Getting Involved Part 1

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     It was all over the news, and the radio; the death of the poor girl who was eaten alive by some animal. Although since your time in Hemlock Grove, albeit a few days...something didn't feel quite right. You had always been interested in mysteries since you were little and the opportunity to actually look into one tugged at your soul. Unsure of where to begin or scared to do it yourself you couldn't decide, but asking Peter to go with you to the crime scene immediately popped into your mind. So, there you were waiting at your lockers for him to come in. Shelley passed by waving. Even though she was a freshman, you had one class together and had started to form a friendship. You smiled and waved back at her. You stopped when you noticed her brother Roman watching you from down the hall. He was always looking at you, it was kind of creepy but made your heart flutter at the same time. He looked away when you caught his eyes, rubbing his nose and then walking through the back doors, most likely to smoke.

    Peter came walking into view at the same time, a look of slight irritation on his face, "Hey, Pete! What's wrong?" He flashed a small smile before wrapping an arm around you in a friendly hug, "Oh just, some idiot police. They stopped me on my way to school today, asking me about the murder. I got the feeling they think I did it." The two of you walked down the hall, "What the...probably just because your new in town. I'm sure there are all kinds of rumors going around about both of us." He chuckled, "Ya...mine is, I'm a werewolf." You laughed and asked with a serious face, "Well are you, Peter?" He hesitated for a second before joking back, "Yes, that explains my body hair. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Before you got the chance to pull him back and ask him again seriously, class had started and the teacher huffed and pointed at a seat, "Sorry..." Quickly you sat down and began taking notes. The days classes seemed to go by slowly, and Peter had suddenly decided to avoid you since this morning. Aggravated to no end, you made your way down the sidewalk; heading home to rest up before beginning your investigation.

    A flash of a red car flew by and you rolled your eyes, "Idiot, you're going to wreck one day." You whispered to yourself watching it ahead of you. It came to a stop and slowly began backing up until it stopped beside you, the window rolled down revealing Roman, eyes squinting from the sun, "(Y/N), want a ride?" You hesitated, looking around, "Uhm...sure. Thanks, Roman." He shrugged nonchalantly, getting out and walking around to open the door for you. You rose an eyebrow and got in. A few minutes later he was back in his seat and driving you home. The ride was silent, him smoking a cigarette and you twiddling your thumbs. He spoke finally, "So, where did you move from?" You took in a deep breath, "Well, I lived in, (H/T), but I was on vacation in, (Country), when I decided to move here." He nodded, taking a drag, "That's cool. I've never been outside Hemlock County." Shrugging you looked over at him, "Well, travelling isn't always what it is cracked up to be...especially when you're all alone the whole time." He looked over at you for a minute before staring back at the rode. He stopped the car, "Which way?" You hadn't realized you had come this far already and blushed, "Oh, uhm, left." You continued to give directions until he pulled up into the driveway. You smiled as you got out, "Thanks for the ride. I appreciate it." He nodded to you, "No problem. Anytime, (Y/N)." He threw a wink towards you as he backed out and took off down the street.

    After cleaning the house and feeding your pet, you decided to do some yoga. It helped to clear your mind and relax your body. You hoped it might be able to help you sense things at the crime scene later. Taking a quick shower, you looked at yourself in the mirror. A small sigh left your lips. It wasn't that you found yourself ugly, but you knew how society felt about women your size. That's what upset you most of the time. Just like Shelley would most likely be judged for her outward appearance most of her would you. She was sweet, intelligent and beautiful; already in the three days you had known her, you couldn't help but like her. You let out a hiss as soap got in your eye, "Crap!" Finished in the shower you dressed and then sat reading an old book. An alarm on your phone went off letting you know that the Vigil had started. Grabbing a flashlight and notebook you took off towards the park.

Of Blood and Chocolate Pt. 1 ( Roman Godfrey x Chubby reader)Where stories live. Discover now