The date

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"I don't know, we should probably tell them together." 

"No, I am telling them whether you like it or not!" he said strongly. 

"Why all of a sudden take charge? Well, I like it" Callie said teasingly. 

~At the hotel~  

Callie, Austin, Christian and I were all strolling in the halls when we run into Callie's cousin,Emma, and her boyfriend Alex, which also happens to be Austin's best friend.So we all go down to the cafeteria, we were walking to a Subway they had just built. When Christian grabbed my hand and we fell a couple feet back behind the others. Chritian turned towards me,"So I know I have only known you for a day, but since I have technically known you for months now, I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend?" 

"Heck yea! I actually didn't think ou were going to ask me." I gave him a sad face 

"What? I have been thinking about it All day and this" he said smiling.

He stepped closer to me, to close in the space left between us. He was searching my eyes looking for a reaction, i was holding my breath waiting for him to make his move. he leaned his head and kissed me, i instantly reacted and kissed him back going almost into a full make-out cession until we jumped at the sound of the elevator. I blushed a deep red and he just smiled. he grabbed my hand and started leading me to where th others were.

"Come on lets go tell everyone our good news," I said with joy. So we walked into the cafeteria And everybody else had already ordered, but that's ok I'm not hungry anymore I'm to happy. So we went to sit down by everyone and told them why we were late. Everyone congratulated us, we all made plans for tomorrow afternoon why all the girls go shopping and the guys do guy stuff.So we all head up to our rooms, and everybody got a good night kiss from their boyfriend/girlfriend.I think everybody had a pretty awesome day. 

~Next day~ 

So Callie,Emma and I are all at the mall shopping for new outfits to wear on dates. We also got ou hair cut,highlighted, and curled, got our nails done and got some new shoes. We also hit some jewelry stores and got some necklaces,earrings, and bracelets. We call the guys and tell them we are done shopping and we have to get ready so to meet us at the hotel in an hour. We walk back to he hotel since its not a far walk, we got to the hotel and helped each other pick out the outfits and do each others makeup, have about 5 minutes to spare. So we decide to go ahead and go to the lobby and wait. We get there to see the guys already there so we go ahead and leave. 

"So where are we eating?" Emma asked. 

"That is a surprise"All the guys same in unison. 

"What?! Come on guys thats not fair!" I said pouting a little

Christian turned his full attention to me and said "Come on babe, don't be upset. It's just a surprise!"

So we walked outside and it turns out that the guys moms had called for a limo to take us out to a French restaurant called Sunset MarquisHotel and Villas in West Hollywood. We sat outside under the stars, it was beuatiful!!

Callie turned to Austin. "It's beautiful! Thank you guys soo much, I thought you would have taken us to some fast food restaurant and made us look goofy in our dresses! I can't believe you guys thought about this place.... how did you know it was here?" she asked curiously.

Austin smiled "What can i say? I have good recources."

Callie rolled her eyes at him "You asked your mom didn't you?"

Austin's smile dropped instantly "Really? You can't let me have one night that i say i did this with out my mom helping me!?" He said with a puty face.

Caliie hugged him "I'm sorry baby, i didn't know you wanted the credit tonight, please forgive me?" she said playfully pleading.

Austin kissed her forehead "It's fine, how can i not forgive you? they just smiled.

*After eating*

We found out that their parents had also had rented two rooms at their hotel, one for the guys and one for the girls. Our parents totally trust us, they know we wouldn't do anything they wouldn't approve of. So they went back to the hotel that our parents were at to get clothes and out bikini's and othe quality stuff a girl would need. So we headed back to the hotel and turns out they had a piano in one of the rooms, so Austin played on it and he had also brought his guitar and played some songs and sang. Basicly a mini concert for his friends, we had a blast. It was about 3 in the morning when Christian had the idea that we should sneak out and go swimming in the pool. So we head down to the pool and turns out the pool is open 24 hours. So we try to be quiet not to disturb anyone. Austin ends up throughing Callie and I in the pool and Alex and Emma were of to the side talking, and we all strted splashing them, until they jumped in.

"Hey babe come here?" I turn around to see Christian relaxing in the hot tub, so I got out of the pool and got in the hot tub.

"Yes?" i asked while going to sit beside him.

"I just wanted to do ask you something." he said smirking.

I probably had a confused look on my face, " Yea?"

"I was wondering if you had ever kissed anyone in at 3 '0clock in the morning?"

I blushed "No but i have a feeling i am about to"

He just nodded and leaned forward and we started kissing, eventuallly sometime later i realize we have gone into a full make-out cession and without breaking of the kiss i stand up and put my leg on the other side onf him and sit in his lap.

The California Surprise(austin mahone and christian beadles love story)Where stories live. Discover now