7. A Skeeter in Green

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Note: Sorry for a late upload!  Things are a little too busy now in school, what with all the exams.  I hope to get the next chapter published earlier.  Thanks for reading!  Please take the time to comment/fan/vote!


Victoire's P.O.V

I shoved him away in shock.  I didn't look in his eyes, in fear of getting lost in them again.  "I'm sorry.  I should go." I mumbled before heaving myself out of the water and running for the towel.  I grabbed a white bathrobe that was hanging on a golden hook, and made a mental note to make sure to return in later.  I ran down the corridor, hoping to not run into a teacher or prefect, considering what state I was in. 

     When I finally rounded the corner to the seventh floor corridor, I stopped.  There was no prefect wandering the halls and Teddy hadn't followed me.  I realized, as I was panting, that I had just helped him cheat on that auburn-haired girl.  Had he meant to, or had he just been drawn into it like I had?  Did those winks actually mean something?  They couldn't have, and they shouldn't have either.

     I swallowed hard and barely managed to get the password out but The Fat Lady smiled sympathetically at me and let me through.  I guess it was a little too obvious that I was in distress.  Was I just overreacting?  I ignored the stares I received from the older students that were still sitting around.  Most were Teddy's friends, and were probably waiting for him, so they could congratulate him.  I could feel the burning glare of suspicion from the auburn-haired girl as I ran up the stairs.

     "I finished the Potion's essay!" Kyra beamed until she saw my expression, "Hey, what's wrong?"

     "I'll tell you tomorrow." I told her and fell back on my bed, still in the bathrobe.

     "Wow, way to leave your best friend waiting--"

     "Seriously Kyra."  That shut her up.

      Teddy's P.O.V

     "You know, you're about to be front-page news." Nicola frowned at the mess of hair on my head as she dragged her hand through it, attempting to pat it down.

     I swatted her hand away, "It's fine." I snapped.

     I didn't have time to be bothered by her now, I was still wondering what I did wrong yesterday with Victoire.  Even I was a little surprised when I went in for the kiss, and even more so when she kissed me back.  I wasn't sure just how I felt about Victoire.  I didn't know her well enough to love her, but I knew her well enough to flirt...and apparently well enough to kiss her.  She didn't look happy though, and that's what worried me.  If a girl would run out like that, then I must have done something wrong...Did I have bad breath?  All I know is that Victoire was beautiful, and caring, and easy to talk to...and a great kisser.  That would have to count for something.  I decided to catch her in the halls later.

     After having gotten away from Nicola, I pushed my way through the crowded Great Hall, to get to the little room.  I got countless congratulations and pats on the back.  I noticed Victoire staring at me and I tried a smile, but she adverted her gaze before catching it.  I had to admit, it kinda hurt my feelings.

     "Ah, there you are Mr. Lupin.  Just in time." McGonagall said and guided me into the room.  Gabriel was fixing his hair in a mirror hanging on the wall and Aamor was talking to a guy in blue that had a giant camera hanging from his neck.  There were several reporters there, all chatting loudly.  One stood out in particular.  She was wearing a silky, green dress and her overly-dramatic, blonde curls stayed close to her pointy face.  Her red lips were pouting as she was visibly thinking about something.  The layers of make-up didn't hide the fact that she was aging quickly.  I recognized her right away, by description of course.  I had heard my godfather Harry talking about an absurd article she had written a few years ago; he had advised me to stay away from her.

Victoire WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now