Church Bells

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     You flopped down on your bed, exhausted from work. With Christmas quickly approaching the store was busier than ever. Thank goodness you it was almost time for you to take maternity leave. The clock read 8:45 pm, you were supposed to meet Roman at 10. He had made it sound extremely urgent. Letha and Peter would be there too. You sighed and got ready for dinner, choosing a dress that wasn't very tight because you had started to grow a small bump. Somehow his mom hadn't noticed, she probably just thought you were just getting fatter. You fixed your hair and makeup and then waited for the car to arrive to take you to the restaurant. The drive seemed rather quick but you didn't mind. There waiting outside for you was your friends and lover. You smiled as Roman opened the door for you, "(Y/N), babe, you look great." Blushing you waved it off, "Whatever." He kissed you and then led the group inside. Dinner was delicious but you wished you could have some wine. Peter and Letha excitedly talked about the stuff they were getting ready for the baby. You smiled at how excited they were. Happy that Peter was so excited to be a father to a child that wasn't his.

      Roman put his arm around you as the conversation seemed to dwindle down. The restaurant slowed and people began drifting off, the workers were clearly waiting on the four of you to leave. You nudged him slightly, "Roman, I think we should head out." He looked at his watch, debating over whether it was okay or not, "Yeah, we should be good." You brought your eyebrows together in confusion, "Good for what?" He chuckled and kissed your hand as you stood up, "Oh, nothing. You'll see." Letha shot you a big grin and it made you smile despite the thumping in your chest. Roman helped you with your coat and then started walking down the side walk towards the town center gardens. He turned looking at you, motioning for you to come to him, "Well, if you weren't walking so fast, I could keep up." He smirked, "Maybe you should have a growth spurt and get longer legs." You rolled your eyes, "Haha, very funny." He pulled you into his side as he walked with you across the street. Letha and Peter behind you. Letha started giggling and Peter hushed her, "Quiet." You turned to look at them, raising an eyebrow. Roman walked you slowly through the gardens.

      The snow had started falling recently, in light shifts. Most of the flora hadn't died off yet, which was nice, "It's always so pretty in here." Roman nodded, kissing the top of your head. You turned the corner to reach the center and paused, the steps leading up to the fountain were lined with candles and rose petals. The fountain was covered in tiny fairy lights and vases full of roses and (Favorite Flower). You hesitated, your heart beating fast...the thought that this might be a proposal dawning on you. You gulped and slowly walked up the stairs, there behind the fountain was a string quartet that started to play (Your favorite classical piece). The fountain began to flow and the colors changed in different shades of (favorite color). You felt a hand on your shoulder and turned around looking up into Roman's eyes. He gulped, "(Y/N), from the moment I met you, I knew you were different. I knew you would play a major role in my life. You accept me and know things about me that I would never dream of telling anyone else. You love me despite my faults and I love you, in your entirety." He brushed your hair out of your eyes, and got down to one knee, revealing a small black box from his pocket. He smiled up at you briefly, "(Y/N), will you marry me?" As he asked he opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring. Tears came to your eyes as he looked up at you with those gorgeous green eyes, "Yes! I will marry you, Roman Godfrey!" He laughed, choking a little from his own emotions. He stood and slid the ring on your finger before picking you up and spinning you around. He brought you down softly, enveloping your lips in a deep, gentle kiss, "I love you, (Y/N)." You smiled and leaned your head against his chest, "I love you too, Roman."

       Peter hugged Roman, "Congratulations, my friend!" Roman smiled and hugged him back, "Thanks Pete." He pulled back and asked, "Now, was there ever a doubt that she'd say yes?" Roman looked down and then over at you, "It's always there, no matter how confidant you feel." Letha ran as fast as she could up the stairs and gave you a big hug, "I'm so excited! We have so much to plan!" You nodded immediately thinking about everything that had to be done, "Will you be my Maid of Honor?" She squealed, "Yes! Of course!" You gave her another hug and then pulled away, a serious look now on your face, "We can't set the date until Shelley's home. I want her to be a part of it all." Roman took in a deep breath as he pulled you away from Letha and into his arms, "Babe, of course." You smiled up at him, "So...does your mom know?" He chuckled, "Yeah, she knows...she's at home planning the engagement party right now." You smiled, as the four of you began to walk to his car, "What about the twins?" He sighed, "No, I was saving that conversation for another day." Letha and Peter looked at you, "Twins?" Roman rubbed the back of his head, before rubbing your stomach, "Yeah, there's more than one baby Godfrey growing in here." Letha clapped her hands together, "How amazing! They'll all be able to play together and be near enough the same age. I'm so happy!"

Of Blood and Chocolate Pt. 1 ( Roman Godfrey x Chubby reader)Where stories live. Discover now