Meeting cody!

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We finally got back to the hotel about 9:00, went up to our rooms and said our goodnights. I walked in the room and it was dark, I guessed Ali and Emma were asleep, so I threw on my pj's and crawled into the cold, yet comfortorable hotel bed.

~Christian's POV

I woke up the next morning at around 8:27 am,got up brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and got dressed. I walked over to the night stand and unplugged my phone from the charger to see i have a text from Cody.

*Txt Convo.*

Cody: Hey bro, you still in California?

Me: Yea, you here? Ali said she thought you saw you.

Cody: When? today? yea im here.

Me: yea today! you at the hotel I told you to stay at?

Cody: Yea dude, I'm here. Im down stairs ating breakfast if yall want to come down so we cn introduce everyone.

Me: let me wake everyone up. Austin and Callie were out late last night ;) haha!

Cody: Haha! see ya in a bit


I walked inbetween Austin and Alex's bed and shook  both of them. Alex just rolled over and mumbled something I couldnt understand, Austin didnt move a muscle like he didnt even feel me shake him. He must have been out late with Callie, I turned back to Alex and shook him somemore and he finally got up after about 5 minutes of me reapetedly shaking him. I decided to give Austin a few more minutes while I went to my phone to text Ali to get the girls up. I walked back over to Austin to wake him up.I shook him as hard as possible; he just turned onto his side, so I grabbed one of the hotel coffee cups and walked in the bathroom to poour some water in it. I told Alex to get my phone so he could video his reaction, I walked to the opposite side Alex was on. I started slowly dripping it on his cheeck and then just dumped it on him, he sat up so fast I dont think Alex got it on Camera. He looked at me and Alex with a tired yet shocked expression.

"What the heck guys?! Couldnt you tell I was sleeping?"

"Well, we have to get up they stop serving breakfast in about 45 minutes, and Cody is here to meet all of yall. So get dressed we still ned to get the girls up" I said while checking my phone to see if Ali had responed which she hasnt.

So after everyone was dressed we got our hotel keys, our phones and glanced at the mmirrir on our way out. We walked to the dorr across from ours and knocked, no answer. I knocked again. Still no answer, I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Ali's number. After about the fourth ring, I heard it connect to the other line.

"Hello?" I heard Ali say in a sleepy voice, you could tell I had woken her up.

"Hey babe, can you and the girls get ready in about.. hmm.. 20 minutes?"

"20 minutes!? Why in the world do we need to be ready in 20 minutes?"

"Because they stop serving brekfas in 40 minutes and I want to introduce yall to a friend of mine"

"Ok, just come on in and help me wake up the girls."

Before I could respond I heard the beep the you hear when someone hangs up. So I put my phone in my pocket and as I do the door opens and Ali is standing there in her pjs. I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek, you could tell she was still tired.

"Where's Callie?" Austin asked from behind me.

"Callie and Emma are stil asleep in the back" She sasid while pointing to a door that was open.

Alex and Austin pushed by me and entered the room, while Ali and I followed behind. We had to see what they were gunna do. I sat down in a chair, that was in their room, and Ali grabbed some clothes and went in the bathroom. I sat there and waited for Ali, so while I did I decided to watch Alex and Austin wake up Callie and Emma. Alex leaned over and started tickling Emma, she started moving and then started laughing. I turned to Austin and he leaned over, moved the hair from her face and kissed her. I saw her wrap her arms around Austin, and kiss him back. We told them to get ready and that we would wait out in the hall. The girls walked out after about 10 minutes, and stunning did they look for 10 minutes of work. So now that everyone was up and ready we ran to the elevator at the other end of the hall, honestly I dont know how the girls ran in those things. We made it down to the lobby and, we had about 5minutes left to get our food.

We walked over to see what they were serving before we decided what to eat. They had eggs, sausage, apples, bananas, strawberries, waffles that you made yourself,cereal, then about four different drinks to choose from. So we got our food and looed around the room and I sptted Ali and Cody in the back corner facing towards the wall so they wouldnt easily be noticed by others in the hotel. So we walked over to the table, we sat down and I imediatley introduced everyone. Ali and Alli laughed when they realized the had the same, this is going to be confusing for them when someone calls one of their names.

After we got done eating we all decided to do something this afternoon. So Ali,Callie,Alli, and Emma all went to the mall. We went too, just to different stores, we met up about 4 hours later, to get a snack and a drink, also to find out if the girls were anywhere close to done shopping. Of course, being girls, they are far from being done. We planned to meet up in another 2 hours to make sure they get their shopping done. So us being guys, we decide to look and see what movies are playing in theatre, we were conversing back and forth and we came to the decision that we would go watch Prometheus at 6:10  tonight. We just decide to tell the girls that we are going on a date, no details on were we are going or anything.

A/N ok guys I dont really know how to put links on here from polyvore so yall can see them so I am gunna put it down here just in case you dont see it! read, comment, vote!

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