8/19/16 ~date~

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Dinah sat nervously in her room while her three friends sat with her, helping her get ready. Lauren had picked makeup duty, Ally was on hair, and Camila (because Dinah didn't trust her near her face or her hair) was chosen to pick Dinah's outfit.

"I think I could've done this on my own," Dinah insisted while Lauren finished up on her eyes. Lauren sighed.

"Dinah, I love you and all, but sometimes you're a little . . ."

"Lackluster in the dating department," Ally finished while she brushed through Dinah's hair. Dinah gasped, feigning offense.

"I am not!" she exclaimed.

"Ok, first, when was the last time you went on a real date?" Lauren asked. Dinah fell silent because she truly couldn't remember it.

"Enough said," the green eyed girl said before retiring to her work. The other girls didn't know that Dinah was going on a date with Normani. They just knew she was going on a date with someone. Dinah had lied to them about who she was actually going with.

Fifteen minutes later, Dinah's hair and makeup was finished and Camila had managed to find an outfit for her. Dinah didn't bother kicking the other girls out while she changed; they had been friends for years. Camila had given her a t-shirt with a ton of pictures on it and a pair of white ripped jeans that Dinah particularly liked because she thought they made her ass look good. Ally had done her hair in loose braids. She danced into her jeans and slid the shirt over her head before turning to face her friends.

"You look great, D," Camila said. Dinah grinned and eagerly went down the stairs to eat something before Normani picked her up. She ate some random left overs she found in her fridge before her doorbell rang and she nearly fell out of her chair trying to answer the door. She opened the door eagerly and was happy to see that Normani was standing there, looking just as ecstatic to see Dinah. She wore a white v neck t shirt and dark jeans that accentuated her curves in the best way possible. Black vans were on her feet.

"Do you wanna go or just stand here and stare for a little bit longer?" Normani teased. Dinah's face flushed pink as she grabbed her jacket and a hat before stepping outside. She followed the dark skinned girl to her car and got in. It was silent and Normani had yet to start the car.

"I missed you," Dinah said quietly. Normani smiled at the younger girl.

"I missed you too," she said. Dinah bit her lip while she looked at Normani because she wanted to kiss the girl more than ever. Normani internally groaned because she wanted to kiss Dinah equally as bad but was afraid that one kiss would lead to another.

Normani drove them away from Dinah's house and to the movie theater she had selected. It was connected to a mall and when they pulled up Dinah's excitement took over. She grabbed Normani's hand the second they were both out of the car and practically dragged her into the theater. They got their tickets and their snacks before heading in, Dinah choosing to sit them in the back of the theater. She let her hand rest comfortable in Normani's grasp on the arm rest in between them.

Normani played it cool on the outside but on the inside her heart was hammering against her rib cage. It felt like someone had started up a butterfly farm inside her stomach as Dinah casually held her hand. She just prayed that her hand wasn't dumping sweat onto Dinah's. She glanced over at the Polynesian next to her. Her eyes were glued to the movie screen, clearly not upset about the choice of movie. Normani was invested in Dinah's profile more than the movie.

Dinah felt Normani's eyes on her and turned to see her, causing Normani to blush. Dinah smirked to herself and turned back to the movie screen, causing Normani to sit and dwell in her embarrassment. An hour or so later, the movie ended and Normani's hand was still in Dinah's. Dinah released it as the credits started to roll, reaching above her head to stretch.

"So, how was the movie?" Dinah teased, knowing that her date didn't watch a single second of it.

"I wouldn't know," Normani replied smugly, causing Dinah to laugh. As they were walking out, a frozen yogurt place offered them both a red solo cup half full of frozen yogurt, and they both graciously accepted. The two made their way outside and sat on a cement wall, where they ate their treat.

"Dinah, smile," Normani giggled as she attempted to take a picture of Dinah. Dinah opted for a different facial expression and smiled with her tongue in between her teeth. Normani's heart fluttered as she captured the picture, making a mental note to set it as her lock screen later.

They both finished and threw their cups away before heading back to Dinah's house. Normani pulled her car up Dinah's driveway again and they both sat there, neither one of them wanting to leave. Dinah turned to look at Normani and saw that the dark skinned girl was already looking at her. Dinah swiped her tongue over her lips before leaning in, Normani meeting her halfway. Dinah felt her pulse race as Normani kissed her back a little harder than she had expected. She nearly moaned when Normani unexpectedly slid her tongue into her mouth.

Dinah longed to feel Normani's skin, so she cupped Normani's cheeks. There was a throbbing in between the blonde's thighs that she tried desperately to ignore. Neither of them realized that they were having a heated make out session in Normani's car until Normani leaned against the steering wheel, causing the horn to blast. Both of them jumped and pulled away, Dinah breathing heavy. Normani just stared at Dinah, a faint smirk gracing her lips.

"Damn," she breathed. Dinah laughed breathily.

"Bye, Mani," she said, getting out of the car. She tried to keep it collected on the outside until she made it into the house. Once the door closed, she nearly collapsed on to the floor. With an unsteady hand, she reached up to touch her swollen lips. The ones Normani had just been kissing. And she smiled to herself, knowing that they definitely had more dates coming.

An hour later, Dinah was in bed after a well needed shower. She was scrolling through her Instagram when she got a notification that someone tagged her in a picture. She hastily clicked on the notification, not bothering to see who had posted it.

@normanikordei: the free froyo was nice but spending my night with her was way better

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@normanikordei: the free froyo was nice but spending my night with her was way better

A smile fell on to Dinah's lips as she looked at the picture. She instantly screenshotted the picture before commenting.

@dinahjane97: you're a cutie❤️

With that, Dinah drifted off into a peaceful sleep, Normani on her mind.

a/n: hey remember how i said i was gonna write this part on the plane? well haha, i didn't. omg i'm actually awful because i completely ignored this story. i'm sorry, you guys deserve better🤧 but i do like this story so i'm hoping to get back into it soon. don't forget to vote, comment, you know the drill. i love you alllllll, bye bye❤️❤️

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