Meeting him again.

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It's Friday. This means I'm having lunch with Mark and his family again. Now I'm not so sure this was a good idea. I'm shaking inside, and outside, no need to lie. I've looked myself in the mirror about a thousand times.  I can't stop thinking about what we'll talk about today. And I can't stop thinking about the conversation I had yesterday afternoon with my brothers and my mum when they came to see me.


"But why on Earth do you want to see him again?," Eric was so mad at me when he heard I was having lunch with Mark again.

"I just want to know what he wants! I really want to know why he came back..."

"Then maybe you should also ask why he did that interview," Corey was also angry, but he's much more relaxed than Eric and doesn't shout as often as my oldest brother and I do when we're mad at something.

"Or why he talks bullshit about us and Niall, without even knowing any of us anymore after all thses years."

"Or why his new wife lies about our mum..."

"Boys, stop please, it's your sister you're talking to," my mum told them.

"Mum, it's our sister, and you know we love her no matter what, but we're just trying to prevent her!," Eric said, as my mum looked at me, half upset, half worried.

"Sweetie, you know that. You know we're here no matter what happens. But you need to know Mark can't have good intentions. He just can't. If he did, he would've come to you first instead of doing that interview. He wouldn't have said those horrible things about Niall, because he doesn't know him. You need to know he's not a good man."

"She already knows that mum, he left us, remember?," Corey said.

"I know he left us. I know he left our mum with 4 children to take care of, and I know we all suffered because of that, you don't need to explain it to me."

"Then why do you do this? Just tell us, so we can understand you Brooke," Eric told me.

"I..I just don't know, but I feel like I need to do this. I ran away from him the other day when he started with all the bullshit about the people I love, and I'm not letting him do that again. I won't run away this time," Eric smiled at me and hugged me, and that when our little brother Kevin came into the room, followed by the girls.

"Kevin, c'mon your brothers and your mum are talking to Brooke, leave them alone! We're encharged of you!," Charlie said.

"I know I know, I just want to ask something. Brooke, where's Niall? He told me we'd go to see a football match soon and I haven't heard a single word from him!," I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"Well... I guess he's busy and..."

"The season hasn't even started yet mate!," Corey shouted at him, and I mouthed my brother a 'thank you'.

End of Flashback

Now I'm on my way to the restaurant where I'm meeting the Collins family. The new Collins family, if you take into account my surname was Collins once. Not for a long time though. 'Holloway sounds better', as Eric would say. And Niall, he said that once too. While I jumped out of the taxi I heard my phone beeped, it was Twitter. And I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. Niall retweeted something I'd posted.

Brooke Holloway just can't get enough of Colbie Caillat's 'Never Told You'. Amazing lyrics everyone can relate to at some point

I had been listening to that song ever since I last talked to him. Maybe I should call him after everything is over. I really do miss him. A few seconds later I found myself inside the restaurant looking for my table.

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