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The next day i passed Hayden Green in the hallway.

"Hey Haley Parker."

"Hey." Many days passed. We waved to each other every now and agin, nothing huge. Tuesday, i saw him in the cafeteria.

"Hey Haley Parker come sit by me." He practically shouted across the cafeteria. I contained my excitement, but it totally like made my year. So i did.

"You didn't have to shout you know you could have came up to me and asked like a normal human being."

"First of all, i'm not normal. Second, walking takes effort and i don't have a lot of it."

"Ahh. I see." That was by far my favorite lunch ever.

That Saturday, my mom and i were at the mall. I figured if i was going to be friends with Hayden Green i better look somewhat decent. As we were walking out of H and M, i saw his perfect brown hair walking towards me. He was walking with his friends and i really didn't need for him to see me with my mom. "Hey mom, i'm gonna go get some peanuts."

"Okay sweetie, i'm gonna go into Belk's. You got your phone?"

"Always do."

"Okay bye." I walked toward the peanut station hoping somehow Hayden would notice me.

"Well hello Miss Haley Parker. How are you on this fine Saturday afternoon?"

"I am quite well, thanks."

"Hey guys i'm gonna walk with Haley Parker, k? I'll call you guys later." I think i stopped breathing.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Ya why wouldn't i be sure?"

"I don't know it's just i can guarantee you i'm a lot less interesting then your friends over there."

"Im perfectly fine with that Miss Haley Parker." We started to walk together, and i completely forgot about my cravings for peanuts.

"Can i ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it you would like to know Miss Haley Parker?"

"Why do you call me Haley Parker?"

"Because that's your name." He said with a smirk.

"Yes, I'm aware of that. I mean why not Haley? Why is it always Haley Parker?"

"Well, thats what i called you when we first met and i want to keep that memory in my head as long as possible." I stopped and i looked into his eyes. I was breathless. "You know your not like other girls Haley Parker. Your sweet and funny and stubborn might i add." I laughed a little. "But your down to earth and your not pushing to always be with me like other girls. I like you Haley Parker." That was it. I'm done. I am ready to pass out. Just kill me now. My life goal has been accomplished. I am happy for once.

"Well Mr. Hayden Green. I like you too."

"What are you doing next Saturday night?" He asked me. What. Is he asking me on a date? Oh my god.

"Nothing that i am aware of. Why do you ask Hayden Green?"

"Would you like to come over to my house and watch a movie or something?"

"I would love to."

"Terrific. I got to go but i'll see you Monday."

"Okay bye." Now i really got to find something to wear.

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