Chapter Eleven: Song Writing

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"Yes... your room is very... very... well, wonderful. I've seen so many pictures online of it but I could've never imagined it this beautiful looking in person." He complimented. "May I sit?" he asked, gesturing to a rainbow beanbag on the floor.

"Yeah sure! Go right ahead!" he said as he pulled up the other beanbag to sit beside him and smiled, looking over at him.

"So, what will we be doing in here, Alfred?" he asked him curiously, looking over at him as he sat down in the beanbag, sinking into it, attempting to get himself comfortable.

Alfred beamed. "I'm so glad you asked! We're gonna start doing some songwriting, okay?" he suggested, then getting up as he rushed over to his desk, where his MacBook Pro and two small notebooks sat on his desk, one with the American flag, the other with the Union Jack. He grabbed the two notebooks, along with two standard pencils, and went back over, plopping down into the beanbag. "Here!" he said as he then handed the Union Jack notebook and the pencil to him.

"Song write?" Arthur paused and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, um... I've never really done that before... I don't even know what kind of song we will be writing, either way, the lyrics I'll probably end up writing will be depressing and boring, and overall not good.. I think it would be better if you did it. You're the one with the creative flow, unlike me..." he stopped.

Alfred then cut him off. "Shh.. That's not true. Just write anything! The only rule is that you cannot erase anything." He stated.

"But what if it's bad..." he said weakly.

"Anything!" he repeated confidently. "I have faith you'll do well. Don't you worry, Arthur." He encouraged, then opening up his notebook, revealing hundreds upon hundreds of lyrics scrambled across the pages. Some of which were recognizable to Arthur.

"This is one from the song 'Beauty', right?" Arthur asked, pointing to the lyric that read: 'No one is perfect, not as perfect as you, oh, oh.'

"Yup! You've got quite the eye!" Alfred said. "Anyways, enough talk... More write!" he said, then turning to a new page, already beginning to scramble down lyrics and phrases, trying to see what could work and what couldn't. Arthur had watched him write for a little while, mesmerized by how quickly he had come up with these lyrics. Alfred then stopped, feeling Arthur watch him as he then eyed him.

"Are you stuck?" Alfred asked, setting his pencil down.

"Oh, no, no... I'm quite alright." He laughed nervously as he then looked down at his paper. He thought long and hard about lyrics, but soon just ended up jotting down little love notes to Alfred, of course keeping it anonymous and not mentioning Alfred's name, or ever referencing him. His face went a little red writing them, he giggled to himself softly. Alfred saw him and glanced down at his paper.

"Are those about someone?" He asked curiously, tapping the end of his pencil on the sheet of paper.

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