Reacting (ahhh shoot...)

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Dare: Watch Don't go (in my (her) recent America cannon) what is everyone's reaction?

Everybody: *watches video*

Me: *leaves room and cries*

Brunei: *does the same thing and sneezes*

Malaysia: *curls up into a ball and cries*

Philippines: Am not crying.. your crying!!

Indonesia: *was sleeping the whole time* Huh, what?

Thailand: poor England....

Vietnam: And America :((

Laos: DON'T GO AWAY!!! *falls down*

Singapore: uhh... who you telling that too?

Me: Wait was this the Revolution?

Singapore: *nods*

Me: *thinking about Hamilton*

Thailand: Just.. why?

Vietnam: *shrugs*

Cambodia: *thinking about something* so.... oh... wait.. oh yeah, I was right... mhm...

Myanmar: wha?

Cambodia: what? Just thinking... *leaves room to cry in bathroom*

Myanmar: well.. i noticed a pattern because am smart~

Cambodia: *he's still in the other room* NO YOUR NOT!!

Myanmar: First England went away, then America went away, Then England is all Baka Baka. With him like, Vietnam to Thailand!

Vietnam: Wha? No am not! BAKA!!

Thailand: PFT

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