A New Town

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Quickly as possible, despite just moving slowly with bags of groceries around your wrists; you made your way across the street. You had just moved into Hemlock Grove and were in dire need of supplies that normally graced a home. The day was nice; with the sun shining but still slightly chilly. As you walked along passing Dana's Goldsmithing Inc. towards a small parking lot, moans and excited shouts drifted towards your ears. The sound was familiar but surely no one in their right mind would be... at least, not during the day. Sadly, as you turned the corner to walk through the parking lot, there in a very nice car from the late 1950's was a couple having sex. All you could see were naked breasts and long brown hair. You gasped a little, embarrassment blushed across your cheeks as you quickly crossed to the other side. Little did you know that the woman mentioned you passing and the man had looked back at you.

After arriving home, you unloaded the groceries and fed your (cat/dog), named (P/N). Dinner was easy, a grilled cheese with tomato soup and then a hot chocolate for dessert. You sighed, folding laundry, talking to yourself out loud, "I am not ready for school tomorrow...hopefully, I'll make a few friends this year." Since the age of 15, you had lived on your own. Your father had died in a car accident and your mother was unfit. At 15 you were declared an emancipated minor and moved far away from the past. Since then it was difficult to make friends and live a responsible life, but you never gave up. With the laundry done you took a shower and got ready for bed. Reruns of The Office played on tv as you chose your outfit for the next day. You just wanted to blend in with the others as much as possible, your body image a huge issue. Being chubbier and curvier always brought attention that made you nervous so a new pair of jeans and a nice top found their way onto the end of the bed.

The alarm went off before you knew it and quickly you tossed on your clothes, makeup and fixed your (H/L), (H/C) hair. The walk to the school seemed to take forever but finally you found yourself making the long walk up the front stairs and into the office. After signing some last-minute papers, they handed you a schedule and locker number. Also in the office was another new student, but you were unable to introduce yourself until you realized your lockers were next to each other. You smiled briefly up at him as you opened your locker, "Us new guys should stick together," You closed it and stuck out your hand, "I'm (F/N) (L/N)." He smiled and shook your hand, "Peter Rumancek." You shot an eyebrow upwards, "A Gypsy?" He chuckled nervously, his shaggy brown hair falling slightly into his face "Yeah..." You smiled, eyes bright, "That's awesome!" His smiled returned and then faded as he saw something behind you.

You turned to look as well; coming this way was a young-looking girl. She had to be at least at 7 feet tall, her breathing was heavy and her footsteps echoed down the hall. She entered a classroom to which Peter tried to walk over to get a better look. She exited, pulling a red bag onto her shoulder. A cell phone dangled from her neck as she walked down the hall, about to pass you as two girls turned the corner. Mimicry filled the air as they mocked how she sounded and walked. It broke your heart causing you to shoot an evil glare at the two. Before you could make a move to talk to her, a guy approached and walked with her, "Hey, sis." You blinked in surprise as he pat and rubbed her back. He glanced backwards towards you and the others. His eyes came back to you, staying for a few seconds.

Peter came up to your side, "So what classes do you have?" After comparing schedules, you learned you would be seeing him most of the day except for first and second period. You waved goodbye to him and went to pass the through the doors up ahead. As they swung close behind you, the guy from before was waiting. It was now that you could see he was extremely tall as well, not as tall as his sister though.

He had dark blonde hair, chiseled cheekbones and full lips; his eyes an attractive green. You had to remind yourself to breathe. He licked his lips before speaking, "Hi, I'm Roman, Roman Godfrey." You nodded at him, "Hi, I'm (F/N)." He gave a quick smile, staring directly into your eyes, "I just...I was just wanting to say that it would be great if you forgot all that you saw yesterday." His voice was somewhat slow and seemed to be a command rather than recommendation. Your eyebrows drew close together, as you chuckled out a nervous "What? Why would you want t-" It dawned on you as you remembered the car from the walk home. He could tell that you were remembering and worry crossed his face, "Dude, I wouldn't even have known that was you if you hadn't said anything. All I saw was her bare chest." He took a step closer, his voice dropping an octave, "I want you to forget it." You rolled your eyes, "Roman, you can't just will someone to forget something. Sadly, that's not how it works." You pat his shoulder, "Next time get a room." A look of worried confusion stayed on his face as he watched you walk away, a little blood began trickling out of his nose. He quickly wiped it away and went to smoke.

Of Blood and Chocolate Pt. 1 ( Roman Godfrey x Chubby reader)Where stories live. Discover now