Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

Lauren's POV

It was winter break and I missed Camila already. I spent the first day cursing myself for not having the guts to ask her if she wanted to hang out during break. I could have at least got her stupid number. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

It was nearing Christmas. This is the time Taylor and I start decorating the house, but it was especially hard to get her off of her laptop, so now I was lost in my thoughts while pushing a shopping cart. Mom sent me to the grocery store because I 'wasn't doing anything productive' so now I had to get vegan popsicles, milk, green beans, eggs, and cadberry chocolate. I frowned at the weird selection of items written on the list she had written for me.

After picking up the eggs and milk, I rolled towards the aisle where they stocked their candy and chocolate.

"Please? This one? Please?" A small voice pleaded.

"No, cariño. We can't get that, I'm sorry."

I knew that voice. The voice that played with my heartstrings and brought an automatic swell to my heart. My eyes lifted from the list to see the girl with long, brown flowing hair tugging on a little girl's hand. The little girl was staring longingly at the box of chocolate on the shelf.

I was stunned. I'd never seen Camila talk with any other person, but here she was bent over the child with such love, guilt, and worry pooled in her eyes.

"Not even one, Mila? Pleeaase" The closer I looked, the more similarities I found between to two girls. The little one nearly had the same shade of big brown eyes and button nose. Her eyes were big, innocent, inexperienced, yet smart nonetheless.

Of course! That's Camila's little sister. God, I was slow.

"Sofi, please. Don't-" Camila finally noticed my presence, "Lauren," she breathed.

My voice was unavailable due to hearing her breath my freaking name. The little girl, Sofi, turned her head curiously to where her big sister was gaping, mind forgetting about the chocolate. She looked between the two of us then pulled away from Camila to walk to me.

"Who are you?"

My eyes dropped from my intense gaze with Camila to the adorable six year old awaiting my answer. I squatted down to her level, still feeling the older brunette's heavy stare.

"My name is Lauren." her eyes widened noticeably, "Who might you be?"

"You're Lauren? I'm Sofia Cabello."

"Well hello Sofia Cabello. Do you want to introduce me to your sidekick?"

"This is Camila. Don't you already know Camila?"

I lift my eyebrows, "Yeah, I do. How do you know?"

"Because she told me about Lauren because I wanted to know because she kept saying Lauren," she explained, "She's never said someone's name so much."

"Oh," I took in the information and felt my face heat up.

Camila was shifting embarrassingly but she gave me a small smile when I looked up at her. I stashed that information in my mind.

"What's up with you guys," I ask, getting up because my calves were starting to hurt.

She held up her one and only bag, "Getting dinner." she gestured to the child, "That is until this one got distracted." Sofi had gone back to eyeing the chocolate.

"Why can't she have some chocolate? It could be for dessert, right kiddo?"

Sofi beams and cheers, "That's right! Lolo knows."

Camila blushed, "Oh...well I didn't bring enough money for anything extra."

Before Sofi could deflate, I cut in, "Well I'm buying chocolate and I don't think I'll be able to eat it all. In fact, my mom wouldn't like me coming home with so much chocolate so I'll need to find someone who will take the burden of chocolate off my shoulders."

Sofi claps happily but Camila looks at me worriedly.

"You really don't have to buy us chocolate, Lauren."

"I want to. It's only chocolate. A nice present from a friend," I leaned in, "Also because it's nice to see someone get so joyed over food."

"Trust me, I get joyed over food all the time," Camila laughs her beautiful laugh.

"Which one do you want?" I asked Sofi.

She pointed a tiny finger at one of the boxes. I picked it up and put it in my cart.

All three of us began to walk down the aisle, me rolling my cart. Sofi bounded ahead of us, looking at every single item while Camila and I took our time.

"S-so what are you up to?" I noted that Camila was starting to stutter again. She hadn't been stuttering before. I briefly wonder if she had thought of something that made her uncomfortable around me.

"Shopping for my mom. I have a very funky list to fulfill."

"Well it's lovely to see you." Still stuttering.

"Yeah, I was worried I wouldn't see you for a whole two weeks because I stupidly forgot to get your number."

"Yeah," she whispered and looked deep in thought. Abruptly, she took a pen and paper out of her purse. She scribbled down ten numbers then handed it to me.

"Are you excited for Christmas?" I ask as I take the paper and store it safely in the pocket of my jeans.

Brown orbs looked down at her shoes, "I guess."

"Nobody is going to be home for my Christmas. My parents has extra shifts at work and my siblings are going to parties. It's not the same when we're older you know? Not as big of a deal, so we're just going to brush it off this year."

"Wow," she frowns.

"I know, it's bullshit," I also frown.

There's a pause and I think of Camila's family. What was her Christmas like?

"But you can always come over. We could brush off Christmas together," I suggest.

"Yeah, maybe," she chuckles. I can tell she isn't taking me seriously, but it sounds pretty good to me. I shrug and step in line for the cash register.

Later, I give Sofi her chocolate and wave goodbye. I surprise Camila by giving her a hug. It was a great hug, the best I'd ever had.

Her glorious scent filled my senses and her body was flush against mine. It was over before I wanted it to be.

Okay, maybe it was a little past a friendly hug but fuck that. She didn't seem bothered by my arms rapped tightly around her midriff and head stuffed in her hair and scarf. In fact, she hung on even tighter. It made it pretty hard to let go.

"So she's still uneasy around you?"

"I don't know. Sometimes she seems almost comfortable with me, but she has these periods of time where she snaps back into these mood where she is, like, not sure whether to trust me or not." I told Harry with a sigh. We were sprawled out on the couch after decorating his house. Harry had helped with the ladder and heavy lifting while I had decorated the tree.

Somehow the topic of Camila had come up and Harry was interested, just like everyone else seemed to be.

"Did you do anything to make her question her trust in you?" He fiddled with his curly hair, patting and running his fingers through it.

"I don't think so," I knotted my eyebrows, trying to think of a time my motives were doubtful.

"Well when did she start this transition?"

"Umm...after we painted in the auditorium was when she started to be hot and cold with me."

"Something must be holding her back,"

"Mm," I hum.

Christmas Eve. Today was when I got my presents from my family since, as we already established, I was to be alone on Christmas day. I got some clothes, money, and records that I had asked for. My expectations hadn't been any higher if I were to be honest.

Luis came over to give me a bouquet of flowers and a The 1975 shirt. He asked very nicely if I wanted him to come over the next day, but I declined. He had his own Christmas and it made be feel bad for him to miss any of it.

Besides, I was perfectly fine with watching movies all day. I could do plenty of things to keep me busy on Christmas. I could watch all two seasons of Orange is The New Black. I could take up origami or learn how to play chess. Maybe I would write a book. Maybe I would write a book on Camila's smile. Heaven knows I could.

A/N: This wasn't supposed to be a very eventful chapter, but I hope you like it anyway. I've been updating pretty frequently because I have no friends so I can spend all summer just I'm sad byee

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