The Perfect Morning

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I woke up to Hayden's green eyes.

"Morning beautiful." He said as he played with my hair. His fingers twisted a stand of hair then let it fall only to be caught by his fingers right before it hit the pillow. The light streamed in through the window hitting the floor as it scattered around the room. "My parents are at church but they usually go to brunch after so we've got until 1 to ourselves. I looked at the clock and it read 10:01. "Are you hungry Miss Haley Parker."

"I always am." He slowly got up and stretched, relieving his perfect abs. I don't think i've ever liked someone as much as i like Hayden Green. He stuck our his hand for me and i grabbed it. He led me to the kitchen and i sat on the counter, watching him get cereal out of the cabinet.

"Are you good with Cheerios?

"Yep." We sat down at the table and quickly ate our breakfast. I saw Hayden staring at me every time i put my spoon back into my bowl to get some more cheerios.

"What are you looking at?" I asked with a smile.

"Your so beautiful in the morning."

"Well your not too bad yourself."

"Do you wanna go for ice cream Miss Haley Parker? I know of a great ice cream place."

"I would love to." He grabbed his wallet and we left. As we were pulling out on to his street, he reached for my hand. Our fingers intertwined as i looked out the window. For once in my life i was happy. Completely happy. We pulled into the smallest store i had ever seen with a sign above it that read, Steve's Ice cream.

"How original." I said with a laugh.

"Oh come on you'll love it." He put his arm around me and we walked inside. It smelled amazing. There were 20 different flavors all with unique names. They were all different colors and it felt impossible to chose just one. I ended up getting Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Hayden got 3 scoops, carmel delight, fudge brownie and cotton candy explosion. We walked over to the park across the street, and Hayden still had his arm around me. I had never been so happy in my life.

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