Getting to know Essex Way.

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"Are you nervous girls?," Steven asked us. 

"No way! Why should we? It's not like we released our first single last week and we were number 1, or that we have our first interview today, or that my birthday is in a week, or that our album is out in 2 weeks... Steven, I don't think there's any reason why we should be nervous," I answered, trying to calm myself down while everyone else laughed at me. 

"Don't worry Brooke, you'll all be great, I'll be right there behind the cameras. Plus, I don't think they'll ask you anything really serious, just random questions," said Steven, although I could tell he was also shaking inside. He was only 28, and we were the first band he managed on his own, with some help from Darren, but he was always first. 

"Do I have to remind you I hate random questions? I never know what to say!," Haley said. 

"Then just smile. Or you could also say you slapped your boyfriend's face when you first met, I'm sure they're dying to know our darkest secrets," Maddie said, and we all laughed remembering that day. 

"That was when I was 10! I guess I'll leave you the random questions..."

"Girls, c'mon, you're out in 5 minutes!"

At the interview 

"First of all, congratulations for your number one! Louder has been a success both in the UK and Ireland!," said Chris, the interviewer. 

"Thank you so much!," we all answered. 

And after that and many questions about the recording, the album release, the fact of moving in together, away from our parents, he started to make normal questions for teenagers.

"So girls, may I ask you, does any of you have a boyfriend?" 

"Just me." 

"Wow Haley, and what's it like? I mean, he's still leaving in Essex and you've moved to London and have been busy with all the album and stuff, and soon you'll be even busier!"

"Well yes, we've been together for a while, and we've been very close friends for years, and he understands. He's come to London quite a few times, and we call each other everyday. I know it's gonna be hard, but we'll try our best," Haley explained, always with a smile on her face. God, they really love each other. 

"Alright then. So guys, you still have a chance with the other four! Let's make another question... Oh yes, I like this one. Who is your celebrity crush?"

"Mmmm I must say... Leonardo DiCaprio...or Johnny Depp...or...," Kirsten said, or tried at least. 

"Just say one Kirs! Mine is George Clooney, definitely!," said a maybe over-excited Maddie. 

"My celebrity crush is probably Ben Affleck, though I'm not sure...I would've thought about it if I knew you were gonna ask about that!," Charlie said, laughing. 

"I don't really know who my celebrity crush is...," I answered. 

"How come you don't know? Don't you remember certain bassist from a certain band who happens to be one of your favourites?," Charlie said, always teasing me. I didn't really wanted to say it, just in case he heard, or in case we met someday. But anyway, that's not gonna happen. 

"Well yes, I really like Dougie Poynter from McFly," I finally said, blushing. Seriously, my face was as red as a tomato. 

"You really like??? Brooke, you have a crush on him!," Maddie screamed. At this point in the interview, the girls were all laughing at me, along with Chris. 

"Well girls, stop teasing her! And tell me Brooke, have you met the guys?" 

"Mmmm no, not yet, but I'm really looking forward to it. I've been to concerts of all of their albums and their live shows are great, the girls can also tell that." 

-"Yes, that's true, she dragged us to all of their concerts and they're really good," Charlie said. "Dragged us". Dammit. It was her idea to give me the tickets for my birthday! 

"Well girls, it's been really nice meeting you. Good luck with the album, and I hope to see you soon around here again!

"Thank you for having us Chris!," Maddie said.

After the interview 

"Girls, the interview was great. Brooke, I can arrange some meeting with McFly if you want me to hahaha," said Steven. 

"So funny Stev, so funny. See you tomorrow at rehearsals! "

"Good night girls!"

And with that he left us in our big house in London. Man, it was huge. Well, not as big as a mansion, but enough for 5 teenage girls.

"Oh no, tomorrow our first class is Maths. "

"Kirsten, stop complaining, at least we don't have Mrs Ellis anymore. That woman was the most boring human being I have ever met," Maddie stated. 

"Yeah, don't complain, Brooke and I have Chemistry. At least Paul is a cool teacher," Charlie said. "By the way Brooke, did you really forget your celebrity crush was Dougie Poynter?" 

"Would you ever stop teasing me about that?" 

"You love me."

"Yes, in the bottom of my bottomless heart. Goodnight girls!," I said, and although Charlie was teasing me, I found it quite funny.

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