A/N sorry guys i've been studying for school and had writers block but im back!

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee,which is weird considering we dont hve a coffee brewer in our rooms. I rolled over on my stomach and looked at the clock on the night stand, it was almost 1 in the aftrenoon. I looked over at the other beds to see if the other girls were still in here, but the werent. I started replaying in my head everything that had happened yesterday, from the pool to our walk, and to the park. I smiled at the thought, I'm so glad me and Austin are dating now.

I got up and got dresssed, put on my make-up and went down stairs to find everyone. I went to the pool to see if anyone was there, of course i see Ali and Emma tanning. I know them to well to have predicted that they would be out here, but i dont see the guys anywhere. I walked over to them to ask where they were.

"Hey guys" Ali jumped at the sound of my voice I guess i should have told them i was here first, I didnt think I would scare them.

"Oh. Hey Callie, You get a good sleep?"

"Yea. Hey, where are the guys?"

"They went shopping with Austins mom. Can you believe it? I wouldnt be able to get Christian to go even if I was being seductive!" We all started laughing really hard. Oh Ali, you crack me up.

"Ok. Well I'm goin upstairs to put my bathing suit on be back in a few minutes."

"ok." they said in unision.

I decided to text Austin to see when they would be back,

~~Txt covco.~~

Me: Hey

Austin: Hey!

Me: What are yall doing?

Austin: shopping with my mom..

Me: Oh ok, do you know when you will be back?

Austin: why? miss me already? ;) We are leving now so we will probably be there in about 30 minutes

Me: Haha. very funny and ok! we will be by the pool

Austin: k! see ya

Me: Later babe

Austin: Bye angel

~~ End of convo.~~

I smiled at his last text, I went up stars to put on my swim suit. I had to choose between three different ones, since Austin would be back in half an hour I decided to wear my turquosie bikini I bought last weekend for the trip. On the way out I grabbed my Beats and my sunglasses. I was got out of the elevator when I saw alot of photographers in the lobby taking pictures of someone. I walked over to the desk, and asked the lady who it was.

" Sir, who are those people taking pictures of?" he looked at me like I was stupid. As if I should know who it is.

"Why it's Cody Simpson, I'm surprised you didnt know."I turned to look at the door shocked and sure enough there was Cody, Allie, and I'm guessing their parents.

"Oh ok...umm.. Bye!" I ran to  Ali and Emma, they arent going to believe this!

"Guys! Guess who is here!"

Emma and Ali looked at each other then back to me,


"Cody! Ali I thought you said he wasnt coming her for another two wekks?!" i asked trying to calm down.

Ali had a shocked look on her face, "Umm.. He wasnt, hmm.. lets go ask him."

"Wait, He doesnt know all of us yet, maybe we should just wait for Christian to get back and introduce all of us." Ali nodded as if she agreed

"Yea, thats probably a good idea, he might think we are a whole buch of wild fans."

So we layed out till they got back, we were startled when we heard someone whistle at us. We looked over expecting to see Austin, Alex, and Christian, but it wasnt. In came three guys, I have to admit pretty hot, they were leaning against they bar just a few feet away from us. They kept looking at us, they turned around and started talking, so we figured they were done staring at us when i heard someone sit next to me. I look over and its one of the three guy, he was very tan, had chrystal blue eyes, dark brown hair, he was really muscular not overly but just right and looked about our age maybe a little older.

"Hey, I'm Josh" He smiled at me and gosh was his smile like perfect.

"Hi, I'm Callie, this is Emma and thats Ali" 

"Nice to meet you Callie, Ali, and Emma. My friends and I were wondering if we could buy you pretty ladies a drink?" He winked at me and smiled at Emma and Ali, I turned and asked them what they thought we sgould do, we all agreed we were pretty thirsty and what the hell its free, so why not?

"Sure." We cautiously got up and followed Josh to the bar where the other where.

"Guys this is Callie, Ali and Emma," He said to the other guys while pointing to each one of us. "Ladies this is Matt," He pointed to a tall, well tanned, good lookin guy, with brown eyes and brown hair. "and this is Jake" He pointed to the guy on the opposite side of him, he was the same as the other excpet he had blonde hair, hazel eyes, and was a little shorter than the others, not very noticable though. Like i said earlier they are all muscular and have a six pack. They motioned for us to sit down beside them, I sat by Josh, Emma by Jake, and Ali by Matt.

After we had finished our drinks they asked if we wanted to swim so we said sure, we got in an after a few minutes, they guys started to get a little touchy. I didnt really think about it until Josh cornered me and grabbed my butt and pulled me up and leaned in to kiss me. Right as he did, I looked up and saw Austin standing there glaring at me and Josh. I started to say something but he just shook his head and stormed back inside. I turned back to Josh, I slapped him adn tried to push him off but he just pulled me closer to him, and wouldnt let me go. I screamed for Austin as loud as possible but he never came... he must be pissed. I saw Alex and christian walking towards the door to come outside. I screamed for them, and they looked around seeing who it was, I screamed even louder and Josh covered my mouth. It was to late though ALex and christian ran over to me and Alex grabbed me and Christian dove in and started throwing punches at the guy and Jake and Matt came over to help Josh. After I got out Alex went in to help Chrisitan and someone must have seen them fighting from inside cause the manager came in a broke up the fight. I ran over to Ali and Emma they gave me my towel I asked them if they knew where Austin was. Emma said he went to the room, so i ran inside. I will check on Alex and Christian later, I want to talk to Austin. I got to the elevator but it had a sign that sad 'Out of Order'. I ran to the stairs and went up to our floor as fast as possible, which would take a while since we are on the 7th floor. I got to the rooms after about 20-25 minutes.


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