11. One Stupid Article

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Notice: Hello, it's me again!  Sorry, this upload is a little late, I've just been suffering from writer's block, so I'm not quite sure how well this chapter turned out.  Anyway, I'd like to point out that in the actual book, the Yule Ball is set on Christmas Day at 8:00, but you'll notice that I've set it to Christmas Eve instead.  Not a very big deal, I know, but just so you know that it isn't a mistake.  Now you may continue reading and sorry for the hold up, please vote/fan/comment.  I'd like to say thanks to those that have taken the time to do so until now!  I really do appreciate it!  And special thanks to aqua1509 for all the likes!


    Teddy's P.O.V

     Harry and my grandmother had left a little too early for my taste, but he had mentioned something about getting together after Christmas and after something called the Yule Ball.  I had asked him what he was talking about, but he had just dismissed it and told me I'd find out soon enough.  The Ball part was pretty obvious though.  I wasn't sure I liked where it was going.  Anyway, McGonagall had planned to give students a choice of whether or not to go home this year through the floo travel system, according to Harry, as long as it was from Christmas day to the following week on Sunday.

     The silvery orb I had retrieved was now sitting in my hand.  It was slightly larger than a snitch.  Some rune-like symbols stretched across the surface in the middle, going all the way around.  I had to open it somehow, to get a clue about what the next task would be.  It was slightly hard to concentrate though, someone had gotten a hold of a radio and was blasting the Weird Sisters here in the Common room.  No one tried turning it down exactly, more on the contrary.  Everyone, aside from a few were up and cheering.  Someone, an hour ago, had started the dancing trend awkwardly, but everyone had followed.

     I was sitting on the arm rest of the giant couch in front of the fireplace, with my foot resting on the arm chair closest to me.  I could spot Victoire sitting in a chair by the window, talking to Alroy while starring out at the people celebrating.  She was really beautiful...You could tell she was one eighth veela...

     The song ended and before the next could start, my friend Shane ran up to me, out of breath.  He grabbed my arm and pulled me up, "Beautiful ladies," He winked at a group of very cute girls beside us, "And fellow gentlemen, I say we have a drink now to honour that great performance by my man here, Teddy.  Not only did he kick that overgrown spider's ass, but he also came in first place!  That will show that stuck up Beauxbatons student--" His words were drowned out by the cheering and shouting from the other Gryffindor students, "And also, feel free to rub Gryffindor's victory in the other houses' faces.  We have bragging rights!" He raised his glass and gulped it down.

     The other students laughed before going back to whatever they were doing before Shane's 'masterful' speech.  "Good job, man, you earned me ten galleons for finishing first.  I bet David from Ravenclaw that you would win, he said no way and that Krum's son would, since they practice more dark arts or whatever." Shane said before slapping my back and hurrying off in the direction of the cute girls.  Shane would be Shane.  And damn that David, I'd show him when it was time to play Gryffindor against Ravenclaw in Quidditch.

     Before I had time to take a sip of the butterbeer someone had shoved in my hand, Nicola had my face in her hands and her lips against mine with intense force.  Those that had been watching let out, "Oooo," followed by wolf whistles.  I pushed her back and she smiled at me, satisfied.  I frowned at her.  I had broken up with Nicola for over a year ago, and yes, we have had a few hook ups since then but I had made sure she knew that they were only the friends-with-benefit kind of thing.  I knew Nicola still had a thing for me, which certainly helped me get into her pants a few times, but I expected her to actually back off when I told her so.  Yes, I could be a dick, but I have urges.  And at least I could admit that.  I knew that I couldn't reject her in front of all these people and completely humiliate her, that would only make me more of a dick and it would hurt Nicola.  I looked over at Victoire who was starring back with a blonde eyebrow raised, slightly shocked, but was waiting for me to do something.

Victoire WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now