This Is It

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I'm sorry this story was really short guys! I know that there were a few people who liked it and wanted me to continue writing, but I honestly need to start on a new story. I'm really pleased with the ending and I'm hoping you will be too! My other story has nothing to do with anyone famous or being a fanfic. Please go read it, guys! Keep in mind that it is rated R!

Much love,

Ashley Morgan Posey

**Louis' Point of View**

 Everything had been going fine with Alyssa until today. We had gotten our wedding plans together, booked the church, arranged the flowers, she bought a wedding dress... everything had been fine. Why had this happened? Four months ago we made her a Twitter and announced our engagement to the fans and everyone... I just didn't understand. I raked my fingers through my hair and leaned my back against the cold wall in our bedroom. Alyssa was still on the bed where she'd fallen asleep last night. She hadn't moved. I tried to wake her up, kissing her, splashing cold water on her face, but she wouldn't move. I could tell she was breathing, but it was silent. I heard the front door slam and a herd of feet stomping against the ground heading towards me. I looked up and opened the door to our bedroom, meeting the boys all at once. I searched behind them for mine and Alyssa's parents. My brows furrowed together confused. I looked to Niall who shook his head at the floor.
 "Alyssa's mum passed. We were heading over to tell you when you called us about Alyssa." There were tears in Harry's eyes as he spoke to me.
 I felt a sting in my chest, my eyes watering. I nodded, "Right." I breathed out. I turned and walked back towards Alyssa. I gripped her cold hand in mine as I spoke to the boys. "I should have known something was up by what she was saying last night." I whispered, not trusting my voice to speak to loudly without cracking.
 "What'd she say?" Niall asked, placing a hand on Lyss' hair, stroking it.
 I shook my head, "She told me that something was coming and it was bad, not for me, but for her. I thought it was cold feet and shrugged it off. Obviously it wasn't."
 Zayn stepped forward and sat his hand on the back of my neck. "I think I know what's happening, Lou."
 I whipped my head around to him. "What?"
 "She told me a few weeks ago that she knew there was something wrong... I promised her on my life that I wouldn't say anything to you." I looked at Zayn angrily and, yet I begged him to continue. He nodded and carried on, "You remember that dreadful night we spent in the hospital when Danielle came back to life for a second using her body and everything, right? Well when she returned to her body, not everything returned with her. She said that Danielle had taken a part of her to the other side. She told me that she would look cold and pale, still." He looked at Alyssa's form and whimpered. "This is it."
 I shook my head fiercly. "This can't be it!" I stated firmly. "No, no it can't be. She... she'll come back. Like she did last time!"
 Liam and Harry gripped me in a hug as I shook with fright. Niall and Zayn, worriedly hovered over Alyssa.
 Suddenly Alyssa's body shook frantically on the bed. I shoved Harry and Liam off of me and held her down to the bed. "Alyssa! Lyss, come on!" I begged.
 Her body went slack and her tempature dropped. I looked up at her face to see her mouth was slightly open, a small ball of blue light hovering above her lips. It moved to the right and jerked to my ear. I remained still as the tears fell down my cheeks. The ball of light stopped and glowed next to my head.
 "I love you..." It whispered softly and retreated through the wall and outside. I chased after it, knowing it was Alyssa's spirit. I felt my heart race, my chest ache with pain, and wet tears streaking across my face. I grabbed for it, jumping out of the window, but the ball of shimmering light seemed to reach higher and higher into the sky. I cried as I ran after it and finally stopped on the top of a hill. I brought my hands to my face and rubbed at my eyes frantically.
 "Alyssa!" I shouted to the sky over and over again. "Alyssa!"
 There were arms around my waist, hugging my to another body. I shook my head and kept still. "Shh. I'm okay." Alyssa whispered. I turned to see her standing beside me, holding my waist.
 "What..." I trailed off and let my face fall into the crook of her neck, her hands shooting around my neck as well. "I thought you left me again."
 She sighed and cried against my shirt. "I did."
 I knew that was coming, yet I still groaned in agony and snuggled closer to her. "No." I protested.
 She giggled half-heartedly and kissed the side of my neck. It was freezing. "Go out there and make your fans happy. I know you love Eleanor just as much as you love me. She made you happy before you knew I existed."
 I shot my head up and stared into her eyes. "No way in hell. I love you. I-love-you-I-love-you-I-love-you." I shook my head.
 One corner of her mouth shot up slightly in a fake kind of smile. "Perform, Louis. That's what you do." She looked up at the sky and sighed. "I love you very much, Louis William Tomlinson. You have no idea. Tell the others I said goodbye to them as well." She said softly and stepped back.
 I shook my head again and pulled her back to me, crashing her lips to mine. Her mouth moved against mine, her tongue tracing across my bottom lip, nibbling on the corner of my mouth before she pulled back and let a tear fall from her eye. "You can't just leave me."
 "But I have to. I love you...." Her voice drifted off as her body was lifted off the ground, shooting upwards. I cried and let my knees hit the ground.
 I remember telling the boys about her goodbyes. Niall cried for ages, Harry punched two holes in my bedroom wall, Zayn cried and sulked for an hour before shutting down completely, and Liam... Liam smiled at the sky. He knew just as well as I did that we'd all be together some day. Until then I would perform like Alyssa's wanted me too. One Direction was back and it was all thanks to a girl that knew nothing about music that I loved very dearly. Thank you, Alyssa Grace Davey... Tomlinson.

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