Spend the Night

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"Has anyone ever told you you're beautiful Haley Parker?" What. Oh my god. Seriously i would be perfectly fine if someone murdered me right now cause my life is complete.

"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me." I said with teary eyes.

"Well i'm glad to be the first." He said. "Do you just wanna stay here tonight?"

"I would love to." I texted my mom and she said she was very happy i had a new friend. "How old is your sister?"

"She's 20, about to turn 21 next Friday."

"What's her name?"

"Riley. Riley Green. She's studying to become a teacher. My parents are so proud. She's the perfect child and i'm, well, not. My parents are always saying, 'you need to study harder or don't make bad choices' and their always criticizing everything and never pointing out the good. Its, just...."

"Frustrating." I finished his sentence.

"Ya. What about you. What do you like to do Haley Parker?"

"I like to read books and listen to Imagine Dragons. Like i said i'm not that interesting."

"I'm okay with that. I like you just the way you are." We were now sitting on his bed.

"Thanks. I never really fit in anywhere. I was always the odd one out. The weird kid. Haley and her books. I was known for being different. It's nothing i'm necessarily proud of but i try to fit in as much as possible." I said with a slight laugh.

"I like that your different. Even though you may think being different as a bad thing, its one of the things i love about you." I was speechless. The guy of my dreams actually likes me. we ended up staying awake and just talking until 3 in the morning. I fell asleep with my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around me. I think Hayden thought i was sleeping because he whispered into my ear, "I love you Haley Parker." It was the best night of my life and i couldn't have chose to spend it with a better person.

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