We have it in an Essex Way.

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20th November, 2006.

Girls, yesterday was the best birthday ever! Thanks so much for the presents and for the party. I'm no longer the only 12 year old in this group of friends...FINALLY! Anyway, I'm not inspired tonight, so I'll keep the diary one more day, my friends! :) 

Thanks for everything once again. Something tells me it's always gonna be the 5 of us :) 


Brooke xx

17th April, 2008. 

GIRRLSSSSSSSS! I'm sooooo excited our mums let us go to the audition next week! Brooke, your mum is tough, it took my dad 2 hours on the phone to convinve her! Can you imagine? These five girls, best friends since...don't even remember haha WE'RE AUDITIONING TO RECORD AN ALBUM! But first of all, we still have to rehearse for Friday, don't forget we still play at Lucy's bar every other week! Oh, and by the way, thanks for the party yesterday, I feel old...Kirsten, you're next! Sometimes I wish I was Charlie or Brooke just to be a year younger hahaha Alright girls, Lucas is here. Wish me luck on my first date! 



A week later, on the audition...

"Wow, a band of five girls. We've only had boybands today. What's the name of the group?," the oldest man in the room asked us. 

"Essex Way," Haley answered. 

"Your names and age, please love," said the nice one, whose name we later learnt was Steven.

"I'm Haley Thomas ad I'm 16."

"My name's Kirsten Riley and I'm turning 16 this Saturday."

"I'm Maddie Johnson, and I'm also 16."

"I'm Charlie Davis and I'm 15."

"Charlie?," said the old man. 

"Well, Charlotte actually, but I don't really like it, so, yeah, Charlie, sir."

"Alright, and you love?," asked the only woman in the room, Holly. 

"I'm Brooke Holloway and I'm still 14," I answered. 

"Wow, don't you think you're a little bit young?"

"Well, I'll be 15 in November, so I'm not that young."

"Alright then. What are you going to sing?"

"We'd like to sing a song we wrote called..."

"Do you write your songs?," interrupted Steven. I'm still wondering why he was so surprised, isn't that what bands do, write their own songs? 

"Well, we play at a local bar every other week so we kind of write some of the songs we play. And actually it's always Brooke the one who comes up with the best ideas," Kirsten said, looking at the old man who didn't seem to like us very much, to be honest. I just blushed. 

"Ok, play one of your songs," said a man who I hadn't noticed before.

I took my guitar and we started to sing.

We have it in an Essex Way. (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now