A/N I hope yall r enjoying this!Comment,vote or whatever!thanks for reading!

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I got to the guys room and knocked on the door, there was no response. I knocked a second time, still no response. I started getting worried, so I pulled out my phone and texted him. I went to our room across the hall and put on some white shorts over my swim suit bottoms and some boating shoes,also slipping my "I <3 Austin Mahone" shirt over my top just incase I run to josh or someone else.Also for final touches I put on a necklace Austin got me for my birthday.

http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=50420888      <- my outfit.

*Alex's POV*

After our little fight with those perverted guys in the pool gropping Callie, we are sitting in the waiting room outside the managers office. Ali and Emma are here with us, I guess for support or they wanted to see what would happen. I hear the door open and the three guys come out and I grabbed Emma's hand and Christian did the same with Ali. They were staring us down with pure hate in their eyes, I pulled my glare away from them and stood up because the manager was calling us into his office. I pulled Emma up with me and the manager said they could come with us.After Christian and Ali walked in The manager closed the door behind them. He's tall, about 6 ft., blonde and has a british accent. He walked around his desk and sat in his chair, he leaned forward on the desk and rested his head on his hands as if he was tired. He looked from me to Christian and back to me repeatedly, like he was wondering what we doing in a fight with those guys.

"Well, would you care to explain what happened at the pool?" He leaned back in his chair like he knew this would take a while.

I looked at Christian and he nodded his head as if telling me to go first. I sighed and began to talk.

"Well, you see my buddies and I just got back from shopping with Austin's mom. When we got here my pal Austin ran to find the girls, and Christian and I just walked. When we got in the building we saw Austin come storming in from the pool. So we went out to see what was happening, we were just opening the door when my friend Callie was screaming at us. At first we didnt know who it was but then she screamed for us a second time and we noticed a guy holding his hand over her mouth and holding her tight so she couldnt get away.So Christian and I ran over to help her, Christian jumped in to get the guy to let go of her and I was outside of the pool and pulled her out then jumped in and helped Christian. Then Callie ran to find Austin.... something must have happend between them... I'll have to ask tham about it later.."

 "Hmm... Thats not quite how I heard it from the other guys."

"What the hell did they tell you?" They better not have said anything they would regret.

"Language mister! Would you that around you mother? probably not. They told me that you two were forcing some young girls into stuff they didnt want to be in." I was shocked I looked over at Christian and he looked furious!

"WHAT?! They were lying straight throught their teeth! I would never do that to a girl especially when i'm dating this beautiful girl beside me" I squeezed Emma's hand to reassure her that I would never do anything hurtful to her.

"ok, ill have a talk with the guys again." He stood up and shook our hands as we left his office.

"Well, who's hungry?" I asked rubbing my stomach and we all started laughing and headed to the cafeteria.

*Callie's POV*

I heard my phone vibrate, I ran over to it hoping it would be Austin but it was Emma.

~txt convo.~

Emma- Hey we just left the managers office, headed to the caeteria to eat. wanna come?"

Me- Yea headed that way.

Emma- k! :)

~end of convo.~

BY now I am both furious and in a total meltdown about Austin.I mean where could he have gone? what could he be doing? Is he with anyone? I got to the cafeteria and was just about in tears now, I walked in and Ali happened to look up just as I did. I She can read easily knows i'm down even before I say anything. Of course like any other day she was the first to greet me and to ask me what was up. I sat down between her and Emma, and I told them everything. From Josh holding me against him to now. Then it hit me, the park, I got up and started walking towards the door. I felt someone grab my arm and turned around Ali and Emma were right behind me.

"Where do you think your going?"

"To find Austin, I think I know where he is."

"And where is that?"

"The park."

Ali smirked at me and let go of my arm. "Alright go find lover boy" She winked at me as she turned around.

I ran towards the door and the hot air hit me and almost knocked me down. I shook it off and ran all the way to the park, it took maybe half an hour walking but since I was running as fast as I could i I got there in about half that time. I looked around and sure enuogh there was Austin sitting on the bench where he asked me out. I walked over and sat beside him, he looked at me and then looked away.

"How did you find me?" He wouldn't look at me he just stared at the ground.

"Well you are my boyfriend dont you think I would know?" He looked at me with a serious face.

"Seriously. How did you know I was here?"

I sighed "I admit it wasnt the first place I thought of, I went to your room, then I texted you when i went to change. Then Emma texted me after they left the managers office.I will explain later, and so I went to the cafeteria with them and told them everything that happend about Josh... and then it hit me, you were at the park" I looked at him and he was staring at the ground again.


"Yea... Austin i'm really sorry! we didnt do anything I promise!"

"So how come when I walked in you were in his arms in the pool and he was about to kiss you?!" He looked at me with so much hurt in his eyes I almost cryed from looking in them.

"Austin, it wasnt what you thought it was. Three guys came up to us while we were tanning and offered to buy us drinks so we said sure because we left our money in the room and we were getting thirsty too. So they bought us our drinks and they introduced themselves and they asked if we wanted to swim, and I thought just a swim wouldnt be very harmful. Then after a little while they started getting a little touchy but I didnt think anything about it until Josh cornered me and picked me up, and tried to kiss me but I slapped him and he grabbed me tighter and leaned in further when I turned my head and you were there staring at us. Then you walked back inside and I screamed for you because he wouldnt let go of me and you never came but thank goodness Alex and Christian were coming out and they helped me and then beat him up for me. Thats why they went to the managers office, and I ran after you." I looked at him and he was looking at him I stared in his eyes for minutes.

"So your not cheating on me? and you didnt kiss him?"

"Austin I would never, I mean never, cheat on you or leave you, and no I didnt kiss him. If Alex and Christian hadnt been there I would have been forced to but it must have been a God-thing!" I smiled and so did he he rested his hand on my cheek and strocked it with his thumb and kissed me. Then after a while pf kissing it turned itno a full make-out cession, I broke the kiss to get a breath and to sit in his lap and we contiued for what seemed like a lifetime. This time he broke it off and rested his forehead on mine, we sat there like that for 10 minutes. I looked at my phone and it was almost 8:30 and we needed to start headed back to the hotel. I got and he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, and started to walk back .We got about half way and he turned to look at me, I looked at him and smiled. He kissed me on the cheek and whipered in my ear,

"I love you Callie"

"I love you to Austin" and we continued walking to the hotel.

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