further, and he wasn't quite sure why.

"Anyway, Lauren has been spending way too much time with her. Like every chance she gets. She should be doing that with me, that should be our time."

"So what? Your girl likes hanging out with a girl that doesn't talk. She's weird like that."

"I'm just scared Cabello's going to mess her head up. I told her to back off, but I think Lauren still sees her."

Darren snorts, "Sees her? What the hell. Now you sound like she's cheating on you."


"No fucking way. Do you think so?" he asked, looking more amused than anything else, "Imagine that. Now that would be so fucking hot."

"Darren, focus." Luis growled, not liking where this conversation was going.

"That's ridiculous. Lauren isn't gay. Lauren isn't gay and she wouldn't want anyone but me anyway. Right? We had a strong relationship that had lasted for almost two years now. Everyone knew she was mine and they backed off," was what ran through Luis' mind. He reveled in being her boyfriend. 'Lauren Jauregui's boyfriend' was a title he took pride in.

"Okay, okay. Where's Lauren now?"

"She's at her house. Her whole family is busy so she's probably doing nothing."

"You know, sometimes you're an idiot," Darren shook is head, "Dude, go get her. Who knows what kinky shit Lauren and Camila could be doing right now."

"Ha ha very funny." Now he was just trying to annoy him.

"I'm just kidding. The girl doesn't talk, I doubt they don't do more than sit in silence."

Luis grunted in response, not feeling much better after his admission. Plus, he was eighty percent sure Camila had talked to his girlfriend. Damn her.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go fetch her real quick and go straight to David's party and get drunk out of our minds. We need some fun."

Luis retrieved his keys and bounded towards the car, eager to get drunk and forget about all these uneasy thoughts. Darren was already in the car by the time the other boy threw himself in the drivers seat.

Luis tapped his fingers against the wheel as he waited at a long red light. Hopefully Lauren wouldn't be sleeping or showering or something. What is she did invite Camila over? No. He offered to come over today and she said she was fine by herself. She's by herself. She is. What the fuck was wrong with him. He'd never worried this much and he  needed to stop. It must've been the drink.

The whole drive was filled with talk about football and plans for outings. By the end of the drive, Luis was debating on whether to just go to the party without Lauren. His patience was wearing thin and he knew  Lauren would take a while to get ready.

"Darren, go in and grab her."

"Fine, but if she bitches, I'm leaving her." Luis frowned at his choice of the word "bitches", but let it slide since he knew that's just how Darren was. Lauren doesn't bitch, she's just...headstrong.

"Shut up and go."

He gives Luis an elfish grin before opening the car door and disappearing into Lauren's driveway. Luis cranked up the radio and put his feet on the dashboard.

Darren approached the side door and just when he was about to knock, he saw movement from the corner of his eye. He snapped his head towards the window and into Lauren's house. The back of Lauren's head was visible and next to her was non other than Camila Cabello, laughing, smiling, and leaning into Lauren. Darren (and everyone he knew) had never seen Camila doing any of these things. She didn't even look like Camila.

"Holy shit," Darren murmured to himself, stepping closer to the window.

All of the sudden Camila's mouth moved too, her eyes bright and lively with a smile permanently stretched across her face.

"Well I'll be damned," Darren hissed again.

Just as he was about to turn around and tell Luis, Lauren kind of fell off the couch in her moment of fierce amusement; Camila was caught off guard and followed. Darren stared as the events played out. He felt like he shouldn't have because it felt like intruding. Intense and intimate. He looked away after they had stood up and started pacing outside of the window. But after a while he couldn't help himself and he shifted his eyes towards the window. What he saw made his jaw drop. He might have thought it was the hottest thing in the world if he wasn't so shell shocked. Before he could see anymore, he did a 360 and bolted off the driveway.

He returned to the car with the biggest smirk a boy could have. Luis raised his eyebrow.

"Where's Lauren?"

"Oh she's busy," Darren tried to hold back a laugh, "Very busy."

"Doing what?" Luis asked in confusion.

"Sleeping. Let's just go without her." His grin hadn't wiped from his face.

Darren was always up for a little drama and he hoped Lauren was too.

A/N: Very iffy. This was a hard chapter to write, hence the long time it took deleting and rewriting it. I don't think I got it right, but maybe you guys like it more. I think I'm better at Lauren POV tbh.

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